Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

13 February

Perspective Check. The Presidential Campaign, If You Want To Call It That, Is Finally Here. Stay Sane By Understanding The Hysteria Campaign.

by Jon Katz

Once in a while, I need to write something about the political mess our country is in. Today is a good day. The political system is in a phase now where whoever terrifies the most people wins the election. We can reasonably blame social media for this.  There is no rational place to go but inside of ourselves.

Some perspective:

First, every single thing that is happening right now in the Presidential campaign was predicted and expected. The only real surprises were the sudden and painful collapse of the Ron DeSantis campaign (beware the woke)  and the inability of any of the Republican candidates, apart from former Governor Chris Christie, to criticize Mr. Trump.

If you follow any digital media, you will see these developments presented as the beginning of World War III. It’s essential to grasp reality and prepare yourself for it. I’m not telling anyone how to vote; I’m advocating calmness and reality checks.

Right now, it’s too late for anyone who wants to have a career in the Republican Party to question anything Mr. Trump says, no matter how dumb or outrageous. We are shocked each time it happens, but it will happen until Mr. Trump and his so-called MAGA movement are repeatedly defeated at the polls. This will take a while, but Mr. Trump is getting very old, and believe it or not, he will only last for a while. Since the MAGA movement has no consistent or comprehensible policy to follow but worship and adoration, it will most likely weaken or fall apart when he is defeated or gone.

Yes, moving forward and into a rational space will take years. There is no way around that. But pay attention to women; they are about to change our world.

Suck it up and avoid complaint or panic. This is something to accept. Trump will be the nominee of the Republican Party, whose complete collapse is the one actual shock of the year. Nicki Haley finally mustered the courage to go after Trump, which has already rewarded her with money and new support.

Haley has finally – and belatedly – come to understand that Presidents are elected by choosing the right policies to help people’s lives. Trump’s primary policies are revenge, more money for billionaires, and the seeding of hatred. I’m sorry, I might be naive, but I don’t see that as a winner, no matter what notoriously inaccurate polls say.

Too late, Governor; as you have pointed out and proven yourself, it’s easier to run for President when you have no spine, hide from your conscience, and ignore your oaths. Nothing can succeed on either side in politics when someone stands for nothing but nihilism. This is not a movement but a social disease.

Trump compensates for his cowardice and destructiveness by having big balls, a tiny brain, and saying just about nothing of value or worth (soon, he might even lose his company) every day. His police are him, giving him money and power.

It’s all big news for the media circus. – all the jubberish and lies. It’s noise and chaos. I have no respect for it, so I don’t listen to it or watch it, and I don’t get panicked by it either. As a people, we are all too predictable.

They don’t need to throw Trump in jail to get rid of him. Don’t stop him from running; make it easier for him to run. He’ll defeat himself; it’s the tragedy of the sociopath; they can’t stop.

Without feeding his desperate need for attention, he will melt away in a boiling cloud like the Witch Of The East. It’s inevitable. Americans only pay attention a bit, especially when things get boring and repetitious.

I’ve never believed, for all of his noise and support, that Donald Trump will be President again. I don’t think it now. I see a very sick older man going to pieces under awful pressure. From his comments, I see him becoming angrier, more extreme, and less electable all of the time. What Donald Trump deserves is pity, not power. His ranting and whining is just not appealing.

It doesn’t matter that Joe Biden is a mess.  Donald Trump is no good at making new friends.

Can Joe Biden be elected? Sure, barring some new revelation, all he has to do to win is not be Donald Trump. Has President Biden made it worse by refusing to move on?  Yes. In a sane world, Biden wouldn’t have a chance; he can barely open his mouth without bumbling, but this isn’t a rational world; it’s a crazy one, and the sorrowful truth is that he isn’t as mean or unbalanced as his opponent.

I don’t see that changing, but reality becomes more evident as the election unfolds and people start paying attention. This is the Election Of Which Is Worse. Trump is a winner when it comes to anger and alienating people.

The modern media has become a hysteria machine. None of this is a surprise either. Of course, the Supreme Court will not permit Mr. Trump to be immune from any crime once out of office, nor will they allow Colorado and other states to keep him off the ballot. Nor should they. Let the voting happen. Why does the media insist on presenting this as a nail-biter? I know the answer, but it makes my heart drop.

For better or worse, Trump’s ultimate fate has to be decided by the people, no matter how disturbing that sometimes feels. He shouldn’t be allowed to wreck our democracy by retaking office. We should not be allowed to do it to him; he has a right to run.

I am sad about my country; out of nearly 400 million people, we end up with two older men with failing memory and the charisma of an oak tree.

I am 76 years old and have some failing memory, as expected.

I would never imagine that I could handle being president. The Democrats rail and scream about the cowards on the other side of the aisle, but the modern story of their party is also one of cowardice, treason, and chaos. Democrats won’t stand up and tell Biden the truth either: he should step down. But he won’t. We need to accept that also.


The media sees a Super Bowl in every Trumpian rage. That keeps him in money and political power. Little of this is surprising news. We all know the outcomes, but nobody will stop the circus or the dance.

Trump dominates the very air around him.  That is his policy and genius. He leaves no air for anyone to breathe.

We are in perpetual crisis from a man who never shuts his mouth or has a decent thing to say. The media hysterias are the blood transfusions that keep him alive. If they aren’t careful, they’ll get eaten alive, as anyone loyal to Donald Trump has been. He’s promised to wipe out most media if he’s elected. They are like lemmings headed for a cliff.

I would be shocked if a majority of people put Donald Trump and his errant lunatics in charge of the nation. I’m not buying any tickets to Costa Rica, and I have no plans to go there or anywhere, no matter what happens. I don’t believe in Armageddon hysteria; I’m staying calm, clear, and interested in doing some good.

