Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

31 December

My Malacologist Snail Lover. The Snails Are Back In Our Living Room

by Jon Katz

The snails are back. My wife has resumed her long fascination with mollusks.

Malacologists study all mollusks, while conchologists study the shells, not the whole organism. Maria is a Malacologist, for sure.

That’s about as good a definition of snail lovers as I could find. You may recall when we had our fish tanks rolling that Maria loves snails. She sits by them, talks to them, takes pictures and videos, and researches their moods, needs, and mating habits.

Maria is a Malacologist. Her curiosity is without end.

After many fish, we removed our fish tank last year, and all of our snails died. Maria misses her snails – she even held a snail party for her friends; it was fun but a little strange. True nature and animal lovers have no boundaries.

This time, she only has snails and no fish. It’s where her heart is, and this morning, I got a talk about hermaphrodites and how snails mate. I’d heard it before and forgot most of it, but I’m learning about snails again. Life on the farm is nothing if not exciting and surprising.

Today, she sat by the snail tank with her iPhone, recording amazing videos of these hardy and iconic creatures. It’s the perfect interest on a cold and wet day.  They are, I admit, pretty fascinating.

Next up, some chess.

31 December

Zip, My Impatient Friend. Waiting For Our Morning Meeting

by Jon Katz

Zip has a clear idea of what he wants and doesn’t want. We meet promptly at 8 a.m. every morning and 4 p.m. every afternoon. Zip has a lot of things to do; he gets visibly annoyed if I’m not where he expects me to be, and when I look out the back door, I see him on the back porch table glowering at me.

He knows where I am in the house and when I come out.

Our meetings are sweet but short – 10 to 15 minutes, mostly with purring, neck and back-scratching, rubbing of ears, and back stroking. Then, he sails off on one of his many hunting and exploration projects. I’m often late to the meetings, and I can see his annoyance. Like Bud, our Terrier, Zip knows he is in charge.


Fate isn’t interested in friendship with other dogs. She is happy to be with Maria or with the sheep. But last night, I looked up and saw them dozing peacefully with one another. It was a sweet thing to see.

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