Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

14 January

Color And Light: Rain, Snow And Cold. Flower Therapy

by Jon Katz

There’s no doubt that flowers make us smile and lift our spirits, so here are two more flower photos; I call it flower therapy.

I know the bitter cold is spreading throughout the country; the thermometer is plunging now, even challenging our hardy stoves. If it gets awful, we’ll sleep downstairs near the fire.

I wish everyone a warm, safe, and dry night. From my e-mail, it seems my flowers are helping people. I’ll keep them coming every day, as promised.

I’ll be blogging in the morning tomorrow, see  you then.

14 January

Bedlam Farm Journal: Mother Nature Has Some Songs To Sing. Whiteout, Fading Sun, Coming Storm And Cold

by Jon Katz

The sky has never been more beautiful, surprising or haunting. We go from rain to snow to wind to the whiteout that sweeps the farm. Mother Nature sometimes seems sick of us, but she never fails to be beautiful. Below, the sky told me a storm was coming, and ten minutes later, it came as a whiteout, below and above. I keep running outside to get cold and wet, but I would hate to miss our fantastic weather.

I hope the people reading this are weathering the cold. The animals ran into the Pole Barn before I got to the house. Willa Cather comes to mind. It felt like prarie windstorm.


I’ve been studying the clouds this past year for my photography, and my spine tingled when I saw this sky. It meant a story is up there, blowing things around, and it would shortly be down here. It was.


In two minutes, none of this was visible. The whiteout lasted about three minutes and warranted an alarm on my phone from the National Weather Service pleading with me to get inside. So I did.

14 January

Robin Channels Wednesday, Our Favorite Streaming Weird And Gifted Child (Next To Robin).

by Jon Katz

Wednesday Addams is a fictional character from the Addams Family multimedia franchise created by American cartoonist Charles Addams. She is typically portrayed as a morbid and emotionally reserved child fascinated by the macabre, often identified by her pale skin and black pigtails – Wikipedia.

Several weeks ago, my granddaughter Robin, a passionate reader and fiercely independent, asked me why I thought that she reminded me of Wednesday, my favorite character in the Addams Family, in

Last year, everyone’s favorite sadistic big sister finally got her TV series. Netflix’s Wednesday is all about Wednesday Addams of the Addams Family. This version of Wednesday comes straight from the deliciously twisted mind of Tim Burton.

To me, Wednesday has always been the best character in the Adams Family series; she now has her show on Netflix, another smash.

Robin and I got to talking about Wednesday, and I told Robin I loved her intelligence, independence, and skepticism about the bullshit world in which adults live. She got it and agreed. I went online and bought her a Wednesday costume and a Wednesday doll.

(Robin and Sandy are reading James Thurber, another favorite of mine.)

She loved the gifts and told my daughter Emma that she wanted to send me a photo of her in a costume, holding the doll and with the TV Wednesday in the background. Robin is much more cheerful than the TV Wednesday but is fascinated with the dark side.

She produced and directed this photo; I love it and couldn’t wait to share it. As Robin gets older, she and I find many more things to talk about, and we are surprisingly often on the same page.

I have a dark side, too, and Wednesday is one of my favorite pop culture characters ever. James Thurber is another one of my favorites, as is Robin’s. More books are on the way.

Go, Robin. You are your mother’s daughter.

14 January

Kean Mcllvaine Moved From Washington D.C. Up Here To Make Great Bread. ” Delicious and Healthy Fresh Baked Bread Is A Human Right!” Amen.

by Jon Katz

I only met this gracious and gifted young woman a few weeks ago, and I don’t know her well,  but she has changed my life and brought a healthy, surprising, and bright spot to it. The pandemic took some things away and brought some other things. It brought some brilliant food makers and creatives to our community, and suddenly, I could pick up the best bread I’ve ever had right by a covered bridge one town up the road.

Kean, who is soft-spoken and slightly shy, is creative through and through. She is working hard to start a baking business and getting noticed. I think she missed Washing when she moved, but she is clearly beginning to like it and is experimenting with all kinds of ideas to get her business going.

I have lived here for nearly 20 years and have never seen or tasted bread like this, not even when I lived in New York or Washington. Kean is the new future of rural eating.

She is also breaking ground and joining the group for the small group of young farmers and bakers who have either been here or moved here to escape big cities during the pandemic. She uses the things they grow to help the rural economy. Organic farmers need all the help they can get.

