Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

22 December

The Winter Solstice Pillow. Solstice Dog.

by Jon Katz

Bud ate the soft blue pillow I used on my chair to take a nap or just listen to music. Maria surprised me yesterday by giving me a gift of a Solstice Pillow, with designs and symbols she stitched onto the front and the back.

Most of the symbols she drew are on the back side, I’ll take a picture of it later, it’s quite striking.

But entered into the spirit of the Winter Solstice in his own way.

I put it on my chair and when I came back in the room Bud – he doesn’t eat pillows any more – decided he liked it and took up position alongside. He is not allowed on furniture.

It’s a wonderful gift, I love being married to an artist.

21 December

At The Mansion, Karaoke: Singing Of Christmas

by Jon Katz

We set up the Karaoke machine at the Mansion today, most of the residents still in residence over the holidays gathered around in the Great Room, three very loving aides joined in – Bonnie, Sarah and Dorlisa (or very own Aretha).

I call this group “the choir,” they love to sing. Madeline is an old trouper, she knows the lyrics to just about every song there is, even though her more  temporal memory struggles sometimes.

Maria helped set up the machine, and our friend Susan Popper came by to help. I’m learning that the residents need someone to sing with them to get them started.

There were plenty of volunteers. Sarah and Dorlisa say they’ll be back  with us on Christmas morning. I feel a choir forming.

Alice claps her hands, Jean taps her  feet, Peggie belts it out. Most of the others sit back and watch, singing softly or clapping. I love our Karaoke sessions, and so do the residents.

It lifts my hear to hear them sing. We are coming back Christmas morning to sing carols with the residents who have no place to go. The Christmas spirit lives in the Mansion, it is deep and beautiful there.

21 December

The Solstice: Out Of The Darkness. Holiday Of Hope

by Jon Katz

Tonight is the Winter Solstice, the darkest day, the longest night. This is the perfect day for me, perhaps for others, it symbolizes the return to the light, the end of darkness.

We postponed our bonfire until Sunday, the ground is too muddy and wet from today’s storm. Tonight, we will light some candles, say some prayers, listen to some music.

For me, the reminder that Spring is coming is a holiday of hope. I believe light is coming for me, for Maria, for the farm and the animals, for my friend and for my country.

In a more joyful world, when people were connected closely to nature, this day had great meaning, it was a time for festivals, spending time with loved ones, feasting, singing, dancing, lighting fires.

We will honor some of those traditions tonight and over the weekend. On a farm, the solstice is important. I believe the animals are acutely sensitive to light, they know now the grass will soon be green again, the days warmer and brighter.

We are at the beginning of something and the end of something, we are reminded of Spring today, from now, each day will be longer, will bring more light. We have a playlist of solstice music that Maria assembled.

I wish you all a happy and meaningful Winter Solstice, the holiday of hope, the boundary between darkness and light. In many places, and for much of human history, this was the most important day of the year for centuries.

The day marks the official beginning of winter for the Northern Hemisphere of the earth, and the shortest day of the year, but it also signals the coming of Spring. It  gave hope to farmers and people who lived in nature.

21 December

Christmas Spirit: The RISSE Amazon Wish List

by Jon Katz

In the spirit of Christmas, I went on the new RISSE Amazon Wish List and bout a bi-lingual dictionary for the refugee students at the RISSE after school.

I can hardly think of a better way to celebrate the spirit of Christmas than by helping this refugee children and their families, they have suffered enough deserve the same bright future that is supposed to be open to all Americans.

Take a look at the RISSE list, please and see if there is something you can afford and would like to buy. The needs of these children have never been greater.

You can also help the soccer team by using that list, they need winter gear for their outdoor games coming up. Check out the list here.

There are thirteen items, ranging from a yoga mat for a cold floor, some dictionaries and thermal shirts for the soccer team.

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