Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

13 January

Bedlam Farm Journal. Sweet News Report On Roo From Cynthia Danello, A Hero Of Mine. “Too Is Making My Days…”

by Jon Katz

Cynthia Daniello is a hero of mine. Nothing stops her, not old age, not her wheelchair, not the imperious peckerheads who run communities for the elderly, not the elitist fanatics in animal rights, not the grumpy neighbors who hate animals, not the many challenges in her life.

She should be aggrieved, but she isn’t.

She should be resentful, but she isn’t.

She could feel self-pity, but she doesn’t.

She could argue and rage, but she won’t.

She could quit, but she never does.

She has good reasons to blame others for her troubles, but she never does. Cynthia takes responsibility for her life.

She knows most rescue groups will not give her a dog because she’s older.

She knows the people who run her community for the elderly will try to stop her from getting a dog. So will rescue groups and some of her neighbors.

She keeps going. Her beloved dog Edgar, a deaf dog she had to fight for and who she trained to obey foot taps on the ground, died a few months ago.

She went through the complex process of getting another dog, and she got one. The rescue groups and community bosses can’t stop her from getting an emotional support dog. She keeps in touch with me, and I consider her a valuable friend.

She sent me this note this morning. You can get a feel for her. The dog is named Roo; she is an Alaskan mix. The two are very much in love.

Her message tells us much about how animals of all ages – older people very much included – mean to us, how they live our spirits,

and how so many unthinking people make it difficult for an 84-year-old dog lover to get a dog. No dog has ever had a better owner.

Good for you, Cynthia; you light my fire and lift my soul. I feel for all those good people who want a dog but are not as intense and honest as you.

She is a wonderful friend: [email protected].


Hi Jon,

We had a lot of rain; however, the wind here was nothing as severe as you folks up North had it. More are coming.
Temps are dropping today; we will have some bitter cold this coming
week. Pipes were not put in deep enough to withstand such in this apartment complex. I will keep my faucets dripping. We ex-New Englanders know about such things! Roo may get to wear a coat.
Speaking of Roo, I cannot begin to describe the change she is making to my days.
She greets me every morning with a wagging tail and, putting her paws in my lap, gives me a big doggie kiss on the end of my nose. I could swear she was smiling. I know I am.
May you, Maria, and your critters stay safe and warm.
Thanks for checking on us.
Love,  Cynthia and Roo.”
13 January

Zip’s Adventures: The Unstoppable Barn Cat: He Pays No Mind To Storms

by Jon Katz

Zip is not phased by snow, rain, or wind. He’d make a great Post Office Cat.

The generator rattled him for a few minutes, but when Zip got rattled, he moved slowly and carefully and went right up to what was bothering him.

He crept up to the loud generator and touched his nose to it, then hopped onto the porch and hid a bit in the wicker chair, studying the generator carefully but not running away.

I’ve rarely seen him run away from anything.

When I came out looking for him for our morning meeting, he was right there, peering out from behind the chair. Zip is only afraid of trucks and cars coming down the road, which is a good thing.

Like all great Barn Cats, he knows his limits, but when it comes to the farm, he doesn’t seem to have many.

Yesterday, we couldn’t find him, and he emerged from the hay loft; he has figured out how to climb the ladder up to the barn loft and has managed to drive out the pigeons. We haven’t seen a rat for quite a while two. Go, Zip. And he has never missed a morning meeting with me. It’s part of my daily schedule.

13 January

The Mystery Of The Two Maria’s: If One Maria Is Great, Would Two Be Better? Something Invisible Took This Photo

by Jon Katz

One Maria is pretty neat, but the idea of two Maria’s frightens me a bit. I could never keep up with all of that energy and creativity. I took a photo that I thought was Maria coming across the grass after doing morning chores, but when I looked at the computer, there were two Marias, one walking right after the other. I think my Iphone had a spasm, the Leica would have shut down.

Life is full of surprises and oddities; I love these curious little miracles. I hit the trigger too fast, but I’ll probably never know. I’ll print this one out and hang it on my office wall. Two Maria’s has to be even better than one…but still. I think I’d wear out or implode.

The two Maria’s would probably implode. There’s a message here, but I don’t know what it is.

13 January

Bedlam Farm Journal, 1/13/24: Wild Stormy Night. No Snow, No Power, Plenty Of Wind, Lots Of Rain, Uplifting Week

by Jon Katz

We lost power for about eight hours last night and this morning. We missed the heavy snow and caught the heavy wind.

We also got a lot of rain. This is the third time in a week that we have lost power; the first time this year. When the power went out we hauled out our generator, which worked beautifully.

We had breakfast, meditated briefly, and read silently for an hour or two. We’re planning a brief trek into town.

The power came on around 10:30 a.m.

We’re devoted the day to reading, talking, resting, and mopping up the mess outside. Maria is reading the new biography of Willa Cather, Chasing Bright Medusas by Benjamin Taylor, and is loving every page.

Today, I’m reading The Lighthouse, an Adam Dalgleish mystery by P.D. James, my favorite mystery writer, and Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo.

Reading by a fire is a sweet and peaceful thing. The Farmers Market goes into a winter schedule tomorrow; we’ll be there to check it out.

This may be the day of quiet and rest I have been yearning for but cannot find.

I’m still on a high from the work the Army Of Good is doing for Sue Silverstein’s healthy breakfast program.

Good, nutritious snacks and breakfast meals are pouring into the school (Sue Silverstein, Bishop Gibbons, 2600 Albany Street, Schenectady, New York, 12304). Blessings to all of you.

Jim Sorer of the Mansion is getting a lot of donations in his campaign to save dogs from being euthanized (Jim Sorer, The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

If anyone doesn’t like shopping online, you can send a healthy breakfast food donation to me by check: Jon Katz, Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 205, State Route 22, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. I will consult with Sue, buy what she needs, and have it shipped to her.


Maria said the weather is almost spring-like – up to -50 degrees today. Tomorrow, the temperature is supposed to drop by 40 or 50 degrees. We had to laugh.

That will be about normal. The worst Arctic cold will be to the west of us, as will be the heavy snow. Maria loves a storm; the messier, the happier she is.

The animals were inside the Pole Barn, sheltered and dry. They came out eagerly for food.

I took this photo from the back porch.

12 January

Color And Light As Promised And Is Needed

by Jon Katz

This is the perfect time for some color and light – it’s dark, getting windy and cold, and maybe more. We’ll see. I love these photos; they bring me back to Spring and remind me that Spring is only a few months away. I’m focusing on what I have, not what is past or lost.

I hope you can do the same. I’ve got to go and cook dinner now. I won’t last too long tonight now that I can sleep. Be safe and warm and dry.

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