Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

22 January

Bargains! Sarah’s Items For Today, The Cambridge Food Pantry, Lemonade ($3.19And Tomato Soup, ($0.79 That’s $5 For Both.

by Jon Katz

Sarah is seeking two extremely inexpensive but in great demand (the pantry has none for its service) items, today asking for help in getting two very inexpensive things from the Pantry Amazon Wish List:

Amazon Fresh Condensed Tomato Soup, 10.75 Oz. $0.79.

Fresh Lemonade from Concentrate, 64 Fl. Oz, $3,19

(Agove, thanks for the cereal you sent last week for the backpackers.)

Thanks for helping get some warm meals in this week. The pantry backpack kids thank you—150 of them receive weekend support from the pantry and now from you. The temperature went below zero this morning, and the family pantry members are struggling with fuel, pipes, cars, and driving. Any help would be appreciated. For less than $4, you can help a family.


Please message the cold, tired, and hard-working volunteers at the Cambridge Food Pantry and thank them for their support. They appreciate you, and you understand them; that’s how it should work. They are grateful for your messages.

Reminder: you can access the Cambridge Amazon Food Pantry Wish List at any time by linking from here or the green pantry button at the bottom of every blog post

21 January

Flower Art. Rejected Again, Flower Photographers Will Never Get Into The New And More Masculine World. Come Hide With Me

by Jon Katz

It is the challenge of old age to ask questions and make sense of the answers I have ignored so that others can make sense of their lives.  I am no guru, and I accept that I am increasingly invisible to most people in this society. They can stop seeing me, but I won’t stop listening, speaking, and thinking.

The older members of society teach us how to live, but they also teach us how to die, to cross the mysterious bridge between life and death. Sometimes, it scares me, but most of the time, it teaches me, to learn how to live without fearing death. I don’t want to be a stricter man; I want to be a better human.






21 January

The Sudden Rise And Urgency Of Spirituality. Turning Inward. Finding Peace And Beauty. Skipping The More Masculine World

by Jon Katz

Even in decline,” the Tibetan master Sakya Pandita said, “the virtuous increase the beauty of their behavior. A burning stick, though turned to the ground, has its flame drawn upwards.”

I felt this yesterday, Monday, after skipping the news from Washington as message after message came. There is nothing there for me.

Like this message: Thank you for the lovely photos of your day…… Your flowers, as always, lift my spirits. I was neither anxious nor confused today……. I spent my day not watching or listening to the news or everyone else’s sorrows and laments…….but reflecting on and embracing my life challenges…..and filling my day with the most positive things I could.

Or this one from Maggie: Thank you so much, Jon. I did not watch today’s news, either. Instead, I exercised and read. It felt great.

For now, I’m not interested in following politics; I’m a rich man in my own life.

I’m searching for meaning, kindness, empathy, and hope, not power. I can’t find them in the places they call news; all I feel is anger, vengeance, and grievance. The entire system is corrupted by greed, cowardice, and rage. It’s time to seek alternatives instead of succumbing to anger and hatred. I can’t make it as a more muscular man.  I’d get my butt kicked.

They’ve caused enough damage.

I’m seeking a place where truth and kindness still live and thrive. Where honesty and empathy still matter. Where lying is a bad thing, if I can’t find it out there, I’ll find it here, where it still lives and was often hiding.

I need a spiritual path, and I’m on one.  I’ve got to find what I want within me. Even the giant and bloated religions have nothing much to say about us. So I’m on the path; it is my faith and salvation.

The answer is inward, not outward.


God is in Barbara, who never stops caring for those everyone else forgets.

Until recently, spirituality was widely seen as a way of getting closer to God. Then, people like me became interested; I do not believe in a narrow and clearly defined God. I can’t embrace dogma.

Spirituality is about finding the God in me and discarding many of my worst traits.

To borrow a cliche, I am taking charge of my well-being. Spirituality is a broad concept that asks me to connect with something greater than myself and find meaning and purpose in life. It can be expressed in many ways, including meditation, prayer, empathy, help for the struggling, and being in nature. 

 I’m trying all of them and loving what I find.

I’ve received many messages this week telling me that people like me are turning inward and away from the awful din and chaos of mislabeled politics or the news. It’s good news to me, Maria and I are there.

I was not alone in saying I skipped the frigid and pompous ceremony they called an inauguration. It was mostly, it seemed to me, a gross new kind of cultural masturbation. It had nothing to do with me or with the people at large. I could smell the sweat from Washington. The more aggressive men were having a party. They wouldn’t let me in the door, bless them.

I have never loved myself as much as those self-adoring people on the news do. I am grateful for that because when I feel low, I know I have work to do to be happier and better and to search for peace and meaning.

That is my spiritual mission: I have a right to be happy and to do good. None of them looked pleased to me.

