Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

6 August

Meditation And Feeling. I Look And Close My Eyes. What Did I See? Flower Art, Tuesday, August 6,2024

by Jon Katz

To create in one’s world in any of the arts takes courage.” – Georgia O’Keeffe.


I’m almost better; I had a bumpy night and morning. I did go outside for a bit, and now I’m coming in to rest. I look forward to seeing you in the morning. These photos were especially healing for me. I looked at them and closed my eyes to see if what I saw was what the camera was seeing. The answer was yes. Tomorrow morning, my Zoom meeting with blog readers, now blog friends.






I came outside briefly after I was feeling better. Zip was waiting for me, annoyed perhaps, that I was late for our daily 4 p.m. appointment. I explained I was sick, but he didn’t really seem to care. He’s not a dog.

6 August

Sick Day For Me; A Few Thoughts On Tim Walz

by Jon Katz

Note: I’m sick today and will be in bed for much of the day. I’ll try to get some flower art photos up today; they are essential to some people and vital to me. Zinnia is doing her very faithful companion dog thing and is locked to the bottom of my chair. Bless her sweet soul; she won’t move a muscle. In the meantime…


Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is off to a strong start despite endless assaults on her race, competence, and decency. She’s already been called a bum, a Marxist extremist, stupid, and a fake African-American.

She has sent her opponent out of the earth to outer space, shouting at his rabid and suddenly desperate followers, turning the stomachs of almost everyone else.

He’ll never survive being taunted by a strong woman who laughs at him. His near hysterical melt down with the black journalists is a preview of the weeks to come.

With the addition of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, we now have two people on the same ticket we, along with the rest of the country, are curious to know better—two people who project niceness.

This week, they are traveling together all over the country.

We’ll get a good look.

I see two incredibly likable and cheerful candidates on the same ticket for the first time. That usually is the difference.

Neither one of these people takes themselves as seriously as Mr. Trump. I like that. I know better than ever to take myself seriously.

Trump seems to have lost it after Joe Biden’s retreat; he’s like a fire hydrant spouting out of control while the fire trucks chase after him, in his case with insult and pure hatred. I don’t find him frightening as much as depressing.

He is a sad man. He had it in the bag but is blowing it again. He must be nicer than he seems, but he can’t show it. Governor Walz is an astonishing counterpoint to JD Vance. They could hardly be more different.

Trump’s Vice President candidate’s latest burst of strangeness is blurbing a new book that suggests progressives are subhuman. It just gets worse or better, depending on how you look at it.

Vince will become a hero to the broken people of the country but everybody else he’s already a disaster. Walz will do better.

Vance makes Trump look like Mahatma Gandhi, which might be the point. I can’t stop laughing at the cat lady thing or the suggestion that people without children are, by definition, sociopaths.

(I hope Kamala Harris remembers that if she ever gets to debate Trump, ask him to define what a “radical Marxist” is. There is no way that he knows or could memorize it.)

I’m curious to know more about Tim Walz.

When I covered politics, I came to believe that one of the most essential qualities of any politician is being likable. Lots of people already seem to love Kamala (and Trump, too, to be honest.)

When I went on my annual book tour, I was always sent to the Midwest, a country region. I liked those visits.

I found it to be very different from the East or West Coasts. Life goes on at a slower pace; the streets are broader and quieter, and the people seem kinder and more polite to me. They had strong values.

When I see Governor Walz, who was born and raised in Nebraska and has a storybook Middle American resume – military, football coach, teacher, popular governor, I see someone who is almost instantly likable.

He looks like a nice guy who cares about people. He has softened the whole affair.

As Trump will learn, people like that are almost bulletproof politically. It’s hard to smear a beloved teacher and football coach – he won a state championship.

You can’t look at that cheerful, kind Midwestern face and buy the idea that he is both a radical Marxist and is subhuman.

I had time to sniff about him this morning since I can’t go out or get dressed. I’m looking forward to the week, and I haven’t said that about politics in some years.

Thanks once more to Maria for taking such good care of me and to Zinnia, the sweetest and most faithful creature on earth.

6 August

Pantry Support, Tuesday August 6. Sarah Is Asking for Pineapple Chunks, $3.19 And Canned Ham, $22.95 For 12 Families.

by Jon Katz

Thanks for all of the wonderful support you’ve given the Cambridge Food Pantry in the last week. Sarah keeps calling your work and generosity  “amazing,”  I can’t do much better than that.

Today, we have two items on our list. One is a 20-ounce pack of Pineapple Chunks for $3.19, and the other is a more expensive Canned Ham for $22.95.

Canned ham is important because it offers families a food option other than the usual chicken or tuna, providing them with a more diverse and balanced diet.

That gets pretty monotonous, especially for the children.

Sarah says the canned ham is very popular, and the $22.95 package will support 12 families, which is a lot of people. It’s a healthy kind of surprise.

She is extremely mindful of the price of things, and she also knows better than anyone what these struggling families want and need. I’m in for Canned Ham; each package of 12 goes a long way.

Pineapple Chunks, 20 Ounce, $3.19.

