Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

16 March

Color And Light, As Promised. Dreams And Promises

by Jon Katz

I love my new Carra Lili flowers, an addition to my repertoire. I also liked the flower-in-a-vase experiment at the bottom.

We are having a friend for dinner, so I’ve got to sign off and help with the meal. I hope you have a great evening. I’ll check in in the morning.

These photos were inspired by a dream I had last night. This is getting into my head. Thanks to my friend Sue at the Cambridge Flower Shop for the idea.



It’s the curves, I think, that catches my eye.

I have yet to focus on anything like them.

This study is a flower in a vase.

16 March

Discovering The Dollar Store. Snobbery Is Expensive, I Like Saving Money

by Jon Katz

For some reason, I’ve been increasingly open to change lately, and I’m making some headway toward being a better human. I am less judgmental, angry, and combative.  My panic attacks are mostly gone. I rarely argue with angry people anymore. I do feel sorry for them instead.

My anger is melting away. I have no taste for nasty arguments.

I still want to defend myself and protect my identity. I’m not looking to be anybody’s doormat, but there is much to learn, and my spiritual direction is becoming clear and accurate.

I always avoided the dollar store, thinking it was cheap and suspicious.  I always thought the more things cost, the better they were likely to be.

I don’t feel that way anymore. Maria can’t believe it when I suggest shopping there, I can’t either. But I like it. A lot.

(P.S. Our food pantry is asking for a can or two of baked beans, which is pretty inexpensive, $20.28 for a pack of 12.)

I’m making real headway on managing our money, something we both decided I needed to do myself.

I have to take responsibility for handling money, something best-selling authors rarely have to do. Welcome to the real world.

Maria and I do work together, but I’m planning now. In just a couple of months, I’ve reduced our monthly payments by five or six hundred dollars without wiping out the pleasures of our lives—healthy food, books, and dinner with friends. I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m committed to doing it.

Finally, I shed the snobbery that was so much part of my mother and grandmother. The poorer they were, the snobbier they got.

Maria never spent money on herself, but I always did. I was a big shot for a long time and never needed to worry about money. That has changed, and it’s been good for me, as stressful as it can be.

I’ve never been happy as a big shot or a celebrity; it never felt comfortable to me, even when they made a movie about me (especially then.) It never suited me.

That feels like a distant time; I am becoming the person I want to be. To my surprise, the Dollar Store is a part of that.

A symbol of my change is my new appreciation for the dollar store. I’ve been buying Kleenex, toilet paper, window cleaner, and other household things there and am saving a great deal of money. Today, I purchased a socks package from them for the first time, which cost about one-third as much as the ones I’ve been buying. They are lovely socks, too.

I’ve never bought cheap socks in all of my life. I did today.

I bought disenfectant and tissues, toilet paper, and other household items. And I got to take some photos in this photogenic place.

Maria has been going to the Dollar Store for years and is amazed that I am open to shopping there for socks and tissues.  When I worked in New York, I only wore socks from Brooks Brothers. The Dollar Store is a long way from that. I love the crowded, authentic vibe there.

I am open to it and suddenly love bargains and lowering debt. During this last challenging year, I racked up some debt by necessity and am working hard to pay it off.

I am got a terrific price for Windex; it’s a lot cheaper at the dollar store, which surprises no one but me.  The disinfectant was half the price I usually pay. I don’t know how they do it, but I also don’t care.



Zinnia came with me just about everywhere and waited patiently outside the dollar store. I took her to the flower shop, where she was very welcome.

16 March

Susie, Our Oldest Sheep Is Dying. We Hope For A Natural Death But Won’t Let Her Suffer. The Sheep Are Saying Goodbye

by Jon Katz

Maria and I noticed that Susie, who is 13 years old and the mother of Liam or late Wether, was not with the rest of the sheep; she was way back in the pasture, sitting by herself. I think she went up there to die, but we interrupted her.

. The sheep and donkeys were all staring at her, looking uneasy. Maria went down to sit with her and walk her back to the pole barn, and she came up the hill slowly and painfully.

She has trouble getting up and is increasingly disoriented and by herself, which is what sheep and other animals do when they are dying. We will give her every opportunity to die naturally; if there is any sign that she is suffering, we will put her down. If any amateur vets consider diagnosing her from the photos, do all of us a favor and skip it. We have a great vet if we need one.

It was touching to see Merricat walk down and touch noses with her. Zip also walked out into the pasture with me and sat and looked; that was touching, too. He was very quiet and unusually serious. Maria favors natural deaths if possible, and I do, too. I used to shoot them for fear they were suffering; I’d rather not do that.

We’ll keep an eye on her.



Merricat is saying goodbye.

Maria walked up to the pole barn with Susie behind her. Zip joined in the walk. That cat never ceases to surprise me.

16 March

I Just Got Some Calla Lilis. I Had To Put A Few Up. Thanks Sue

by Jon Katz


On impulse (my middle name), I stopped to see Sue Lamberti at her flower shop; she was ready for me, pointing me to some Calli Lilis that had just arrived. I love them and am going back to see more. They are beautiful and inexpensive. Come and see.



The curves in this flower give them real depth and feeling.

I have a new flower guru. Sue Lamberti, the owner of the new Cambridge Flower Shop, has a gift for understanding the power of flowers and light and how they work together in photography.

When I go to see her, she always has an idea for me, and it’s always good—today, it was the Calla Lili; I love the curves in that flower. I have always loved Diego Rivera’s paintings of the Calla Lilli; they are in my head. He called them sensual, sculptural flowers, and his Calla Lili paintings were much loved. I like the sculptural flower idea; that’s how I see them.

I’m enjoying my friendship with Sue. I love watching her flower shop take off, and she has been a great help to me. She is also one of the nicest people around. I’m grateful for her shop.


I love these photos. I just called Sue; she has some more. I will get some of them this afternoon.

I call it Sue’s magic flower box.

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