Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

13 October

First Fire: Learning To Rest With Dogs

by Jon Katz

Today, we lit up the living room wood stove for the first time since April, the stoves produce a warm, even, comfortable heat, Maria asked me this morning if I would help her rest – she is still trying to get her studio working again after the Open House (which she says we will do again next year in a different form).

We both are tired, she was exhausted. When that happens, we have a pact, we each remind the other to stop working, and relax. After my writing workshop, we went to the dump, then we did relax.

We took a nap, lit the fire, plunged into our books. Bud, as you can see has co-opted the corner of the couch, that is his spot now, even though dogs are not allowed on sofas in our house. My shoe was missing again, it was under the dining room table.

You can see how well  Bud has settled into our lives, and how comfortable Red and Fate are with him.

Red and  Fate love being near the fire also. Dogs how how to rest, it is natural to them, and they love to relax with us, which makes it even sweeter.

Maria and I are not good at relaxing, it is not natural to either of us, and we both need help in doing it. Tomorrow, we will try to relax again. We both wake up on fire – we need to do this, we need do that.

It is spiritually, emotionally and physically essential that we learn to be calm and grounded.

So I am planning for it.

I want to take Maria out somewhere for breakfast  tomorrow (she is doing an interview in WBTN with Thomas Toscano about her art (9 a.m. to 10 a.m., you can live stream it here.

Since my open heart surgery, and at the advice of several doctors, I have taken up the occasional art of napping, I lie down sometime in the late afternoon, put my earphones on my Iphone, put on some music – Van Morrison or Gillian Welch or Roy Orbison these days, and doze for half an hour.

Then I wake up, mind racing and get to work. We need to do better at relaxing, and today went well. I made dinner, brought Maria tea, and rubbed her feet, her great weakness.

She’s back reading, surrounded by dogs, all of whom have abandoned me for the wood stove fire. They know how to relax. My study is pretty cold. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to take Maria to see a movie, Tea With The Dames, starring Dames Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Maggie Smith. What a gathering of brilliance.

13 October

Why All Dogs Are Beautiful

by Jon Katz

I’ve noticed over the years that all dogs are beautiful to the people who own them, and this is the gift of dogs, they love us in a way that makes us see all of them as beautiful, even if they are not beautiful to other people.We all think our dogs are  beautiful, even when I can’t see it.

That is the genius of dogs, raccoons and squirrels can’t do it, they do not get to sleep in bed and eat gourmet treats. I think in many ways, Bud is ugly, but he is beautiful to me, the more I get to see him and know him.

That is the wonder of dogs.

12 October

Introducing The WBTN Amazon Wish List

by Jon Katz
The WBTN Wish List: Thomas Tascano And Red

I am proud to introduce the third Wish List I have suggested in my wondrous work with the Army Of Good. The first was the RISSE Refugee Amazon Wish List – soon to be restarted – the second was the Amazon Mansion Wish List.

And today, WBTN took my suggestion and put up their first WBTN Amazon Wish List. And boy, do they need one. Their studio is a shambles, they work with Korean War-era equipment and they need just about everything there is in the world.

The Wish List works. I bought the first item – there are only three to start – a Wall Mounted Paper Towel Holder for $19.99. The other two items are a toner and plastic mat.

They’re not exactly shooting for the moon.

It’s been so long since the people at WBTN could buy anything for the station that they are stunned at the very idea of a Wish List, which they had never heard of.

I hope you’ll take a look, these items are not expensive and are a great place to start out.

I hope we can support this struggling community radio station, it needs to live and deserves to live.

NOTE: If you’re purchasing an item on the Wish List for the first time, you’ll need the address and phone number for WBTN: The address is 407 Harwood Hill, Bennington, Vt., 05201. The phone number is 802 442 6321. You can if you wish, save this address in the checkout address list.

My Talking To Animals radio broadcast begins at 1 p.m. Wednesday the 17th. It runs for two hours, and you can live stream the broadcast here, and call me at this number: 866 406 9286.

You can also e-mail me any questions you might have about dogs, cats or other animals. We mostly will be dealing with pets, but I’ve also had cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, dogs, chickens and barn cats.

