Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

26 February

Repeat Requests – Betty Crocker Mixes, Urgent Call For Shampoo

by Jon Katz

As many of you may have guessed, Sarah sometimes repeats requests to increase the pantry’s supply of foods that the members love and want. She hopes to obtain enough of a popular item to last more than a week. Thanks for the donations that keep coming in.

Today, a repeat of yesterday, are requests for Betty Crocker’s muffin mixes and shampoo. She hopes to get at least a two or three-week supply, which is hard to do with more visitors than ever and more funding cuts.

Thanks for the river of good flowing into the pantry because of you.



Please feel free to include the states or towns you are from. The volunteers love seeing how wide the net of the Army of Good is.

Here are Sarah’s two requests for today, Wednesday.

Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Muffin Mix 6.5 Oz (Pack of 9), $13.41.

Betty Crocker Tripple Berry Muffin Mix, 6.5 (Pack of 9), $13.41.

Betty Crocker Blueberry Muffin Mix, 6.5 Oz (Pack of 9), $13.41.

Please include your locations with the messages. The Army of Good’s range stuns the volunteers. Members are in every state in the Union.

Here is her urgent request for today:

Alberto VO5, Pomegranate Bliss Moisturizing Shampoo – Hydrating Shampoo with Grace Seed Extract – Pomegranate  Scent, Five Oils and Vitamins 15 Oz (Pack of 5), $12.80.


Frank, a new volunteer.

Please browse the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Food Wish List any time, day or night. All of the food listed is urgently needed. You can access the site by clicking on any link here or the green pantry button at the bottom of every blog post on my blog.


We would love to know where you live and what town or state you are in.

26 February

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm: White Hen Thrives,Temperatures Rise, Ice Starts To Melt

by Jon Katz

It was warm enough (32 degrees) for me to rush out and get some morning photos for the first time in several weeks. It felt great; Spring is definitely in the air. Above, the White Hen looks better by the day. Her feathers are puffing out; she is alert, hungry, and moving around more. We put a new hay bale in the stall.

Kim gets a unique grain every morning. She’s getting older, so Maria asks her to come into a stall, which she does. She tells the other sheep to stay out, which they do.



Zip and I have a meeting place in the morning.

Sheep feeding

Fate is ready, as always.



Morning sky.

Starting a fire, logs in the wood stove.

26 February

The Cat Who Changed My Life: Every Morning, Zinnia Plays With Her New Bestie, Zip (I Call Him Zipster Now)

by Jon Katz

Every morning, Zinnia rushes out to find Zip and the two play, rolling in the snow, hide-and-seek or nose to nose.

Sometimes, Zinnia rolls over for Zip; sometimes, Zip rolls over for Zinnia. That signals the start of the game.


The game usually ends with a nose-to-nose, Zip never backs away, Zinnia loves to touch noses.


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