Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

15 October

Training Video: Getting Bud To Come

by Jon Katz


I’m working every morning, training Bud to come to me, and to move around the sheep, not ever into them.

He tried to push Lulu around this morning, and she lowered her ears and ran him out of her pasture. He learned a good lesson there, it was a bit intense but necessary, I didn’t see him move towards her.

Otherwise, the training is going very well. I took a short video this morning – I meant it to be longer, but pushed a wrong button somewhere. But it is helpful.

I am working on “come” from a long distance, aided by treats I give him at some times, and not others. He has to guess. I use a high and repetitive and enthusiastic voice to get his attention and reward him when he comes.

This is hard for him, he did not have any recall when he came, and we are getting a good one. At the same time, I am teaching him to see. He has a lot of prey drive, and I am beginning intensive calming training.

That is, five or six times a day for four or five minutes, “sit,” “stay,” “come” and eventually lie down. When a dog obeys all of these commands in my book, then he or she is trained. Until they do, they are not fully trained.

Stay and lie down will be the difficult ones for Bud, they are submissive commands, and a dog as dominant and full of himself as he is will balk. Patience, patience, patience, on my part.

But this video will give you a feel for how well he is doing, how eager he is to learn, and how day by day, he is learning who he is. Red’s presence has been immensely helpful.

15 October

Saving Community Radio: The WBTN Amazon Wish List

by Jon Katz

We have a new WBTN Amazon Wish List. It is short and inexpensive.

First of all, thanks. The first ever WBTN Community Radio Amazon Wish List sold out in a few minutes, on Friday, there were only two items on it, and they both arrived at the radio station this morning.

Thomas Toscano, the Executive Director of the station,  is in shock. “It’s like Christmas,” it’s a miracle.” He meant the wish list and the donations beginning to come in.

I hope we can clean it out again. I bought the first item, scotch tape for $20.00. The page is working well now, and thanks so much.

He also called me to tell me that someone from the blog send him a check for $250, and this was on top of the $300 he received a few days ago.

I think we are helping just in the nick of time.

They are sorting out the bugs there and a new WBTN Amazon Wish List has just gone up, with eight items, none of them costing more than $19, most costing less. As of 5:28, there are only four items.

This station needs every single thing there is in the world, and they are getting a dose of the Army Of Good, a powerful force, but unlike any other army I have ever known about.

“This has never happened to us.” The stations address, for those who like s-mail, is WBTN, 407 Harwood Hill, Bennington, Vt., 05201. The phone is 802 442-6321.  You can also donate online here.

You can also use that address and number to choose an item from the WBTN Amazon Wist.

I am joining up with Community Radio, something I have always believed in as our behemoth corporate media eats up civil and free speech, and anything resembling the voice of the people, which media was created to present and represent.

Wednesday, I begin my two-hour weekly radio show on WBTN, it’s called “Talking To Animals.” It will be a toll free call-in show – 886-442-9286. Our trial run last week was a great success. Please call with any question you have about dogs or other animals, and if you prefer, you can e-mail me y our questions to [email protected]., and I will get to them on the air when I can.

You can live stream my animal broadcast for free on Wednesday ( 1 to 3) P.M. by clicking here.

I’ve also begin a weekly column on my spanking new blog on Fridays,  called Dog Talk. I pick a question each week from the e-mails and answer it.

If you wish to contribute an item to WBTN – they are deserving and it is important that they survive – you can check out the new wish list here. If Amazon asks for the mailing address, which it should, the address is WBTN, 407 Harwood Hill, Bennington, Vt., 05201, the phone is 802 – 442-6321.

The station is hanging on by a thread, but they have a charismatic leader in Thomas, a former opera singer, and a composer and conductor. He told he has chosen to remain single and childless as a public service.

It’s certainly good for the radio station. I hope to hear from you, one way or another. We are having our long-delayed running conversation about dogs. We might even have a sponsor.

15 October


by Jon Katz

(I dedicate this new version of to my partner in creativity and life, Maria. She is the soul of me.)

Today, an exciting new chapter in the life of my precious blog, a/k/a/ The Bedlam Farm Journal. The blog is my creative heart, I started it in 2007, it is my living memoir, my great work, the story of a life, good and bad.

The blog now gets about 4 million visits a year and is the focal point of my writing, my work, my photography, and of course my life. We have just re-designed our blogs, Maria and me ($4,000 each) to make them more functional in the new age of smartphones and tablets.

Everyone who gets the blog should find it simpler and easier. Beyond that, I’ve worked with Chris Archibee and the whizzes at Mannix Marketing to make the blog simple, and more spare.

It’s about the pictures and words, we got rid of just about everything else, and built a new platform to take us into the future, to handle the traffic, to make the blog easier on the eye, and to highlight the daily essay, a new feature.

Thanks to Abrah Griggs for the beautiful logo, and to Chris Archibee for grasping what I was hoping to do. Maria’s new blog goes up later in the day, we are in this together.

Let me know what you think. I care very much about the people reading this blog, you have carried me and accompanied me to new heights in my life, both of humanity and creativity.

More later. Welcome to the new We rebuilt the whole thing.

15 October

SCRAMBLE! Peggie Heads To Cuba Tomorrow

by Jon Katz

Friday, an unnamed Angel surprised everyone by buying  passage for Peggie, a resident of the Mansion, a Medicaid Assisted Care Facility,  on a Caribbean Cruise headed for Cuba. Yes, Cuba.

Peggie accepted immediately – she didn’t blink – and touched off a scramble in the Mansion and in my world.

Peggie was desperate for a suitcase with wheels. It’s impossible for her to haul a big one around, and she has to fly to Florida to get on the cruise.

She had to have it by today, Monday, she leaves tomorrow, Tuesday on the cruise. I was headed for Wal-Mart when a friend, Susan Popper, offered to donate one of her suitcases, she says she doesn’t need it any more.

I rushed it over to the Mansion on Friday, but it got misplaced. I went over the morning and saw that Peggie didn’t have one, so we tracked it down in the Mansion and I brought it to her in her room.

Her pal Ruth was visiting with her, Ruth is sad that Peggie is going away, and sad about the loss of her husband Ken. I wonder if we could cheer her up. But that’ s another story. We just got Peggie some summer shirts, so that should work, and I’m checking to see if she has a wind jacket of some kind.

I don’t think she does, I can get one at a nearby Wal-Mart this afternoon.

I also asked  her if she had any money – none of my business really. She  told me how much she has, it is not enough. I’m going to give her some more.

This is a wonderful opportunity for Peggie, who has some painful health issues, she will have a blast – she loves to sing and dance – but it will be difficult for her. One of her daughters is going with her to help.

I’ll make sure she has what she needs. This is the best side of what we do, helping make things like this happen. I can’t offer any details about the Angel, but thanks to your for giving Peggie this wonderful opportunity.

It’s a remarkable gift, and frankly, I wouldn’t have thought to it, Peggie has a lot of health issues. But her spirit is very strong, and she has all kinds of energy, I’m very happy she’s going.

If you wish to support the Mansion Work, I’d appreciate the help. You can contribute by sending a payment to me, Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your payment “The Mansion.”

And thanks. we have $600 in the special Mansion account. And I have enough money to get Peggie what she needs.

We keep things small and focused, we commit small acts of great kindness. Peggie’s Angel committed a big one.

Small donations are just as important as larger ones. We are doing good work, rather than arguing about what good work is.

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