I don’t feel the need to cover my ass in everything I write, as is the trend. If I’m wrong, I’ll say so and take the heat. With Trump, I’m doing pretty well. He surprised me by winning the presidency but hasn’t surprised me since. What a record of stupidity and excess and greed.

My faith, oddly, lies in Trump’s arrogance, craziness, and cruelty.

I don’t think most people want their children watching this man tear the country apart for another four years.  There are a lot of people who love him and who will never abandon him. But there are not enough angry people to elect him unless he undergoes one of those gender surgeries he despises and becomes softer and kinder. He will spend much of the year trying to avoid disgrace and ruin. That is an exhausting, distracting, and daunting problem for people of any age.

MAGA people are angry, but they are not stupid. They will tire of being tricked and lied to and turn on their hero sooner or later. That is the American tradition, the American way. And who knows, Jesus might return and torch the House of Representatives and drive the new blasphemers from the capitol. So far, populists have not turned out to be friendly or appealing people.

What do I see from my odd perch in the country? I see a political party that is timid and fearful and a political party that has come unglued. The real problem is leadership. MAGA people have a leader; progressive people don’t. I suspect that is about to change.

Our system was built on cooperation, negotiation, fighting against dictators and tyranny, global leadership, and compromise. The new Republican Party no longer believes in any of those values. That is not a media-made crisis.

That is our sad truth. I also see a rogue political party that can’t govern a pizza order. They are not about to get a whole country to feast on and cripple. Donald Trump is the worst of us.  The MAGA movement is not generous; they don’t like to play with other children, and they hate helping foreigners or people experiencing poverty.

In a nation of immigrants, I see that as a foolish and doomed policy. Too many of us have reason to love America and what it stands for during its best moments. I have to give Trump. He is most creative about shooting himself in the foot, as he now does with NATO. America is a strange country, but extremism has never been prevalent in the long run.

The Americans I know and love are honest, generous, and empathic. Those are the people I work with; those are the people I know. When push comes to shove, they want to do the right thing. I believe in them.

I also believe this is the year when women do rise and make themselves heard and felt. Bad news from the nasty old white men who think they can take over the country. Just wait and watch.

This monster was built in our time, right out in the open.  Dr. Frankenstein blew it. Or maybe not. I don’t think there’s a Frankenstein grave anywhere.



12 February

Bird Time, A Meditation, A New Ritual. Wait Until Spring

by Jon Katz

I’ve found a good spot to stand in with my new lens, the birds are faster than lightning, and I am working hard to be patient. When it warms up, I’ll set up a tripod and wait a bit. I’m told if you sit still for 20 minutes the birds will come out. And I want the photography to go way beyond sitting at a bird feeder. This is just a way of getting to know my lens.

And it’s like a meditation for me, calming and grounding.

I’m enjoying the challenge of bird photography, sometimes else I’m new at. I have a lot of ideas about how to do it, and in my way, of course. I don’t care what the pros do, I’m not one. It only works if it comes from my heart.

They came in twos for a while.


Followed by Woody, a regular.

12 February

Maria Meets Lewis Cleale At Noble Town Fiber Works. This Might Be Our New Yarn Place, We Were Impressed

by Jon Katz

Maria and I drove to the Noble Town Fiberworks in Hillsdale, New York this morning to meet Lewis Cleale, a successful Broadway Actor (he performs in NYC most days of the week. We’re thinking about bringing our wool there. Lewis works at the mill on Mondays and has a staff there all week.

Maria is speaking for herself on her blog, even as I write this, I’ll leave the wool and yarn stuff for her.

I love seeing Maria and the yarn people talk, I don’t follow much of what they say, but I do know the yarn project has become a successful and important part of life on the farm. The sheep earn their keep and a lot of yarn lovers love the yarn. Maria loves to raise it, clean it, and sell it.

Our long-time mill in Brandon, Vt. has shut down. We’ll miss them.

Ironically, the mill is on our street, which runs from Canada to New York City. It took us about 90 minutes to get there on the same road, it was a straight line all the way.

Hillsdale is a wealthy and beautiful boom town in fashionable Columbia County, a magnet for the wealthy from Manhattan.  One billionaire in town is building a brewery.

We aren’t in the upper class, but Lewis was a lot of fun and made us very comfortable. I took my photos with the monochrome, Maria has hers in color. The sheep and the wool and yarn are very important to us.

I enjoyed meeting Cleave, he’s a genuinely nice person, especially for a Broadway Star.

He showed Maria several new possibilities to think about and he put us on his list, which is a good thing. We haven’t figured out what the cost is to bring our wool to his new and very beautiful mill, we have to make sure we can afford it.

We felt very comfortable with Lewis, Maria’s head was spinning with ideas, and she barely spoke on the way home (not usual). So it isn’t final, but it did feel creative, exciting, and good. For the details, hop on over to Maria’s website.

I  very much loved the wool I saw at Noble Town, and Lewis is committed to the mill and has all kinds of ideas for making wool even more fun and interesting.

I’m not knowledgeable enough to evaluate the place, I just loved watching Maria talk yarn with somebody who has lots of good ideas to give back.

The decision, depending on cost, is hers. She is careful about keeping her costs low for her followers.

Lewis showed us some of the new things he’s working on, including yarn rugs we haven’t seen before. Maria is thoughtful and cautious about the wool we get, she’s pretty happy with what she does now but is always open to some new ideas. She got a bunch today.



Some of the new ideas Lewis is working on in the Noble Town Mill. Maria has some thinking to do.


Checking out a rope carpet.

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