Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

30 March

The Most Beautiful Afternoon. Maria and I In Our Favorite Museum. Love And Art, The Best Recipe For Us

by Jon Katz

It was a beautiful day.

We decided early that first thing in the afternoon, we’d go to the Williams College Museum in Williamstown, Mass., and afterward to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

We love this museum; it is small and has a wide arrange of beautiful new exhibits, including Emancipation, a powerful and artistic reflection on the 160th anniversary of President Lincoln’s  Emancipation Proclamation, something that gets little mention in the news but which turned America upside down and echoes still.

We love going to this museum.

We love seeing the new and old exhibits together, and then, when I get tired,  I sit and meditate in the beautiful library room, which is open to the public. It is my favorite place to meditate. And I take great joy in trying to capture her love of art and its meaning. I bought the Monochrome.

I am always alone there – no one else has ever been in that room with me –  and I could sit there for hours. It has a kind of sacred feel for me. The nonsense and harshness of the outer world melt away.

When Maria finished her walking tour of the exhibits today—she stopped and studied almost every exhibit in the museum—she came to be with me, as she always does. I had the most beautiful and calming meditations there; I drank the silence and the beauty all around. There, I felt the power of the artist in her, the purity and love of it.

Then we go down the street to the Mexican restaurant we both love. Nothing captures our love, connection, and understanding of one another better than visiting this small, accessible, and excellent museum together.

It’s free and quiet, and art is powerful fuel for her. I love learning more about art each time we go.

When we return home, we are illuminated for many hours.  Life being what it is, we also found that Fate had had a rough about of diarrhea in several parts of the house. It took about 45 minutes to clean up; I’ll skip the details.

Oh, well.

We had a wonderful time. I love her more than I can say, and while I sometimes find it hard to believe, I know she loves me also. The museum is one of the most extraordinary and revealing symbols of that love. I am learning that art can do that.

Maria is never happier than when she is in a museum looking at art, and I am never happier than when we can share this and talk about what we both see.

On the drive home, we turn and smile at each other; no words are needed. We both ponder how fortunate we are.

This exhibit was called “Slavery.”

 Above photo by Maria Wulf

I meditate in my secret library room, perhaps my favorite room anywhere.


Maria had finished looking at the museum’s exhibits and came to sit with me and eat together. I love this ritual. I love being alone in there, and I love being with Maria.

My favorite Lincoln sculpture, by Sarah Fisher Ames, was finished in 1864. I think Ames captured this complicated and sorrowful Lincoln.

Maria took a photo of a fabric art display she loved. We were finished.

It’s good to be back home. Happy Easter to you. I will post a good morning wish on Sunday and then take the day off. I need it.



30 March

“Wow.” Miracles Can Happen. Second Delivery, The Cambridge Food Pantry, Saturday Afternoon

by Jon Katz

When we returned from the museum at Williamstown shortly after 5 p.m., I received a text from Sara Harrington, director of the Cambridge Food Pantry. We agreed to take Sunday off—the pantry staff had been unloading many boxes. The message was brisk: “2nd delivery today! Wow!” I couldn’t help but feel immense gratitude towards Sara for her dedication and hard work.

We are out of superlatives.

“Thank  you” is all I can muster on behalf of Sarah, me, and the people who depend on the pantry for food for their families. You are changing their world, giving them healthy food and showing them and their children that Americans are good people with big hearts.

Sarah is celebrating Easter tomorrow and will be cooking. I will read books, take walks, meditate, and take photos all day. Best of all, I can be with Maria all day.

Sarah chose Mac N’ Cheese Dinner this morning, four packs for $3.71. We’ll be back with Sarah’s next choice on Monday. Please take a minute or two to stop and think about the minor miracle you have been bringing about.

You can view the complete list here if you’d like to donate something else on the daily updated Amazon Cambridge Pantry Wish List. They need everything on it.

I don’t have words right now, but I do have feelings. Bless you a hundred times.

If you aren’t buying food from the Amazon list, you can donate your food to Sarah Harrington, The Cambridge Food Pantry,  24 East Main Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

I have to take a long walk to absorb this wonderful thing.

30 March

Americana, Coming Home From The Museum, Feeding Time

by Jon Katz

Coming home from the museum in Williamstown, I saw this beautiful image of an old and aging garn. In ten years, it will almost surely be gone; I’m happy to have created an image that can outlive it. Barns are due better goodbyes than they get.

When we got home an hour after feeding, the animals were restless. They ate gratefully and eagerly. The day was warm and windy, and the landscape was as beautiful as the sunset.

I was drawn to the silhouette of the animals eating.

The landscape was stunning today. Spring is close.

30 March

Off To A Museum And Some Mexican Food. I’m Shutting Down Tomorrow (Except Maybe For A Photo Or Two)

by Jon Katz

Maria needs a museum fix; she is hungry for a dose of art. I love going to museums with her. The Williams College Museum in Massachusetts has a beautiful, quiet space for meditation. I’ll be there after a walk around the museum.

We’ll be back this afternoon, except for a good morning hello. I’m taking Sunday off, so I’ll be only book reading and photo taking. More later. We had a great brunch this morning at the local diner with Cindy and Larry Casavant (she is the goat lady, and he is the goat man).


Still life, firewood for the wood stove.

30 March

The Right To Be Happy, The Right To Have Enough Food. Today, Sarah’s Choice – Mac N Cheese!

by Jon Katz

Over  60 million Americans turned to food pantries for assistance in 2023, a number projected to increase significantly this year. As the situation worsens, seeing Congress paralyzed and preoccupied with games is disheartening.

Sarah’s choice for today is macaroni and cheese; details are below. You can do a lot of good today for $3.90.

By supporting the Cambridge Food Pantry, you provide excellent service to hungry children and their families. They have a right to be happy and healthy. There are 60,000 food pantries in America. They can all use some help.

Our focus here will raise awareness everywhere.

Thanks to the Army Of Good, the nearly 200 families that seek help at the pantry and their children will have enough good and healthy food to eat this Easter.

Sarah Harrington, the pantry director, and I are taking Sunday off and will not have food choices until Monday.

Maria also volunteers to work for the food pantry.

I do have Sarah’s choice for today.

Sarah chose one of the most requested foods ever by the young today. (Mac N Cheese). Here, the choice is also the cheapest one on the wish list. Kraft Original Macaroni N’Cheese Dinners are 7.50 ounces and four pack, $3.90.

Sarah will have another sought-after food of the day on Monday. I’m taking the day off as well.  I’ll be blogging this afternoon but not Sunday.

If you prefer to purchase goods from somewhere other than Amazon, the shipping address for pantry donations apart from Amazon is 24 East Main Street, Cambridge, New York, 12816. thanks.




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