Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

8 August

Birthday Morning, Bedlam Farm. Heading Out.

by Jon Katz

I’m off to see an eye doctor about a cataract surgery. It’s my birthday, and the Mafia is threatening to take me out to lunch or dinner to celebrate my birthday if my dilated eyes can see enough to eat the food. She’s enticing me into the birthday spirit; I was grumpy about it. I’m not sure I want to dwell on being 77, but I accept it and am ready to love along. See you later. Above photo, Maria checking Fannie’s hoof to be sure. Looks good. The last bandage came off.

Zip, the reigning King of the farm.


Kim, staying calm.


Isher and Ashicar are friends, maybe twins. They act like brothers.

8 August

My Birthday Gift: Once We Were Strangers, Then One Day, We Became A Family. I’m Not Sure How It Happened, But Thank You. It’s A Wonderful Gift.

by Jon Katz

I don’t have a date for when it happened—recently, I think—when we stopped being strangers far apart and became a new kind of family, but a valuable and loving one. We didn’t need to be together to stay in touch.

It had something to do with Mr. Trump, the Army of Good, and the bitter divisions that keep chewing up our country.  I needed some good to be grounded.

Maybe the flowers had something to do with it: my spiritual turn, therapy, or great fortune in loving Maria and learning that she loved me. That opened me up like a can of tuna fish. So, I have wonderful friends on my weekly Readers Blog. I was looking for humanity on the Internet. It was there all the time.

Maybe that was it, finally learning to love and attract other people who wanted more family in their lives also. I bitched and moaned for years about the cruel and nasty messages I got, but the odd thing is that I’m hardly ever getting them anymore. They were a gift; they taught me to shed anger as a part of my life and my past. It was doing me no good.

Either they changed, or I changed, or I learned that my anger was not my friend, and I had to deal with that before I could have any family. The trolls have fled; there is nothing for them to see.

I hardly know any people who read my blog; they are scattered everywhere, which is lovely for a blog or blogger who makes a living mostly on his blog. My transition from book publishing to self-publishing has been successful, and it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

I don’t know what drew me to the blog. Perhaps it was the idea of connecting with good people. As some of you might remember, I was pretty alone and lonely. I’m not anymore. Maria was one huge stop; the blog was another. My photography is yet another, as are my dogs and cat.

I am receiving enormous affirmations, thoughts, support, understanding, and helpful criticism, all of which have helped me heal, mature, learn, and change.

My Hero Journey never seems to end, which tells me what a mess I was and am.  Many of you are Magical Helpers. Joseph Campbell wrote about what people encounter on their Hero Journeys.

You have all helped me heal, learn who I was, and open many doors in my life. Thank you, Army of Good;  you keep hope alive. And thanks to everyone else; you help keep me alive and learning. My flowers are one way to thank you; they are all for you, and you will never have to pay.

On my 77th  birthday, I realize now what it took me a long time to see…I understand that I got one of the best birthday presents is right right here; I got it without getting off of my butt.


Poor things, you are stuck with me. You are my family now.

Thanks. You are more welcome here than you can imagine.

8 August

Zip The Barn Cat. The Many Zips. Maria’s Birthday Bouquet

by Jon Katz

I was heading out to the pasture and walking by the Apple Tree when Zip appeared from far up the tree and locked onto something across the yard. There is an affectionate Zip, a playful Zip, an explorer Zip, a curious Zip, and a Hunter Zip. I think this was the last one.

I ‘m off to the food pantry, then to an eye doctor, and if my eyes are blinded with drops, Maria wants to take me out for a Birthday meal. I don’t need to see to eat. I’ll know today if I’m going to get cataract surgery. Maria brought me a bouquet of Naked Ladies for a birthday present. Got some nice photos for Flower Art tonight.

As a birthday gift, Maria went to the back pasture to cut me some naked ladies for my flower pictures. It’s a perfect gift. I’m a lucky person.

8 August

Birthday Celebration: Pantry Support, Sarah’s Request: Black Beans, $1.39, Cranberry Juice, $2.86, Thursday August 8th.

by Jon Katz

Sarah has asked for two healthiest foods for the pantry patrons, and neither is over $3.

She is asking for black beans, a staple that the pantry is currently out of, and Cranberry Juice, a favorite among single mothers and one of the most requested juices. (The kids particularly enjoy Lemonade.)

This is a request we can all help with. Your consideration and potential donation are deeply appreciated. I understand that we all have many demands and are not billionaires, but every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.

I could consider it a kind of narcissistic birthday present—I’m 77 today—if people would send one or both of these items to the food pantry to fill up those themselves in the wake of a lot of demand. It would be a lovely way for me to mark my birthday.

While I don’t need or seek presents, helping these people get the food they need is a sweet way to celebrate. Your donations will make a significant difference in the lives of those who rely on the food pantry.

You can also easily donate by browsing the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish list anytime, day or night, 24/7. Click on the provided link or the green button at the bottom of every blog post. Thank you so much for your support. None of this would happen without you. It’s all the perfect Birthday present for me, a dream come true.

Unsalted Black Beans, 15 Ounce, $1.39.

Happy Belly Cranberry Juice, Bottle, 64 Fl oz, $2.86.

The Wish List is updated several times a day. If items disappear, Sarah has received as many as she needs; everything on the list is necessary, and she will replace the donated items with others. Thank you.


7 August

Flower Art: Gladiola Meets Heart Of Jesus Leaf Meets The Noon Sun: Sparks Fly…Colors Too. Birthday Time.

by Jon Katz

“I paint because color is a significant language to me.” — Georgia O’Keeffe.


Note: Thursday is my 77th Birthday, a milestone I never expected to achieve. We are celebrating by Maria driving me to an Ophthalmologist in Glens Falls, New York, to see if I need cataract surgery. I have been instructed to bring someone to drive me, and I will open my eyes to the dilator drops I am getting. We might celebrate by stopping at a first-rate Asian restaurant we like there for lunch or just coming home, eating a fancy, healthy Vermont pizza,  and watching a British Mystery on my iPhone. That would be my choice; I’m not big on birthdays. At some point, I’ll check in.  I am grateful for making it this long and being this content. I hope to give it a few more years. Maria says I am much too stubborn to die yet. There are just too many flowers out there.


Today, I got out and experimented with group photography. A beautiful Gladiola plant mixed with a Heart of Jesus plant combined with the straight-on mid-day sun was the perfect storm for me. I’m signing out for my birthday; I’ll check in on Thursday when possible. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement.







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