Canned Ham, Smoked, 5 Oz (Pack of 12)m $22.95.

There are ten items on the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish List, all of which are urgent. The list is available 24/7, day or night. Just go to the list here or click on the greet button at the bottom of every blog post. And thanks, as always.

You really are amazing, and you are doing much good. And you are very much appreciated.


5 August

Flower Art, Monday August 5, 2024. Severe Storms Coming, Some Flowers Will Give Light. Why O’Keeffe Hated Flowers…

by Jon Katz

I hate flowers – I paint them because they’re cheaper than models and they don’t move. ” – Georgia O’Keeffe.

We have a severe thunderstorm watch and warnings for the next few hours; I’m getting offline and helping to get the farm ready. We might or might not lose power. Weather has been taking a significant role in our lives every day now, as it has for days, while our leaders fight and hold meetings.

Mara got a new beautiful leaf/flower named “Heart Of Jesus,” and I was mesmerized while photographing it with my other flowers. I was told it’s a leaf, not a flower, but you could have fooled me.

These pictures are special to me.

I got to go. Enjoy the photos, see you in the morning.








5 August

New Winter Home For Zip: (Tip: It’s Not The Farmhouse). He’s Living The Life.

by Jon Katz

When we got Zip, we knew he had always lived outdoors and that, like many Barn Cats, he developed a thick coat in the winter. He was comfortable living outside in the barn, which would be his home, sleeping place, and haven.

We talked to many Barn Cat people, some vets, and some experts on Barn Cats who had good ideas (sadly, no one in the Animal Rights movement).

Our two other barn cats, Flo and Minnie, also insisted on being outside year-round.

We got a heated cat house and put it in the basement as they got older. They still preferred to be outside, but as they got frail, we insisted. Both chose to die outside. Although we have moved the cat house to the porch, Flo died there. Minnie died under the front porch.

The cat people had some interesting and valuable ideas for us.

The animal rights people had none; their only idea was to call the police  (and send adolescent name-calling and death threats) and try to get me arrested for not letting him (they never blamed Maria; she’s nicer than me) sleep in the house in cold weather.

And then take him away from us. This inane argument went on for weeks; shame on me. Too many people on social media need to find gainful employment, and their work mainly involves other people’s business.

This didn’t strike me as good or thoughtful advice.

Even though the cat house was certified safe by an electrician and the fire department, I prefer to have as few electric things in the barn as possible (we have a line to the water tank for warmth). Every plug is connected to a breaker, which will shut down instantly if a line is damaged or warming too much, blocking lightning or outside fires.

We thought the best one was the one a farmer discovered, and cat lovers in the country with barns or outdoor cats have embraced. Nobody knows more about Barn Cats than farmers, and many offered to help and did.

We realized this was the warmest and safest option: to get a Styrofoam cooler, cut a small opening in the front, and put it in the barn in a quiet corner. Styrofoam is an insulator; it keeps the cooler warm in winter (and ice cold in the summer), especially if it has a warm animal body from which to draw heat.

Hay and straw often capture and generate heat.

The zip will be in the barn, on a shelf, or in some quiet corner. Like many barn cats, Zip hunts rats and mice in the rain or bitter cold.

Straw will also add warmth and absorb moisture if Zip gets wet, which he often does.

We heard stories of Barn cats loving to sleep in styrofoam coolers, especially if we put the straw in the bottom and kept refreshing it.

It stays warm even in the bitterest cold, although there are no signs that that bothers Zip. I only saw Zip in the cat house once.

So, in the next few weeks, we’ll cut an opening, stuff it with hay, put some treats and food in, and Zip will have a warm and dry place to go at night in the winter.

I’m sincerely sad to write this negatively about the animal rights movement; I get no pleasure in it; animals suffer for it. They’ve gone the way of the other zealots who are chewing up our democracy.

My work with the New York Carriage Horses and my experience with Zip and some other animals and farmers has removed any credibility for me with an organization that is supposed to be helping keep animals in the world, not harassing their owners and leading more and more domesticated animals to obscurity and often, to death.

I was shocked by their lies.

Animals deserve better than this extremist and too often greedy and dishonest movement.

In my dealings with them, they lie frequently and seem to know nothing about animals other than to hate the people who love and work with them.

Gullible animal lovers send them truckloads of money. There is little or no evidence that they do anything to protect animal rights.

While countless millions of animals—cows, rabbits, chickens—live in horrific animal concentration camps run by giant corporations all over the country, no one in the movement seems to notice for all the money they have.

I soon learned that the New York carriage horses are the luckiest in the world. Zip is doing well for an abandoned outdoor cat himself.

He’s living the life.

In any case, Zip will get an excellent new home in the winter, as he did last winter.  We spent much time ensuring he was happy, healthy, and warm.

I’ve noticed he sleeps in short chunks. He loves to explore and hunt.

He can come and go as he pleases and always has a space to be warm.

He will be a Barn Cat, not a fur baby. I’m lucky to have a cat like that and honored to give him a good life; Maria could not agree more.




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