Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

19 August

Cambridge Food Pantry: Two Dark Horses, Mysterious (Crap Shoot) Items: Chicken Pot Pie $15.68 For Six, And Refried Beans, $15.18, Pack Of Twelve

by Jon Katz

Sarah calls them “dark horse” items. When she ordered them, she had no idea how popular they would or wouldn’t be. Guess what?

They are both wildly popular. “They disappeared immediately,” she said, and she can’t get them from the food bank, but her patrons hope for them to return. Sometimes, Sarah can take a “dark horse” risk with food; she never knows if it will catch on. These two did. She hopes for more.

Thanks for considering it. Sarah would love to see the two “dark horse” items on her shelves again.

Old El Paso Canned Refried Beans, 16oz, Pack of 12, $15.48.

Campbell’s Chunky Soup, Pub-Style Chicken Pot Pie, 16.3ox Can (Case of 8), $15.68.

P.S. You can visit the constantly updated Cambridge Food Pantry Amazon Wish List anytime. You can use the link right here or the green button at the bottom of every blog post on this blog.

You can choose pantry support at any time, day or night, or any day of the week (with the button).

Food from the Army Of Good

19 August

It’s That Time Of The Month: JON SUPPORT. Keep Going

by Jon Katz

The blog is free, and so are my flower photos and the stories of Zip, Zinnia, Bud, Fate, Lulu, Fanny, the Imperious Hens, farm and landscape pictures, free e-mail blog deliveries, and the blog itself. It has never been better, focused, functional, or beautiful. People also thank me for offering occasional perspective (hysteria-free) on the presidential campaign. The blog is still growing.

Those are free, too, but the hard truth is that none of these things are free for me. My costs, like yours, are going up. I am determined to keep the blog free, but I need your support to do that and keep it functioning and improving.

If the blog matters to you, I hope you consider supporting it.

I need donations of any size, either paid monthly or annually. Donations can be made via Facebook at [email protected] or Venmo at Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or via mail at Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

These payments are free and will stay that way as long as possible. The hot trend online is for successful bloggers to charge for some or all of their posts (substack, etc.). I don’t want to go there. You can read about blog support donations (all voluntary) here on the blog itself.

But I need some support. I just turned 77.  I am not wealthy and depend on donations and support to keep the blog going. I am proud of this blog and work hard at it. I’m trying to save up some money to buy a used lens that will enhance my photography even more.

Even Zip costs money. People tell me how much they love following Zip and his adventures. But even he costs time and money. So do beautiful flowers and nice cameras.

Judging from my mail and messages (and the rising number of readers), the blog is doing well. It is hungry, and many people find it of some value. I am also committed to being paid for my work if possible and keeping it free if people can’t afford to pay.

I get messages every day from people telling me how much the blog means to them and how much they appreciate the good words we do—refugee kids, school art, the Mansion, and now, and very successfully, The Cambridge Food Pantry, a model of what caring people do for other people who need some help. There is also—ahem—my writing, which I do think is worth something.

My last support appeals were unsuccessful; I hate asking for other people’s money. I’d be delighted if your money went to Sue Silverstein and her art program or the good people at the Mansion or the Cambridge Food Pantry.

But I live in the real world, as do you. So, I’m asking for some blog support again; it’s bill-paying time of the month. I have no complaints or laments about my life. I chose it, love it, and living it with my most wonderful wife. I have no regrets.

I did not select security or wealth. I will never retire.

But I’m afraid I must keep asking for support to keep it going and growing.

If you find it informative, interesting, uplifting, stimulating, or safe, please consider helping out via Paypal, [email protected], Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or by check, Jon Katz, Blog Support P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

You’ll be able to read about blog support here.


19 August

Maria’s Good Monday Morning Video From Bedlam Farm. What Bedlam Farm Was Meant To Be

by Jon Katz



For years now, Maria has started Monday mornings the same way. She gets up at sunrise, puts on her boots, grabs her iPhone, and heads out to check on the farm and its animals. This tradition has become a big deal on her blog and YouTube. I’m sharing it on Mondays now; the videos are lovely; they capture the feeling and reality of life on the farm. You can also see them on her blog,

This is what we always hoped Bedlam Farm would be.

18 August

Flower Art. Gladiolas And Pink Hydrangeas, Love At First Sight, Sunday, August 18, 2024. Color, Light, Pride,

by Jon Katz

See you in the morning. We are up early on Monday. Maria loves her Monday Morning Video and takes it very seriously. I’m her helper. This Flower art series was great for me, especially when the sun suddenly came out. The sun always helps.








18 August

Beautiful Day, Saturday, August 18: Alvin Outsmarts Zip Once More, Lulu Gets Her Apple, Pink Hydrangeas And Beautiful Dahlias

by Jon Katz

This may have been the most beautiful day of the summer. I sat out with Zip, looking out at the pasture. The wind blew the clouds away,  and the sun came out in the afternoon. Maria returned from her long walk in the woods and joined us for a few hours. I needed to get to work but couldn’t get up for a while. On to my Flower Art. I’m negotiating for a used Sigma 50 mm lens that works well with my flower photography.

I can’t afford a Leica lens or a new Sigma one, for that matter, but this one is three years old, inexpensive, and supposedly in good shape.  I have 60 days to return it if I don’t like it.

I almost traded in my Monochrome lens, but I couldn’t do it.

(Above, Zip is hiding out in Alvin’s space. It didn’t work.)

The lens is inexpensive, and I have a year to pay it off. Every year, I work hard to advance my photography. I don’t want to get static or lazy; I work hard at it and love every minute.

Photography has been one of the healthiest and most satisfying things I’ve ever done.


Lulu couldn’t get the apple off the fence. As soon as I got the picture, I got it for her.


St. Joseph holding his lilies in the sunlight. He is our weather saint.


When I’m taking my flower photos, Zip knows to give me space. But he is always nearby, keeping me company and staying close. I hate to think of these sessions without him.

Zip tried to lay a trap for Alvin, but Alvin popped up on the other side of the fence, 20 feet away, chirping and – it seemed to me – teasing and laughing at Zip. Zip is getting the message; he’d love to call Alvin but needs to focus on it. Alvin sounds the alarm every time he comes near, and all of the chipmunks vanish to safety.

Pink Hydrangeas


One of the first Dahlias is in Maria’s Dahlia garden.

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