Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

26 February

My Tayor Swift Winter Cap Is On The Way. It Seems I’m A Fan. She’s A Great Writer;

by Jon Katz

Writing about this is odd, but I’m a Taylor Swift fan. Honesty first.

I’ve loved her music, spirit, enthusiasm, empathy, and writing for several years. She is a talented musician and one of the most gifted songwriters I’ve ever heard.

I was home resting from my dawn foot surgery this morning in Saratoga and saw a video showing her giving one of her prized hats to a nine-year-old child dying of brain cancer in Australia. The narrator said she could watch it repeatedly, which is what I felt. It’s a tear-jerker.

Her music is about feeling; I can see why many people relate to her. She seems very real to me.

She understands what it is to be a caring and feeling human and never tires of doing good. Our politicians seem to never tire of screwing up and being cruel. What a curious country.

I know a U.S. Congressperson or politician who has done nearly as much good as she does almost every day with her songs, writing skills, open and honest heart, and generosity.

No, I’m not in love with Taylor Twist. I don’t need to do that;  I’m already in love, but she inspires me. I appreciate the tone and words of her songs. They all have something to say to me and many other people. I am a fan; she strikes me as a genius.

I went out and ordered a Taylor Swift cap, some proceeds going to help sick children. I’m in. Then I listened to her music for half an hour, especially in 1989. I don’t know if it’s good for her for a 76-year-old man to be mooning over her music and writing, but there it is.

I ordered the above Taylor Swift hat in blue while listening to her album 1989.

I’ll wear it through the winter and on hot days in the summer. You know you’re important when the extremist lunatics start spreading insane conspiracy theories about her (they are terrified she will endorse Joe Biden, which she did four years ago. She is three times as powerful today.) It’s her music that I most appreciate.

I have no secrets anymore and live an open life, which always seems open to the new.

Swift has got another album coming out soon, and I’m in. Taylor Swift is said to be one of the world’s most influential people. I like that much better than Elon Musk, who has a global website in his power-mad hands.

25 February

Mr. Moon Sr.

by Jon Katz

I’m heading to Saratoga early in the morning for what is hopefully my last food surgery. One more toe needs straightening out, and Dr. Daly will do it. She is the force and the spirit behind my reconstructed food, brace, and return to normal walking.

As surgery goes, this is not a big deal. But a doctor once pointed out that every surgery is a big deal; that’s the point. The anesthesia will be topical; I’ll be awake the whole time. I’m sorry, I’ll have to go back to the dread surgical book; I had to wear one for several years before we finally had extensive surgery to remove my big toe.

I expect to go home with all of my toes intact; I will be told to take it easy on Monday, stay off the foot, etc. Maria is going with me, but hopefully, we’ll both be home in time to do our work. They don’t keep people a minute longer than they need to.

It’s not severe enough to warrant prayers or deep-thought messages, either. I was taking the garbage out tonight, and I saw the beautiful moon, in part behind a cloud. I’m not in any crisis.

I didn’t have the right lens or a tripod, but I thought I should try to get a shot with my very small 60 mm. Every Leica lens is a good lens, and this was a used Leica lens. It looks swell against our night sky.

I hope you nature lovers get a look at this moon; it’s unique. I’ll get up around 5:30; It’s too earlly for a lovely photo or a blog post. That will come when I get home. It’s my habit to never go away with posting a goodbye message. So goodbye, see you shortly.

25 February

Color And Light, As Promised. New Photos From Inside The House. A Meditation: “No Beginning And No End…”

by Jon Katz

These flower photos are taken inside of the house. Sue Lamberri’s re-opening of her flower shop in town has given me yet another way of finding and sharing some color and light in the dark and cold days.

I was meditating earlier today, and I read something from Thich Nhat Hanh that I’d like to share because it spun around in my head. Got surgery in the morning. There’s a lot to think about. I’ll be blogging when I can, early in the afternoon.


No Beginning And No End

We usually try to hold on to life and run away from death. But, according to the teaching, everything has been nirvana. So why do we have to grasp one thing and avoid another? In the uiltimate dimension, there is no beginning and no end. We think there is something to attain outside of ourselves, but everything is already here.” – Thich Nhat Nanh.

The ghost sunflower is still beautiful in death.

25 February

Cold Morning And Day On A Bright Sunday. A Potpouri Of The Good Life That I Have Been Blessed To Live And Happy To Share

by Jon Katz

It’s the last bitter cold day, according to the weather forecast.

This week, I should be able to sit outside with a chair and a tripod and try to get some exciting bird photos. We’ll see. I’m doing some experimenting this week with my bird photography to see if I can’t figure out what I’m trying to do. I’ll be back in surgical boots and no showers for a week.  I can’t get my foot wet.

I have no complaints; my brace and foot have worked well together. It was a sweet day; I have a mix of photos to share, images of my life. I love spending  quiet days like this with Maria, although she is rarely still, she runs from one task to another, it’s her nature, and at some point at the end of the day, we come together and stay there for a while.



I’ve named him Ares in honor of the fierce Greek God of the same name.

Red, my great herding and therapy dog, loved Fate, and he repeatedly tried to teach her how to herd sheep. It never quite took, but Zinnia sometimes gives it the college try when the sheep come in or out of the pasture, as she did this morning. She races down the hill, woofing, and the sheep mostly ignore her. They are not fools.

Afternoon feed.

Zip Scratching


Blogging, afternoon sun, the annals of creation

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