Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

29 February

Color And Light Journal, Thursday, February 29, 2024. Flower Art. Warmer Tomorrow. Ten Minutes Of Meditation For Peace

by Jon Katz

Meditation taught me that practicing a single conscious breath is manageable. The monks say that if I continue to breathe consciously for ten breaths without my mind going away, I have taken a valuable and lasting step toward an actual meditation practice.

If I can practice conscious breathing for ten minutes, they tell me a significant and lasting change will occur inside me. I tried it yesterday, and I’ll try it again tonight. It is working.

I’m using my big bird lens to take these photos. I’m taking Leica lessons to understand the lens and how to use it. I’m writing to inform you that I’m figuring it out.


Irises in the window.


New flowers to watch and love.


Fate at rest makes me restful to look.

29 February

Portrait, Zip Napping In His Blanket And Chair. Who Has Adopted Who?

by Jon Katz

During the day, Zip loves to lie in a wicker chair nestled in the warm blankets Maria puts out. At night, he sometimes sleeps in the heated cat house in the barn. Sometimes, he likes to sleep out with the sheep and donkeys he has befriended. Sometimes, he goes up into the woodshed; there’s a box with blankets sheltered from the wind, rain, or snow.

Two or three times a day, no matter the weather, he sets off to hunt in one of the pastures or the marsh below the farm. We see bits and pieces of his kills. He loves to meet with me, and then he gets restless and goes out to explore. Sometimes, he pops up on the front porch and peeks in.

I love seeing him pop up in a window at odd times. Once he looks things over, he vanishes and goes about his barn cat duties. The rat is gone, the pigeons are gone, and the mice are running for their lives. Good for him.

The animal rights zealots insist in their reliably shrill voices that he is dying to get inside because that is what they would wish to do. Humans have a tough time putting their animal’s needs above their own, but if you know Zip,  you immediately know that inside is the last place he wants to be, or should be.

Two sheriff’s deputies, both cat lovers,  want to visit the farm and visit him. They are welcome.

I love the sweet mail I am getting from the cat people now that I am one of them. They know what their cats need and understand my relationship with Zip. It is precious to me, something new and valuable. He is my farm buddy; he watches over me.

I thought I adopted him and Maria, but it seems he has adopted me.

Zip napping in his special flannel blanket.

My job as a steward is to ensure I put the animal’s needs ahead of mine. That has been the case with Zip from the beginning. Maria loves him just as much as I do, and the love is returned. Zip turns out to be a very loving creature. But also fiercely independent. I admire both things about him.

It is a great life to see him so happy here, especially now that he has charmed or befriended every creature on the farm, including me, Maria, the donkeys, the sheep Zinnia and Fate, and the chickens. He visits or plays with almost all of them every day.

In between, he kills things and eats them. We also feed him twice a day. He’s had a vet check recently, and the vet says he is in perfect health, including ears and teeth. He was skinny when we got him; he has gained much weight.

I am thrilled to know him and to live just around the corner.

29 February

A Precious Gift. Maria Gave Me One Of Her Meditation Trees. I’ll Use It Tonight After Blogging

by Jon Katz

Maria made a dozen or so Meditation Trees and sold all of them. She might make some more. I offered to buy one, and she said she wouldn’t let me pay for one as I insisted on doing. A kind blog reader offered to buy one for me, but Maria wouldn’t hear that either. Today, she gave me one, and I gratefully accepted the gift. I think she always had that in mind.

This is a beautiful and meaningful piece. I love it and can’t wait to meditate with it in my lap or hanging on a wall. I’ll try it tonight. This is as beautiful a gift as I could get for spiritual and personal reasons. I revel in her gifts. Her love of the world comes through.

29 February

Landscape: Sunset On Route 68, In A Cold And Howling Wind

by Jon Katz

I went to Vermont to speak with a cannabis medical specialist. We went over my experience with cannabis, and she agreed with me that I should halt taking edibles for anxiety; she said I didn’t seem all that anxious and had a good attitude. She said she saw no reason not to continue my tiny doses of edibles before bedtime. I was alert, focused, and rested. The sleep is good for me, she said; the anxiety medication seemed unhealthy and unnecessary.

I agree with all of that. I came home (I still see a chiropractor for my back injuries sustained a couple of months ago; I am almost wholly healed.)

On the way home, the wind shrieked and cut through like a nice. I couldn’t open the car door. It was blowing hard, but I got out and took two sunset figures from Route 68. They captured the feeling. It’s good to be home. I have a cup of orange tea, and I’m thawing out. My foot is healing well, I go back to Dr. Daly next week to have the stitches out.

Tomorrow, I visit my primary care doctor, Dr. Dodge, to check my hearing. It might be wax, or it might be time for a hearing aid. I don’t know which.  I notice I keep saying “what” a lot to things other people seem to hear. I’ve learned to embrace preventive medicine and not hide from my body.

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