Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

26 August

Beautiful Morning, Mist And Emotion, Bedlam Farm Monday, Dawn, August 26, 2024. Photo Journal

by Jon Katz

There are two kinds of misty mornings: fog, which lasts, and mist, which is quickly burned off by the sun.

This morning, we had the fog, which is my favorite.  I used to run outside naked to catch the mist before it burned off; now, I use a bathrobe. The Amish go by in their cards early in the morning; their daughters go shopping; they don’t need to see me naked. Nobody does, not at that hour.

The farm is soft and gentle; even Maria’s daily manure shovels out of the barn.

I love taking pictures in the mist; everything stands out, and the farm feels especially sweet and beautiful. For those of you who can’t be here, a Photo Journal,  I hope you like it.












26 August

Zip In My Lap, Our Battle Over A Chipmunk Ends In Peace

by Jon Katz

It ended peacefully, with a tired Zip going to sleep in my bag with one arm hanging out over my arm. It was a sweet moment, but our encounter earlier was not as sweet. When I came out of the farmhouse, Zip had a chipmunk hanging out of his mouth. It wasn’t Alvin, his nemesis; this one was much smaller.

I can’t look away when Zip has a baby creature in his mouth. I’ve saved more than a few.

The poor thing looked dead; I can only imagine those teeth in his back and neck. But he wasn’t dead; I think he was playing dead and hoping for the best.

I couldn’t handle watching Zip chase and capture living things, so I rushed over. he dropped the chipmunk, who was still, and I was going to stomp on it to make sure it was dead and out of his misery when the chipmunk shot out from under my feet. He took off, heading for a nearby tree; I could hardly believe how quickly Zip came after him and caught him again.

The chipmunk tried to run up the birch tree, and Zip rushed up after him and ahead of him. I grabbed Zip by the tail and pulled him down, giving him time to rush up the tree and into a hole. Looking shocked and betrayed, Zip came down and went off into the brush; he seemed confused, popped up, and looked around to see where the chipmunk was.

(The apple tree is dropping apples. Maria is making applesauce.)

I went into the chair we both sat in in the late afternoons. Zip looked exhausted. His tongue was hanging, which I’ve never seen, and he seemed almost disoriented. I thought he might be angry with me, but a half hour later, he appeared beside the chair and jumped into my lap.

This is the great drama of the cat, especially a Barn Cat. Sweet one minute, murderous the next. Nature is full of animals eating other animals – that’s how most animals in nature survive – but I can’t bear to watch it. But cats are also generous. Zip never holds a grudge.

I stroked his neck, which he loves; he needed calm, and I saw how drained he seemed. In a few minutes, he put his head on my arm and went to sleep. No hard feelings. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the battered chipmunk run for it, racing to the stone wall where some of them live. He made it.

Zip slept for more than 20 minutes while I stroked his back, and he slept. All was forgotten.



26 August

Welcome To Maria’s Good Morning Monday Video (In The Mist)

by Jon Katz


We both got up early to catch the mist. Maria’s Monday morning videos capture the tone and feeling of Bedlam Farm more than anything else. She has become an accomplished writer, blogger, artist (of course), and videographer. Whatever she does, she does beautifully. You can see her writing, art, and photos on her blog,

26 August

Day 3, Cambridge Pantry Smile Weekend: $1.42, $1.42, $5.49, $10.65. A Little Support Goes A Very Long Way

by Jon Katz

Today is the third and final day of our “Smile” weekend program designed to bring a smile to the faces of people who long for foods they can no longer afford to buy. The Cambridge Food Pantry is unique, it works hard to understand what it is their patrons most want and give them the pleasure and dignity eating what they wish, if possible.

These are the foods that make them smile when they see them. Tomorrow, we’ll move on to canned ham and canned chicken, which are sorely missed foods. I’ll post the stats in the morning. They are already up on the  Cambridge Wish List for those of you who are in the mood to do some good on this Sunday,

The Cambridge Pantry Wish List includes the four items Sarah is out of and six more that have gone off the pantry shelves and need to be full again.

By accessing the Wish List, you are taking a step towards making a difference. Feel free to browse the list, as it is updated frequently. When Sarah has enough items to last a few days (there is not much storage space), she takes them down.

You can purchase any of the others. You get to choose. You are making a huge difference in the lives of these people. Thanks.

This smile campaign will run through the weekend until Monday morning.

If you are inside the pantry when the families come, you see them smile and light up when they see items they used to be able to get and still want very much. Unlike most food pantries, this one has no trouble determining what its patrons want.  They always ask.

They work hard to respect the dignity of people who need help.

Here are the four items that always get a smile when spotted.

1. Efferendent Retainer Cleaning Tablets, Tablets For Dental Appliances, 102 Tablets, $5.49.

2. Colgate Max Fresh Whitening Toothpaste With Mini Strips, Clean Mint Toothpaste, Fights Cavities, And Bad Breath, 6.3 Oz (pack of four) $10.65.

3. Stuffing Mix Turkey Flavor, 6 Oz., $1.42.

4. Velveeta Shells & Cheese, Stuffing Mix Turkey Flavor, 6 Oz, $1.42.

NOTE: I’ll post these items this evening, tomorrow, and tomorrow I’ll post the canned ham and cicken. These are three of the most popular and oft-requested foods at the pantry — here are three days for you to take your time and see what, if anything, you can do to help. I buy three or four lower-priced items each day and save the more expensive ones for later in the weekend. In this case, $10 isn’t costly and will keep many teeth clean in a family.

You can access the Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When Sarah has enough of the requested items, she’ll remove them from the list and add others. All of them are needed.

You can access the Wish List here using the green button at the bottom of every blog post.


25 August

Flower Art: Today, Colors And Shapes That Have Messages For Me. What I Couldn’t Say In Words.

by Jon Katz

My flowers are charming – the watch and a train  –  a sharp dog back – train just pulling out – cattle sound great here at night sometimes – one now” …

…  I was very sick when I was eighteen, and I forgot a lot of things that happened a year or two before that and after – I really lost about four years – People sometimes won’t believe me when I say I forgot things they say happened after I was perfectly well.” – Georgia O’Keeffe,  Selected Letters To  Alfred Stieglitz.


Georgia O’Keeffe said she could say things with color and shapes that she couldn’t say any other way—things she had no words for. To create one’s world in any of the arts takes courage. She said she wished people were all trees and that she could enjoy them then.

Her words ring very true to me. She was much more of an artist than I will ever be, yet as I researched her life, I found she spoke my mind more than I might have guessed.

The colors and shapes in my flowers say things I can’t say in words and never really could. This opened me up in a new and meaningful way.

See you in the morning. Please tune in for Maria’s Monday Morning Video from Bedlam Farm on my blog and hers.

It takes courage to create one’s world, from a book to a blog, a quilt, a painting, or a genius at world-creating. O’Keeffe was telling the truth when she said talking to trees might be easier than talking to people.

I can’t say I find that true in my life—I like to talk to people, not trees. Maria, like O’Keeffe, loves to talk to trees, and they speak back to her. It’s beautiful to see; perhaps one day, I can do it.

But every day, I am asked to muster the courage to create my world and push aside the world of other people. I’m getting used to it, growing into it. It always wanted it to come out, and now it has.

I hope you enjoy the little world I created today; I worked on it for hours.









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