It’s a special day for the Cambridge Food Pantry requests for humans and animals. The two healthiest breakfasts requested are Oat Bran and Life cereal (see below).
(Above, three remarkable women unpacking the boxes you and the food bank sent: Lori, Barbara, Maria.)
Thanks for all you do for the Food Pantry. Sarah showed me the shelves filled because of you, which stirred the heart and soul.
Above: Yesterday’s Amazon Delivery. The Army of Good keeps on giving and giving. Thank you so much.
My research shows that oat bran has 50% more fiber than oatmeal. Fiber decreases blood pressure and bad cholesterol, manages blood sugar, and aids digestive health.
More research: Life cereal is an excellent option for the entire family because it is high in nutrition, low in sugar, and contains good fiber and protein.
The special request for the day is dog and cat food (below) for the new dog and cat shelter. We are out of both, and the family dogs need support and a permanent place on a pantry shelf. This is a very popular item for the families and the Army of Good, a nest of animal lovers.
Sarah is seeking help with two of the healthiest breakfasts the kids need badly:
Life Breakfast Cereal, Original, 13 Oz Boxes (3 Pack), $11.97.
Thanks for sending these messages through Amazon. They are a but and affirming gift among the pantry volunteers.
SPECIAL Requests: Dog And Cat Foor the new animal shelf:
The newest trend in the Army of Good Pantry Support is people browsing the Amazon Pantry Support Wish List and making their own choices—often in a large box or two. This is great fun for me, wonderful for the pantry, and feels good in times of stress and confusion. We thank you.
I hope you feel good about yourselves; you are angels to me and others.
Look at what we have sent in the past few days, a partial list (about half):
Thanks for your messages to the volunteers; they love them.
The Amazon drivers love the food pantry; the workers know them all by name. “They’re like family,” said one volunteer. We love them so much.”These boxes arrived yesterday.