Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

4 February

Finest Hours. Please Come And See What The Army Of Good Has Done In Just A Few Days. A River Of Love

by Jon Katz

Above, Sarah is unpacking the boxes of cereal you sent for the Backpack Program.  Barbara is tackling the wave of cereal boxes for the Back Pack kids. We have enough for next week as well. This was a landmark week for the Army of Good; you filled many empty shelves and enriched their food choices’ diet, range, and nature. The Backpack Program had no cereal; they are still unpacking what you sent. The soup kitchens, affected by the bitter cold, were empty. They are full now. The pantry had vast crowds last week, putting a massive dent in their shelves. We helped fill them up.

It was a joy to go in and see them today. Come and see for yourself what your generosity and kindness did. I’m not religious, but I left thinking of Jesus Christ’s message to help those with nowhere to go. You are doing that every day and keeping the spirit of good alive and well. You have made an enormous difference in the lives of hundreds of people. Sarah says you have come through. And more.


Barbara is unpacking the cereal boxes that are still arriving.


The soup shelf is whole again; it was empty two days ago. Thank you.


Meet Max, a 10th-grade student at Cambridge Central School who is a complex, dedicated, and valued volunteer. Feel free to send him a message.

Messages for the volunteers: You can send one from the Amazon Checkout Page. Thank you.

The shelves are filling up. The New York Pantry Bank truck also arrived today. It felt wonderful to be at the pantry with all this good happening; maybe they can have an easy week for once. Thanks, Army of Good. You did an enormous amount of good this week, brightening many lives.


The first bandaids are on the shelf. Thank you.

I need more soup for the empty shelf. It’s complete now and ready for service tomorrow. Thank you once more.

4 February

Inside The Sanctuary Blog. It Fits The Time. It’s The Point Of Me Now

by Jon Katz

I’ve figured out how I wish to spend the next few years. I’ll make my blog a Sanctuary Blog and work on creating a safe place for people to come and calm down and escape the outside madness.  The following years will be a long and unnerving haul filled with chaos, confusion, argument, and fear. However, I am growing to like the idea of the Sanctuary Blog, and I already feel some encouraging changes. The birds, the animals, the flowers, Maria’s blog, my writing, the donkeys,  Maria’s excellent work, my sheep and Zip, and our deep connection with nature.

First, there will be no argument about politics, which is difficult to achieve in modern-day America. There will be no argument about anything, just thoughts and honest and civil observations and ideas. It’s a free zone; you can write about anything you want as long as you do so civilly and respectfully.  You won’t have to defend or explain your thoughts or listen to other’s criticism.  Your ideas are yours; you should be able to make them without instant criticism or challenge. No hate stuff, of course. Ideas have a right to live and breathe, not pounded upon the second they appear.

We’ll share this experience in a loose but safe manner. I’ll be the manager. I reserve the right to kick out anyone who lacks manners or respect for others. You just have to be nice. I’ll continue sharing my spiritual work and journey into old age. I have a lot to say.

There have always been thoughtful and engaging people on my blog, but more and more people are coming.

The Trolls and the Yentas are in retreat; I do not miss them or pay much attention. I thank them for making me wiser and healthier.


I have better things to do, and I’m committed to using my time wisely and for good. According to the messages I receive, more and more people are coming to the blog and recommending it to others. They are preparing for the storm. It’s my job to be vigilant and ensure it is a safe place for people to come, no matter their politics. I don’t ask, and nobody needs to tell. And I am not interested.

The decision has been made clear after years of experimentation and the commitment of some good, loyal people. I know where I want to be with the blog now: no more fussing, handwriting, or uncertainty.

My spiritual work has been a life changer; I am learning who I am, liking who I am, and coming to terms with what I want my life to be. It wasn’t easy, but it feels good.

I have to be honest and thank the chilling tone of our politics; it makes me more determined than ever to avoid rage, hatred, and fear as a way of life. It also makes many people want to visit a safe blog.

My blog is a reflection of me; God help it. But I know what I want. I want to feel like I feel when we send refugee kids to college, when I can help the Cambridge  Food Pantry get more food, or when I can go to a big and beautiful museum with my wife and give thanks for my life.

I can seize the moment and make the blog safe, fun, and stimulating. I like where my writing is, and my photography is a work in progress, heading in the right direction. I don’t need to tear the blog apart; I need to be disciplined about it being a Sanctuary.

I don’t see Sanctuary as a political word. It’s pretty simple. The dictionary definition of Sanctuary is straightforward – “a place of refuge or safety. That’s it.