Yesterday, like Susan, I read, wrote, took some flower photos, meditated, and made my appreciation count. I felt good, not angry or full of resentment.  I do this whenever the outside world brings me down, frightens me, or causes me to drift back into anxiety and hopelessness. I just don’t let that happen. The man was honest about his plans, and people wanted him to carry them out. And he is.

It has little or nothing to do with me; I will not let politics ruin my life or soil my soul with anger or fear, or crap on my values. Other people have different feelings; they will live with theirs, and I will live with mine.

When I get upset, I go right to my gratitude list, which I have memorized and written on paper. I carry it in my wallet at all times in case I forget. It works for me every time. I live in a world of love, caring, and honesty. That’s all I can do; it’s all I will do. No red or blue person will take that from me.

My Gratitude List: Maria, my daughter Emma, My Farm, My Blog, My Photography, Our Dogs, Our Animals, our work, our creativity, our love of our lives and pride in our commitment to good, the Cambridge Food Pantry, my remarkable new cat, the wonderful people who read my work, the nature all around me, the ability to love and the worth to be loved.

And I will never forget my flowers and cameras; they have changed my life, opened me up, brought out my art, and lifted my soul.

How can I be discouraged or depressed when I have all that to celebrate when I sink or when I allow the outside world to defecate all over me and people with pure hearts and souls?

Many others are turning to a spiritual path, not one of greed, hatred, power, and domination.

Mark Zuckerberg has muscled up and joined Mr. Musk, the new (old) President, and a growing Army of Oligarchs in calling for a more masculine world.

If I weren’t crying, I’d laugh. The more masculine world is tearing our country apart and burning down the world. I grew up with young men like him. It was sad to see him crawling like that, and yes, I like his hair.

Yet, I also feel something different happening, a hope and promise. A call and yearning for a spiritual, empathic, and feminine world is coming. I see it in my messages, the books I read, and the painful feelings I get when I look outward instead of inward. It’s right there.

It’s coming; I can feel it.  Ironically, those tough men will bring it on. There are no simple answers for people like me or those who message me thoughtfully and in increasing numbers. But there is a path to something better.

Women and now and then men repeatedly tell me that they are looking down for happiness, into themselves, into the meaning of finding themselves, looking for ways to feel good and do good.

Faith is not a topic, a course, a building, a church, a synagogue, a mosque,  a book, or a testament. Susan spent the day looking for God. I sense she may have found them. Faith, like suffering, is a choice, not an obligation or weapon.

It is the process of becoming, finding our God, whatever or wherever they are, and making sense of the questions and answers we have struggled with all our lives. I’m near the completion of the life journey that will end us all. My answer is to end my life honestly and openly and do the best I can to make living easier and better for people less fortunate than me. I will add that to my appreciation list.


21 January

Arctic Cold Alert: For The Children’s Pantry Back Pack Program, Cheese Ravioli And Granola Bars. We Need Both Urgently

by Jon Katz

Sarah is asking for support for the 150 children in the Pantry’s Backpack program who need food and energy over the weekend when the school food programs aren’t functioning. There are many backpacks to stuff and store, so I hope we can help get these items to the pantry in time for the backpacks to be assembled on Thursday.

We got them a load of chicken soap yesterday (thank you). The remaining urgent needs for them and the backpack program (the food banks can’t help) are cheese ravioli and granola bars. These two items will significantly strengthen the children this coming frigid weekend and improve their hope and morale.

During the pandemic, federal and state governments significantly extended financial support to food pantries, but those supports are now plunging, and the pantries are struggling more than ever.

Despite all the difficulties, I love watching Sarah grow and become sensitive to the Cambridge Food Pantry.

She always asks how to improve the pantry and be more respectful of the members. She is always looking for healthier, handier, and relevant items.  She always listens to what they need, not just what others choose. Thanks, and we always support her.

Today, I have photos of the new pet dog and kitchen utility shelf, both purchased with the help of the Army of Good. The pantry banks, the Cambridge pantry, and the people in hunger distress can’t afford to buy these things. You have helped transform the food pantry in many ways, helping needy people.

Below is what the children need for the backpack program – 150 children need weekend food.

Chef  Boyardee Cheese Ravioli In Tomato Sauce, 15.0z, 12 Pack, $12.00.

Quake-Chewy Granola Bars, 3 Flavor Assortment, 60 count, 50.70 oz, 0.84 ounce, Pack of 60,$9.99.


(Above, new pet shelf.)

Please consider sending messages of appreciation to the very hard-working volunteers (like Alexis and Kyle) at the Cambridge Food Pantry. You can do this on the Amazon checkout page alongside any Amazon donation. It means a lot to them.

Reminder: you can access the Cambridge Amazon Food Pantry at any time by linking from here or the green pantry button at the bottom of every blog post


The new kitchen utensil shelf is much needed and much appreciated.

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