For podcast:  pick a feed use the drop down list for Bennington Today. And select the date. Then to the right is either play or download to listen to past shows.

I hope you’ll check out this modest Wish List. In a nation being torn apart by corporate media, it is essential that community radio stations like WBTN survive, they are one of the very last bastions where real people get to speak out and have their voices heard.

Check out the WBTN Wish List here.

12 October

Ruth’s Pin-Up Pose. The Mansion

by Jon Katz
Ruth’s Pin-Up Pose

Ruth’s husband Ken died a couple of weeks ago and the Mansion had a memorial service for him last week. Ruth asked if I would take a photo for her room, and I had one printed out and brought it to her tonight.

Ruth is grieving for Ken, they were inseparable, but she has a wondrous sense of humor and when she came down the stairs, she decided to pose for me, she calls it her pin-up pose.

Ruth is brave, I know how much she misses Ken, but she loves the Mansion and has made many friends there. She calls Peggie..”Ma…”

I found out that Ruth is in great need of some winter clothes, especially  a bathrobe and some nightgowns. I found some tonight and I’ll get them to her on Monday or Tuesday. (I have what she needs).  The cold is coming.

This is the stuff I love, when I can get small things that make a huge difference. I have become a whiz at buying personal and intimate garments for women. That doesn’t sound quite right, but it’s true.

Thanks for your contributions: Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Just mark the payment “The Mansion” and thanks. Contributions large and small are welcome. We keep it small.

12 October

The Mansion: The Better Angels

by Jon Katz
Better Angels

Tia Smith is a Mansion aide, I call them the Better Angels. They work hard, are paid little, are unfailingly patient and caring. You have to have a lot of heart to work as an aide in a Medicaid Assisted Care facility.

Tia works the night shift and makes sure everyone has taken their medication and gets to bed comfortably.

She and others are on the front lines of this unsparing and emotional work, they are the humanity that the residents cling to, the only people they often see day in and day out, and in the most intimate and difficult settings, from getting dressed to going to the bathroom to help taking medications, dealing with all kinds of accidents.

They take care of our aging mothers, and sometimes our fathers as well.

In a just world, they would be handsomely paid for the critical and urgently necessary work they do. They are the people the residents turn to when they are sad, lonely, frightened or sick.

They know who needs slippers, socks, pants, sweaters,  robes and underwear because they help the residents dress. They monitor their medications, fill in their memory blanks, I’ve seen the many times pay for things out of their own pockets if the residents are short of cash.

They have inspired me and also helped me to understand what help is, and who really needs it. Tonight, the residents came to me – some asked Tia and Megan to talk to me – and I came home with a list of things that are needed: shoes for the Fall, stretch pants, nightgowns, winter bathrobes.

I’m on it.

It’s going to be cold this weekend, and I know on Monday I will have a bigger list of things than usual, and I will make my rounds of thrift stories and visits to Amazon. Time to make sure everybody has what they need to be warm.

Sometimes the angels take me aside in the hallway and tell me somebody’s shoes have holes, and sometimes they come up to me on my rounds with Red and slip me a piece of paper that says “Donna: size 10, sneakers/fall shoes.” Nothing else needs to be said, I go and find a shoe that size and bring it to the Mansion.

I try to do it quickly, i don’t like money to sit around in the Mansion Fund.

Small acts of great kindness. I wanted to make sure tonight to honor these dedicated people who brighten some hard lives. They represent our Better Angels to me, it gives me great hope to see everyday how good some people are who share our world.

This work is a calling, it can be hard and unforgiving, and some day, as compassion grows in the world, they will get the recognition and compensation their jobs deserve.

And tonight, Peggie came up to me at Bingo and said a friend has offered to pay to take her on a short cruise, somewhere beautiful and warm for a couple of days. Peggie wants to go but she has  no suitcase with wheels, something she would need to travel. She leaves Tuesday.

I told her I’ll find one Saturday somewhere, and have it her before Wednesday. I’ll be checking around tomorrow.

If you want to support this work, please send your contributions, large or small to Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please write “The Mansion” on the check so I can make sure it goes where you want it to go.

And thanks.

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