Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

14 August

Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm, Wednesday, August 14, 2024

by Jon Katz

It’s another beautiful, misty morning.  The sun was lovely when it decided to break out. Maria is out picking wildflowers, Zinnia is close by, the animals are grazing, and the garden bed is beautiful. I’m staying home all day to write, rest, and prepare for my cataract surgery. We had an extraordinary Zoom meeting, and we might add one more blog reader to the Zoom.









14 August

Breakfast Day At The Cambridge Food Pantry, Life Breakfast Cereal, (3 Pack) $9.90, Cinnamon Cereal, (3 Pack) $8.62

by Jon Katz

Most major religions—Christianity mainly—were founded on love and care for the sick and needy. In my mind, that is what faith and God are all about. At the Army of Good, we have refined that a bit. Our idea is small acts of great kindness. Your faith is evident. So is your generosity.

The world has cruelty and suffering, but also joy and kindness. You are keeping joy and dignity alive

Today, Sarah called upon us to help bring a nourishing breakfast to the children and families who come to the Cambridge Food Pantry looking for food support.

They can’t keep up with the prices at the grocery store. Your support is invaluable and makes a significant difference in their lives, no matter how big or small.

This is a “Breakfast Day” focus. You can easily access the Cambridge Pantry Wish List day and night, seven days a week. The site, which is updated several times a day, can be accessed here or by clicking on the green Cambridge Food Pantry button at the bottom of every blog post on my blog.

Here are the two items on today’s “Breakfast Day” request.


l. Life Breakfast Cereal, 13 Boxes (3 Pack), $8.52

2. Life Breakfast Cereal, Cinnamon, 13 Oz Boxes (3 Pack.), &8.62.


14 August

Chronicles Of Zip. The Chipmunk War. Alvin Outsmarted Him Again. He Just Might Learn Humility

by Jon Katz

Zip had another run-in with his new nemesis, Alvin the chipmunk. Zip is a brilliant animal, has a big ego, and seems generally very pleased with himself. Every day, he and Alvin confront and teach each other, and so far, it’s Alvin 11 and Zip 0.


The challenge began when Zip left my lap (above )and spotted Alvin walking on the stone wall, then popping in and out of his hole and tunnel in the grass. I could see it was some plan.

First, Alvin drew Zip from the stone wall and returned to his hole. Zip responded by pouncing on the hole (photo below) and sticking his paw down. He thought he had something, but no luck. Alvin, it turns out, is one clever chipmunk; he has holes and passages all over the place and takes warning the other chipmunks seriously.

He seems to anticipate Zip’s every move, even taunting and teasing him to get close. He also knows just when to disappear and when Zip will charge.

Zip seems confused and frustrated.

Alvin’s hole connects to a tunnel that goes under the pasture fence. Zip looked excited when he stuck his head down as if he had trapped something. We saw a chipmunk race out from behind the wall, demonstrating Alvin’s cunning escape tactics, running under the fence and into the other pasture.

Alvin popped up on the other side of the fence, sounding the alarm through a series of loud squeaks and urgent sounds. I saw chipmunks on the other side of the wall, ducking for cover. Alvin popped up on the wall again when they were all safe – I could almost hear him saying nyaaaa, nyaaa,  you lose again.

And he then disappeared. Zip rarely fails in his hunts.

He might be teaching Zip to be humble.


13 August

Video By Maria: Rescued Snow Tree Cricket, Drying Off

by Jon Katz

Every morning, when Maria goes out to the pasture, she looks in the water bucket and often finds an insect of one kind caught in the water, unable to fly or climb out. She lifts them out carefully with one finger and then watches them dry themselves off.

She got what I thought was a remarkable video of a Tree Cricket almost drowned who stays calmly in her palm while he cleans himself off. Nature is so impressive if you can see it the way Maria does.  We often rush right past it, our loss. I’m working on it. I loved the video and was keen to share it.

I had never imagined the idea of insect rescue, but Maria saved hundreds of them in the water tank.

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