I’m getting clear about my spirituality, a process that will continue until I die. Even in the face of challenge and difficulty, persistence allows an older person like me—who sometimes feels discarded and removed—to insist that quitting is not the answer. And I have no room for quitting, even when I wonder if the world still needs me.

But it does. I get messages every day of the week from men and women everywhere who are frightened, confused, and worried about the future. They thank me for giving them a peaceful and even beautiful respite, a place to go where they can take a deep breath, look at a flower, blog, or essay, and feel safe.

I accept that role; it’s perfect for me and calls on decades of relevant experience. So that’s where we are with the Sanctuary blog. You are welcome here; please come in goodwill and peace.

I can see the end creeping up now that I’m old enough. I want to use my time well, so thanks for helping me. I have a good feeling about this. It fits. It looks like Zip will be along every step of the way. So, Pincus, my Bad Boy Starling friend, will be the sanctuary blog’s symbol, at least for now.

4 February

Portrait, Zip In His Home

by Jon Katz

I love this portrait of Zip in his barn, and I have this strange feeling that one of the things we have in common is a fierce commitment to our love, independence, and lives. He is a remarkable animal with intelligence, affection, and certainty about who he is, while strangers rail at him and me because he isn’t what they want or expect. That is the core of independence, what it means – choose your destiny and have the strength to define yourself and not submit to the ranting or interference of others. I’m getting there, and he is already there. From the first, we felt like comrades, a feeling that had only grown. I am so glad I would let Zip have the life he wants and deserves.

4 February

The Sanctuary Blog Bird Watch: Meditation With The Bad Boy Starling Pincus And Pals This Morning, A New Experience. Come And See

by Jon Katz

I sat by the window this morning (above freezing!) and waited for Pincus, my Bad Boy Bird Friend. He stared at me for a while and then chased the Finches away from the suet basket. He saw and watched me for a few minutes, and then about five other Starling Bad Boys arrived to go after the suet. There was a tussle for a while, and then, all quiet again.


He observes me but is not afraid of me. He looks curious. In the Spring, we can get to know each other. I don’t see them here in the spring, but I might have mistaken them for crows or vice versa.




Pile up, the movement threw my focus off.



4 February

Cambridge Pantry: Soups Have Arrived And Saved The Day: “Thanks Army Of Good.” Today, Muffin Mixes For A Comfort Breakfast, And A Size 4 Diaper Crisis

by Jon Katz

Once again, the Army of Good saved the day by rushing to provide enough soup to fill the empty shelves in time for service. Sarah says “thank you,” so do I.

(Experiment: The most urgent item of the day is the food pantry, which is entirely out of size four diapers. This is the item in most desperate need today:

Huggies Size 4 Diapers, Skin Essentials Baby Diapers, Size 4 (22-37 lbs, 20 Count, $13.79.  This is a nightmare for mothers. Please  help if you can.)

The pantry work is a tonic for me; it allows me to feel good about the country and what is happening here. I’ve always considered America a nation of good and generous spirit, and you all are reminding me that this is the truth. Helping the pantry feels good, and we are sending out a signal that we care for our neighbors and those who need help through no fault of their own. So, thanks again.   I buy something on the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish List whenever I’m low or can’t sleep. It works.

Today, Sarah continues to work to fill three shelves of banking supplies, currently depleted. She is seeking help in support for three items in her Comfort Food In The Rough Winter campaign, making life even more challenging for the people who come to the pantry for help; more people than ever are showing up for help:

Sarah looks for the healthiest (and consistently more expensive) foods when she can. She also asks the members what they wish for and tries to honor their requests rather than bullying them and telling them what to eat, which seems like a familiar nutritionist’s idea. One of the members’ favorite items is muffin mixes for breakfast. The kids love them, and they’re easy to make.

Here are the ones most requested:


Betty Crocker Buttermilk Pancake and Waffle Mix, 6.75 oz, Pack of 9, $11.49.

Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Muffin Mix, 6.5 Oz, Pack of 9, $13.41.

Betty Crocker Triple Berry Muffin Mix, 6.5 Pack of 9, $13.49.



We are filling up these shelves; there is a big rush in the cold. Thanks so much.



Skip the “news” and read the Cambridge Pantry Food Wishes List instead. It’s a tonic.



Please consider sending a message of support to the bloody but unbowed volunteers of the Cambridge Food Pantry. Your messages are rolling in, and believe me, they make a difference. They work quietly and without compensation. This shows them that people know what they are doing.

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