Kean’s husband Jordan is very serious about his beekeeping, and I swear the teaspoon of honey I take has wiped out most of my allergies and boosted my energy. I can’t eat a lot of money, but a small teaspoon with breakfast has worked for me. Jordan works from home at his job as a consultant for fund-raisers.

Kean and her fellow dreamers, cooks, and bakers are changing this world. I love their passion for food and their loyalty to one another. It’s a great boon to people like me who miss cities’ diverse and original food offerings. Up here, veggie burgers are still a surprise.

I never bought bread this way. Most bread isn’t good for me, but I’ve hit the jackpot.

Every Monday, I drive to the Covered Bridge Food Co. in Kean’s house and open a chest out front with my bread and honey. I leave the money in an envelope and drive away. I can go to the Farmer’s Market if I want to talk to Kean. It’s an innovation for the country.

It is a pleasure to drive a few miles away and bring home this fresh and nutritious bread. It far transcends the supermarket experience. And so does the bread.

Our rural world is changing, and it is primarily gifted and determined young women bringing this long-overdue creativity and enthusiasm to the area. I remember moving here and asking a cashier in our small town if they sold wheat bread. She looked at me as if I had fallen out of a spaceship. They have wheat bread now.

Kean offers new and original ways to buy bread – get it at the Farmer’s Market in various food stories, subscribe, and pick it up in porches in one or two nearby towns, as I do. I have a hunch Kean will have her bakery someday.

I have bought into something from her I never did before a flat rate subscription to get one of the chewy and healthy bread for Maria and me. I’d drive a lot farther than the bridge for bread like this, a sourdough loaded with flax, fennel, poppy, and sunflower. I was overjoyed to find it and subscribe monthly.

My leavened seed bread is one of her less remarkable bread offerings at the moment; this week, Kean is  proud of this focaccia: crumbled pork sausage, fresh mozzarella, grated fontina, and a “little spice from my favorite Calabrian chillis.”

I got an e-mail from her early this morning: “The focaccia special this week is a can’t-miss. I know this isn’t the first time that I have said that. There have been a lot of great focaccia specials in the past. Still, I generally don’t get quite as excited about the focaccia specials in the winter when I can’t use the amazing produce that our local farms produce all summer. I am very excited about this focaccia…

I love that last line.

I drooled over this focaccia at the farmer’s market this morning, but I can’t eat bread like that; I stick to the muli seeds and grains. I do admire Kean’s enthusiasm and passion for her work. To me, that makes all of the difference. Her work is a vocation, not a job. That means she loves it especially and with passion, as Maria loves hers.

Spoken like a trained and Michelin-starred chef who comes from Washington, D.C, and lives with her husband Jordan by the beautiful Battenville River (where I nearly drowned once jumping into the stream to save my Lab Julius, who, it turns out, was the only Lab ever who didn’t know how to swim, having grown up in New Jersey.)

I feel blessed to get a load of bread like this; I have never seen one in the town, the county, or the region, for that matter. I’m going to subscribe for as long as I can. The bread (I’ve nibbled some of her cookies, too; I got them for Maria) is fantastic, and I am a big fan of Jordan’s raw honey, a food I can eat and enjoy in small amounts – a teaspoon every morning. I wish everyone in the world had access to bread like this.

(From Kean’s blog intro, it says a lot about her: Covered Bridge Bread Company is the creation of Kean McIlvaine, a classically trained Michelin-starred chef from Washington, DC, but has made her home in Shushan, NY. She handcrafts bread and other baked goods and lives by the motto that freshly baked bread shouldn’t be a luxury but a human right.) Go Kean.

(If you have diabetes, choosing raw honey that does not contain added sugars is the best way. But even though raw honey does not contain added sugar, it should still be treated like table sugar and eaten in moderation. New studies show that small amounts of raw honey help diabetics maintain a good sugar level. For diabetics, eating in moderation is everything.)


14 January

On Sale Today: Zip Notecards Six Pack: $25 Plus $5 Shipping. Now On Etsy

by Jon Katz

Maria’s excellent and very special Zip Notecards – our favorite photos of him so far – are now up for sale on her Etsy page. We picked the images carefully and decided these three capture the compelling personality of our new barn cat.

The cards are 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″ each.  They are special. Each pack has six photos, two each of three different images.

The six-packs are $25 each plus $5 shipping. Zip is a big ham. He put himself in charge of the place. I didn’t know that cats had personalities like this. He follows me everywhere I go.

Zip has changed the farm and our lives here as well. It was quite a match, and the farm is a different place since he arrived. I do love this cat, and I am learning to appreciate others. You can see the notecards and buy them here.

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