Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

28 December

Milestone: Bud Challenges Me To Play, A FIrst

by Jon Katz

I was warned by Carol Johnson, Bud’s rescuer, that he was very much afraid of men when she first encountered him. I did see that Bud was very cautious around me, sensitive to sudden movements or raised voices.

I tried to play with him once or twice to loosen him up, but he wouldn’t take the risk, so I dropped it. I figured he’d come around if I was patient and cautious, and so I was.

Bud and I ride around together, nap together, train together, hang out together, but until today he would never quite relax enough to play with me. Today, he did, and it was a sweet thing to see. Come and see for yourself.

28 December

The Eternal Now: Repentance And Acceptance

by Jon Katz

I wake up sometimes, shaking in sweating at the personal horror of my childhood. It has shaped so much of my life. I was assaulted and abused, I wet my bed almost to the age of consent. I don’t say this to complain or dramatize my life – everybody suffers abuse at one time or another, everyone has their battles to fight, so many people had and have it worse.

But learning to accept what happened to me and what I became has become the central work of my life.

They call it radical acceptance.

It’s the right term, it means accepting life on its own terms and accepting what cannot be changed. It is one of the most important ideas in my work to become whole and fulfilled, to find love and fix some of the broken pieces.

“It is our destiny,” wrote the philosopher Paul Tillich in his classic work, The Eternal Now, “and the destiny of everything in our world, that we must come to an end. Every end that we experience in nature and mankind speaks to us with a loud voice: you also will come to an end.” We are the only creatures on the earth who know it.

Tillich doesn’t mean this to be grim or depressing, just the opposite. He means this very blunt reality to be liberating and inspiring.  When you consider eternity, our own lives take on a whole different meaning.

Tillich was one of the founders of the very idea of radical acceptance, which has come to be one of the cornerstones of my spiritual searching, and one of the most profound inspirations in my healing and recovery.

The courage to be, ” writes Tillich, “is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.” Almost every day, I am challenged to accept myself, even if other can’t and won’t accept me. Even if I am sometimes unacceptable.

The most important of Tillich’s writing for me is his writing about how to deal with the past. In the light of the future, he writes, we see  the past and the present. But it is only the future that gives us hope and awakens us to the mystery of time, we are the only species on the earth that knows about the future, and what it will mean to us.

The past always held enormous power over me, it dominated my life and nearly undid it, more than once. I saw my life in terms of the past, my anger, my regret, my hurt, my grievance,  my mistakes and lost perspective. I was so often mired in it, that there was nothing left over for life and love.

Radical acceptance has taken me out of that tunnel and into the light.  There is a long way to go, but I’ve come a long way.

Can we ever banish elements of our past, I wonder, so that they lose their power over the present? In spite of the past, can a man or woman separate himself from it, through it out of the present and back where it belongs?

“We are not inescapably victims of our past, ” wrote Tillich in his classic The Eternal Now, first published in 1963.

“We can make the past remain nothing but past,” he wrote. “The act in which we do this has been called  repentance. Genuine repentance is not the feeling of sorrow about wrong actions, but it is the act of the whole person in which he separates himself from elements of his being, discarding them into the past as something that no longer has any power over the present.”

It is the meaning of the facts of our past that can be changed, argues Tillich, and the name he gives this act of change is forgiveness.

This idea went off like a firecracker in my consciousness. If the meaning of the past is changed by forgiveness,  than its influence on the future is also changed.

The character of the curse of the past is changed, the curse is taken away from it. It becomes a blessing through the transforming power of forgiveness.

It has worked for me, again and again.

I’ve forgiven the past, my parents, the people who hurt me, the people who dislike me, and most  importantly, me. Every time I practiced forgiveness, the past receded, the present advance, I was lighter and freer.

This is a transformative idea for me.

I have learned to separate myself from the elements of the past, I’ve discarded them as  something that no longer has any meaning, or any power over my present life. This is acceptance in its purest and most personal form.

My past is empty in many ways now, I rarely go there, the painful experiences fading, their abundance diminishing, their ecstasy and power gone, their fullness, once so suffocating, has become a void with nothing for me to see or feel.

I don’t feel the memories and experiences of the past as curses,  I don’t feel them as blessings. They have been swallowed by the past, they have no real meaning in the eternal now.

We live so long, and only so long as “it is still today,” wrote a Hebrew mystic. This idea of the eternal now breaks powerfully into our consciousness, writes Tillich,  and gives us the richness of a spiritual life.

In this realm, there is one power that surpasses the all-consuming power of time – the power of eternity, of the eternal. He Who was and is and is to come, the beginning and the end. This is what gives is the courage for what it is to come. This is what gives us rest.

The courage to be is the courage to accept myself, even if I am unacceptable.

28 December

Love Your Country Today: The RISSE Amazon List

by Jon Katz

The past couple of years have taught me never to take my country and its values for granted again, I see how much I love America and I have found a way to show that love that makes me finally feel patriotic and responsible.

I buy something from the RISSE Amazon Wish List. RISSE is a non-profit refugee and immigrant aid organization based in Albany, N.Y., I worked closely with them for more than a year and a half, especially with the soccer team that was loosely affiliated with them.

