Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

23 September

Reflections On Our Open House, Oct. 6-7.

by Jon Katz
Ready For The Open House

We are just two weeks away from our 8th Bedlam Farm Open House, and it is jarring to reflect on how our lives have changed since the first Open House, and how the Open Houses have themselves changed.

The first one drew 1,500 and we had to hire a security detail to handle the crowds. It felt out of control. I think I was somewhat famous then, and Maria had just launched her career as a fiber artist and curator.

Our idea was to celebrate her art, and the art of rural life, and the deep well of creativity we felt and saw all around us.

Today, the Open Houses are different.

Our farm is smaller, and we could not handle 1,500 Usually, we get between six and seven hundred people. We have retained the focus of the Open House – a celebration of our own lives and creativity, a chance to share the farm and our animals with people who love both, and an opportunity to draw from gifted local artists, spinners, poets, shearers and farriers.

It is a hard thing for us, weeks of work, and everyone is special and has a different tone. Maria works like a demon selling art in her studio, and my role is mostly to greet people, herd sheep with Red and Fate, give a talk or two, and introduce the poets and speakers.

Some new and special things this year:

Bud will be spending his first week on the farm and will get a somewhat shocking introduction to life here. I hope to use Bud as a therapy dog at the Mansion and elsewhere, the Open  House will give me a chance to get a good look at his temperament and social skills.

I don’t want to stress him – he has been through a great deal – but I’m excited to introduce him to people on Saturday and Sunday (Columbus Day Weekend, October 6 and 7th, ll to 4 p.m.)

Mary Kellogg is publishing her fourth volume of poetry, This Is My Life. She hopes to be present, but has asked me to read from her book. I am thrilled to do so. In addition, there will be poetry readings from Jackie Thorne, Carol Gulley, and Amy Herring. The very gifted Vermont artist Rachel Barlow will do an oil painting and everyone can see the process and ask questions.

Sadly, Ed Gully, the farmer, folk artist and friend who became such an important part of our Open Houses in recent years, won’t be here, he died more than a month ago. Some of his art will be here, it is scattered all over our farm. His wife Carol will be helping Maria in her studio and also reading a poem or two.

Maria’s Belly Dancing Group, The Sisters Of The Shawl, will dance Sunday at 1 p.m. I am so impressed with these dancers, they do not dance to entertain or arouse men, they dance to affirm their own pride and identity. It is quite amazing to see them.

Maria has assembled a remarkable group of eight artists – paintings, pincushions, pottery, jewelry, sketches, scarves, among other things, their work will be displayed and sold in the Schoolhouse Studio, the 1801 Schoolhouse moved to our farm many years ago and converted into a studio for Maria.

In addition, there will be sheep shearing by Liz Lewis on Saturday,  sheep herding several times a day both days.

It is more intimate and much less chaotic than the first one, and we are grateful for that. It is a coming together that is warm and uplifting. I will be talking about my next book, Gus And Bud, to be published next year by Simon & Schuster.

You can follow events for the Open House here.

I visited with the sheep today, they are now hanging out in the cooler weather by the side of the Pole Barn, where they are shaded from the sun, but still in the cooler open air. Maria will gather the wool shorn at the Open House and take it to a Vermont knitting mill.  It will be dyed (some of it) and sold as Bedlam Farm Yarn.

It is fitting that Bud is arriving just before our Open House (if he passes all of his tests). That seems right.

If you can, come and join us for our celebration of the art and creativity of rural life.

23 September

All Shined Up: Maria’s Jacket

by Jon Katz
All Shined Up – Maria’s Leather Jacket

I spent a couple of hours cleaning and polishing Maria’s leather jacket, it was languishing in a dark closet for five or six years (I bought it for her at a Thrift Shop in Bellows Falls, Vt.) and it was covered in dust and some mold.

I cleaned the mold off first and then applied a good dose of saddle soap to the jacket after it had tried. It looks shiny and new and healthy again. Maria loves it and so do I, she just forgot about it and the closet is a black hole, musty and forgotten.

Maria cleaned it all out today, some clothes needed some sunlight.

The upside is that it inspired me to buy a $46 leather Bomber jacket from a seller in London for $46 on Etsy. I always loved the leather jackets that I had, and this one looks right for me. It was by far the cheapest vintage leather jacket on the page, which made me a bit nervous about buying it, but I have always loved the leather jackets I owned.

Maria and I will be sure  not to wear both of our jackets out together, that could be a bit much. I confess I was also worried about wearing a leather jacket at my age, 71. A motorcycle leather jacket would look silly on me. But I think this one is quite appropriate. I hope it’s as good as it looks on the site.

23 September

Done: The Pole Barn

by Jon Katz

I finished painting two of the new gates on the Pole Barn, I got this itch that we needed some color on the new gates. Took four four hours each gate, the sun and the flies wore me down. I have a bit of touching up to do, but I’m glad we got to it in time for the Open House on Columbus Day weekend. Next week at this time, Bud will be here hopefully, and life will be differentl.

23 September

Before There Is Light, There Is Darkness. My Rules

by Jon Katz
Before There Is Light

Before there is Paradise, say the prophets of Kabbalah, there is a barren desert, then darkness.

My rules for finding the light, and moving away from the darkness and the anger:

I seek to do good, not to argue about what good is.

I do not mourn what I have lost, I celebrate what I have.

I live in the present, not the past, and look to the future with hope and strength.

Fear is a bluff, an idea,  a geography, a space to cross, again and again.

My search to create Light out of darkness, in my own life and beyond, is an expression of humanity’s deepest longing and greatest desire: to be the source and cause of my own happiness.

I take responsibility for my life. No one can can give me the life I seek but me, no one can take it from me.

I do not speak poorly of my life and my work, it is listening. Everyone suffers, everyone is fighting their own battles. I take responsibility for my brokenness, but my life, like everyone else’s life, is full of challenge and struggle. Grace is my response.

I have never known argument to solve a problem or make it go away. There is always another way.

I stand in my truth and open my life. I have no secrets to hide.

I practice radical acceptance and  radical forgiveness. Everyone does the best they can.

I respect nature and the animal world, animals are not my dependents or children, they are my partners in our journey through life. Mother Earth is my sister.

On the other side of paradise is fear, the spouse of darkness.

Love is the point.

We each  hear our own voices. Those are the things I tell myself every day.

23 September

Naked Photography

by Jon Katz
Naked Photography

I looked out the window this morning and saw the thick fog over the pastures and the Red Barn, I ran outside naked with my camera and took some photos. This is a picture you can’t wait for because the sun will burn the fog off and I love to see the farm shrouded in mist.

How  beautiful it was  out there, and how cold. As the mist began to lift, I scrambled back into the house.

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