Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

18 December

My Daily Bird Meditation, After Lunch. We’re Getting To Know Each Other

by Jon Katz

Every day, I take some time, usually half an hour, to sit with the birds outside the living room window.

Sometimes, I point the camera and watch. I learn new things about the birds, and they learn about me. We get to know each other.

The regulars don’t run from me. I get the sense they know me, and I am fascinated by their movements.

I might have been a successful person, but I was only a spiritual person five or six years ago, which has slowly changed my life. Now that success is no longer the driving factor of my life, I kept asking myself, what am I? Now, I am someone who loves and does some good every day. I also aim to send the color and light in my life out into the world. I intend to avoid the hollowness that often comes from the diminishment and stripping away of much of my strength and life. This is the time of my coming together of the self. There is a lot to learn, a lot to fix, a lot to grow.





18 December

Ruminations: What If The President-Elect Doesn’t Know He Won? Will Jesus Get Some Airtime?

by Jon Katz

Disclaimer Note: This column is not the work of Jon Katz but of Artemus Duck The Third. Jon Katz is not responsible for any ideas or opinions expressed below; he no longer resides on the farm.


This morning, when I woke up, I asked Google’s AI Overview what the real meaning of Christmas was, and here is what I learned:

The real meaning of Christmas is the  birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the message of love, hope, and joy that he brought: 

. Love: Jesus came to give us love.

.Jesus is always with us.

.Joy: Jesus comforts and encourages us.


I was confused, groggy perhaps, fresh from a nightmare about Christmas this year. The AI search didn’t mention building concentration camps and inviting Nazis to dinner, firing federal employees, threatening opponents with jail, going after journalists who irritate, or canceling Polio and other vaccines. That doesn’t sound like the real meaning of Christmas.

I’m worried about him. Does he know he won? Or That It’s Christmas. Threats and vengeance are not Jesus-like. If Jesus is always with us, he is not happy; maybe he goes to the movies instead, perhaps munching on buttered popcorn, something he never gets to do in Heaven. He can do nothing down here; he is never in the news, and many people have forgotten him; he has no platform on social media. I heard a rumor he sometimes dances on TikTok disguised as a Rabbi.

I think of him often, and I’m not even a Christian.

But what if our next President doesn’t know Christmas is next week or that he won the election? That is not a good time to get revenge and fill jails, but it is a good time to be photographed feeding hungry children.

I am approaching the age at which I feel my limbs in the morning to ensure they are there and take a deep breath or two to ensure my heart is pumping correctly. So far, so good. What gets me out of bed in the morning is still much greater than the discomfort of staying in it.

Now, I also need to survive the news. That takes a lot of strength.



I decided to write a  letter to the President-elect that said something like this:

Dear Mr. President, First of all, happy holidays and good luck. I wish you luck.

 I watched the news last night and heard you discuss your holiday wishes and plans for our country. I might have missed something, but I heard about your filing lawsuits against one of the country’s most respected Republican pollsters, threatening to put various members of Congress in jail, and promising to go after journalists who annoyed you  (funny, they seem to be crazy about you)  and pledging to build massive concentration camps for the millions of refugees who are now illegally in the country.

Beyond that, there is your talk from one of your closest advisors of scraping polio vaccines and firing about two million federal employees, of selling the Post Office off, of dismantling the FBI and moving it to Alaska, and sending congressmen and women to jail.

That’s a pretty sad Christmas for a lot of people.

I’m not into politics, and I don’t argue about them with anyone, but it did occur to me that nobody told you that you won the election.

That doesn’t seem to have made you happy. Do you know you won? Your man fans are so glad for you.

I hate to think what you’d be doing if you had lost.  You’d be full of grievance, revenge, concentration camps, and retribution.

You might think about being more cheerful and generous when you learn you have won and are immune from the grip of ordinary people or those fleeing FBI agents. Suing people just a few days before Christmas seems a little harsh, especially now. Didn’t winning make you happy?

Remember Jesus, whose supporters love you and vote for you. Get him some popcorn.

Think hope, love, and joy! You won!

I encourage you to lighten up a bit in the days before Christmas and give Jesus some airtime, too. When he goes home, what might he tell his father? That he’s never in the news?

Although I am not Christian, I celebrate the holiday, which honors Jesus’s idea of helping the poor and needy rather than getting rid of them. That might feel as good to you as it does to me.

I don’t mean to get anybody sued or jailed, but I was touched by the answer when I asked the AI what

Christmas means. 

I asked a different AI program what the meaning of Christmas was:

“Jesus is the reason for the season” was another response I liked.  It rhymes! I thought you should know. There’s still time.

You friend, Artemus.”

(And who is Jon Katz? AI says he died years ago, frozen to death while strapped to a chair during a Winter Solstice bonfire. According to the legend,  a forlorn barn cat still looks for him everywhere in the rotting old barn.)

18 December

Chronicles Of Zip: Ambushing Fate (Again). He Loves Startling The Dogs

by Jon Katz

It’s astonishing to see the confidence and smarts with which Zip has made himself the undisputed King of Bedlam Farm (that sure includes me). Fate still needs to learn how to handle him. I don’t see it coming any time soon.

Lately, he’s polishing his ambushing skills. He waits for Fate to come buy and stare at him, and the second her back is turned, he reaches down and swats her (claws in). She has no idea what to do.

He also does this to Zinnia, but she takes it as a sign to start playing and running back and forth with him. This farm has been different since Zip arrived. Sometimes, the sheep try to buck him when they eat, and he moves over and lies on his back. (Photos by Maria)


18 December

Let’s Do Some Good Today, Diaper Day : Merry Christmas To The Pantry Babies And Moms. They Need Diapers: Sizes 2,3,4,5, And 6

by Jon Katz

Today is the annual Cambridge Pantry Christmas Diaper, a valued present and a great stocking stuffer for people who could use a lift—the Pantry Moms and their babies.

Sarah has an excellent grasp of her customers’ needs, and it’s hard to think of anything more needed than diapers for newborn babies.

Let’s do some good for people in need at Christmas. Here are the links to all five diaper sizes. Believe me, this is a wonderful Christmas gift for moms, dads, and babies.

Above Photo, Fate, One of the Bedlam Farm Dogs, excited to do some good.

Mama Bear Plush Protection Diapers – Size 2, 46 Count, Disposable White and Cloud Dreams, $14.31.

Amazon Brand, Size 6, 25 Count, $13.46.

Mama Bear Plush Protection Diapers, Size 3, 40 Count, $13.64.

Mama Bear Plush Protection Diapers, Size 4, 36 Count, $$14.37.

Amazon Brand, Plush Protection Diapers, Size 5, 31 Count, $13.64.


(Above, Cambridge Volunteer Jack)

These are difficult weeks for the pantry and the families it serves. Please help if possible. Everything on the Cambridge Wish List is out or gone from the shelves. These kids need shampoo, and their parents need soap. Thanks for thinking about it.

I hope you can help.

These items are currently discounted on the Amazon Wish List Program. You can also access the wish list by clicking the green button at the bottom of every blog post. Everything on the wish list is desperately needed. Feel free to browse some good presents on Christmas morning.

17 December

Flower Art Calla And Tulips, Tuesday, December 17, 2024

by Jon Katz

I have company coming tonight, so I have to stop. I look forward to seeing you in the morning. Please remember the Cambridge Pantry families during the holiday chaos. You can see how to help them right now by going here.

We want to get them some comfort food now that the cold and snow is here. They could use it. Thanks for thinking of it.







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