The Wish List – just 10 items left – not only helps scores of  refugee kids in the after-school program (toys, mats, supplies), it directly helps the soccer team we supported so enthusiastically.

They are now a part of RISSE, they need warm clothes for the cold weather and other supplies. Those are on the list.

I am working independently now, but I will not forget the wonderful refugee and immigrant children and their parents who depend on RISSE for so many things.

I proposed an Amazon Wish List, and RISSE has responded. The list is in itself a powerful testament to the varied needs of the people who have always loved our country and enriched it in so many ways, many of them forgotten.

It was active for some months, then went silent, but is back in operation with a new and important list of urgent needs. There are now 10 items on the list, down from 36 two weeks ago. The Army Of Good is on the march.

These items range from thermal soccer clothes to dictionaries to computer paper and a yoga mat. Take a look and see if you can help, I see this as a patriotic duty.

The refugees  need our help now, and desperately. They are being vilified by opportunistic politicians and selfish people who have forgotten our roots. Our government has abandoned them and cut their subsidies.

These are not people who cross into our country illegally, every one that I have met have entered legally and are working hard to become productive citizens.

They are brave and honest people,  there are no criminals among them, they have suffered enough. RISSE is desperately important to them. The soccer team can use some help as well.

Their needs are enormous, they need everything, and it is often difficult to help them, even as government support and subsidies have almost completely been eliminated.

The RISSE Amazon Wish List is a simple, inexpensive and very important way to love our country and help this people, by-passing bureaucrats and administrators and Boards Of Directors.

You see what you are buying, and you decide how much you can contribute. The list is full of small acts of great kindness. Thanks for considering it and supporting it.

28 December

Fate Tried. Why We Love Fate

by Jon Katz

As many of you know, Fate loves to be around the sheep, but she doesn’t care to herd the sheep. She seems to lack the aggressive part of the herding instinct, even though she hails from Wales, she is the Ferdinand of Border Collies.

I have accepted this about Fate, she is a sweet and independent soul, she does things her way and loves every day of life. She is a wonderful and perfect companion for Maria, the two are pagan creatures who love to haunt the woods.

Karen Thompson, the very wonderful human and breeder who gave us Red and Fate, thinks I screwed up Fate’s training, and Karen knows her stuff. Knowing Fate, I think it’s a bit more complicated, she lacks that border collie drive to challenge and control the sheep.

It may be my fault, but it isn’t hers. She is a wonderful dog and we are very happy and lucky to have her. But she is unusual.

This morning, it was pouring and while Maria came out of the barn with the morning hay, I went with Red and Fate to contain the sheep in the Pole Barn until things got sorted out. It was icy and slippery and we needed to protect Maria from a charging mob of sheep.

I had Red sit back in a lie down – not fighting with sheep for him now – and Fate, to my surprise, took up the task and walked right up to the sheep and gave them a withering eye. I was impressed, even excited.

But Susie had other ideas, she gave Fate a withering look right back and just walked out of the Pole Barn – although slowly – and towards the feeder. The other sheep just walked right past her one by one but in an order way.

Fate seemed nonplussed at this rebellion, and then Red got up and walked behind her to her left, and the sheep went skittering back into the barn. Fate stood her ground, very proud of herself, and I showered her with praise.

Fate may be short on prey drive, but she has  a great heart.

She puffed up like a Border Collie balloon.

She tried.

We love Fate.

27 December

Bedlam Music: Photo For Sale

by Jon Katz

So once again, I am getting a lot of messages telling me a photo is stunning,  and evocative. I am flattered and humbled, I don’t hear those words every day, it is sweet music to me, I love my photography very much and work hard at it.

So I’m offering this for sale now available for $125 plus $6 shipping,  on Maria’s Etsy Shop.

It has helped me to heal and to see the world in a new and different way. My goal is emotion and light, I only take pictures that stir some kind of emotion in me, and I believe there is emotion in some of my good photos.

I think there is emotion in this one, I call it “Bedlam Music” because it sings to me of morning and hope and the beauty of the earth and sky. The Apple tree, speaking of emotion, is always a wonderful element in many of my special photos. Something about that view, it is the same background as the Morning Path photo, just from a different angle and without the stone path.

So this photo, too, is for sale, along with Morning Path, I’ve sold 24 prints of that picture this week. Both photos are for sale for $125, plus $6 shopping, it will be printed in an 8.5 x 12.5 format unframed on the highest quality parchment (rag) paper. The prints will all be signed by me, and $6.

The printing is done by The Image Loft of Manchester, Vt. the favored printer of art photographers in this area, they do remarkable work, and I can no longer stand to have my photos printed anywhere else.

This is the lowest I can sell these photos for without losing money or making so little money it isn’t worth the time and work. We all agree that smaller prints would throw the perspective out of whack in these photos, which are usually, landscape photos with a wide lens.

So it’s up on the Etsy Shop, and Morning Mist, below, will remain on sale, also in the Etsy Shop.

I thank you very much for liking my photographs, the thought of them hanging on people’s walls definitely lifts my soul. Below, Morning Mist, also for sale for $125.

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