Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

30 August

Beautiful Morning, Friday, August 30, 2024: Zip In A Tree, Donkeys To The Sheep, Flowers In The Garden, Autumn Light

by Jon Katz

Zip is a ham. He loves to be in every photo we take. The camera loves him back.


Manure spread. It is heavy


The Prince examines his kingdom

My Garden Bed


Apples for Lulu

Autumn Leaves. I miss the color but I love Autumn light.

More apples for the lucky donkeys and sheep.

29 August

Tired Eyes, Slowing Down For A Day Or Two: Yes, You Told Me So. P.S. The Surgery Won’t Affect My Photos In Any Way, And Have Not

by Jon Katz

Well — I made you take time to look at what I saw, and when you took time to really notice my flower, you hung all your associations with flowers on my flower, and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower — and I don’t.”  – Georgia O’Keeffe.

One of the things I love about flower photos is that everyone can see what they need to see, and there is no right or wrong. Your interpretation and emotion are as reasonable as mine, and I love hearing what you think of the photos you see. I love O’Keeffe’s grumpiness. She speaks her mind.

I appreciate all the good words and thoughts about my photos and cataract surgery. Still, I need to clarify that the surgery has not affected any images I have taken, now or in the future. I am thrilled to see the pictures firsthand and in vibrant colors, which will stimulate my photography. People are telling me they see something new in my photos lately, but that, if true, had nothing to do with the surgery and more to do with my experimenting in bright light with a new (old) workhorse street lens.

But I could always see most of the color on my computer, and there could only be so much additional color in my photos with them exploding. My computer editing system has helped me every step of the way. I hope to do more experiments with flowers and light—that’s my thing.

I’ll keep working to improve, and the surgery will undoubtedly make it more rewarding.

However, I will rest my eyes for a day or so. I’ll try to take a photo or two, but I might post an old one if my eyes tire. I’ve had surgeries before, but never at the age of 77. Recovery takes a bit longer and requires a bit more rest. I to give my eyes a break. I will be writing and blogging, but I will provide the eyes with more rest. Thanks for all the great words; these photos were taken today in the sun. I love the curves and lines.







29 August

“We’re Not Going Back – ” Maria Starts A New Quilt For The Times

by Jon Katz

Maria has begun work on a new quilt called “We Won’t Go  Back,” using vintage quilts and her artistry. She just started work on it yesterday, and I wanted to share that with you; it looks exciting already. You can follow it on her blog,

I’m excited to see it. She has a lot of ideas for it and is just getting started. It’s too early to be on sale; if anyone has any questions about it, her e-mail is [email protected].


29 August

RICE DAY! Something New For A Badly Needed Food At The Cambridge Food Pantry: From $1.78 To $ 7.61 To $18.85

by Jon Katz

Today, we urgently seek your assistance in focusing on a crucial food item for the pantry patrons: rice.

(Maria took the photo above, which was only for Sara.    And thanks for your support for Soup And Salad Day; it was successful. )

Rice is a perfect meal supplement that can alleviate the stress of busy, overworked, and harried parents.

There are many varieties of rice, some more nutritious than others. Sara says this food is in great demand, and she is having difficulty getting rice dishes from the food banks that help supply the pantry. I hope we can fill some shelves.

Rice is healthy when eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. It’s a complex carbohydrate that’s a good energy source and contains many nutrients, including magnesium, manganese, selenium, and all B vitamins. Rice can also help people feel good by increasing serotonin levels, boosting moods, and controlling appetite.

This is valuable supplemental food for the families that come to the pantry for food support, so we wanted to devote a day to it. It’s inexpensive and easy to prepare, and these people also need some help boosting their moods and morale. It fits.

There are currently 13 items on the Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List. We ask people to consider supporting four today and any others they might choose. We’ve chosen four kinds of rice and dug out the Amazon bargains for some.

Thanks for your help. As you have gathered, we sometimes focus on a single item so the pantry has enough to last long enough for people to have a fair chance of getting it. Thanks so much, and feel free to browse the Wish List. Now that I think of it, cooked rice is also warm in cold weather and recommended for queasy stomachs. It feels like a friendly food.


  1. Knorr Asian Side Dish, Chicken Fried Rice, 5.7 oz (Pack of 8), $7.61.
  2.  Zatarian’s Red Beans and Rice, 8.0z, $1.78.
  3. Rice-A-Roni, Cheddar Broccoli, 6.9 oz Boxes (12 Pack), $18.85.
  4. Ben’s Original Ready Rice Jasmine Rice, Easy Dinner Side, 8.5 Oz Pouch (Pack of 6), $9.98.



You can access the Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List any day or time of the week. Just go to the wish links here or my green button at the bottom of every blog post:

We could use some more soup, says Sara:

Campbell’s Chunky Soup, New England Clam Chowder, 16.3 Oz Can (Case of 8), $15.68.

7. Campbell’s Pub-Style Chicken Pot Pie Soup, 16.3 Oz Can (Case of 8), $15.88.


Shelves are getting empty, above and below. Wednesdays and Saturdays are drawing large crowds.

We sent a lot of beans to the pantry; it’s all gone.

29 August

This Is Our Story…Living Intensely.

by Jon Katz

Author Philis Rose wrote this piece about Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife Fanny and their powerful and inspiring marriage. Maria and I were both touched by it and saw something of us in what Rose wrote about them.  We are not the same in some ways but similar in others.

We recognized ourselves.

She was writing about Camille Peri’s book, A Wilder Shore, The Romantic Odyssey of Fanny, And Robert Louise Stevenson.


It is probably clear that I love this couple. I love both of them. I love their incongruity, the tiny round woman who came up to the bony man’s chest. His gift. Her gifts. Their devotion to each other. I admire the way they lived, genuine bohemians who seem to have cared only about staying alive and living intensely, always resourceful, unfussy, and open to new experiences. I like them so much that I hate reading of the times they disagreed, even fought, but that is what married people do.

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