Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

10 April

Sarah’s Pantry Food Of The Day: Healthy Rice Pilaf

by Jon Katz

Sarah’s Cambridge Pantry Food Of Need: Wednesday: Near East Quaker Rice Pilaf Mix, Original 18.2 Ounce (Pack of 3 Boxes), $12.9.

(Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates, the body’s primary fuel source. Carbohydrates can keep people energized and satisfied and are essential for fueling exercise.)

Rice is a simple thing for parents to cook and a healthy thing for families to eat.

Rice is not readily available in the pantry; when it comes, it goes quickly.  Right now, there is none available. The food on the shelves above will be gone on Saturday.

Thank you for purchasing rice for the pantry. You can also browse the entire Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List here. The list includes the food and supplies the pantry does not get from available sources.

I’ve learned recently that the white rose is a universal symbol of charity, kindness, and compassion. I’m happy to embrace it as a symbol of the Army Of Good’s support of the Cambridge Food Pantry. You are doing a lot of good.

If you purchase food for the pantry from other sources, the correct address is Sarah Harrington, Cambridge Food Pantry, 24 E. Main Street, Cambridge, New York, 12816.

Below is the third delivery of the day on Monday for foods for the Cambridge Pantry from the Army of Good. Thank you.


10 April

Wednesday Morning, Mid Week. Zoom, Doctor, Glasses, Succulent Art

by Jon Katz

Midweek, a beautiful windy and slightly moody sky. This morning is busy: Zoom meeting at 10 a.m., some new pantry food requests to post, a doctor’s appointment at 1:47, picking up a pair of new sunglasses, and the sun is getting too bright for my eyes sometimes.

Maria is off at the doctor’s; she seems to have an ear infection. I’m recovering from my tech freakout last night; it was close to a panic attack. I miss Steve Jobs. Apple is getting too big to help sometimes. I got to go Zoom. I did get out to take some photos inside and out. I’ll be back later.

9 April

Good Night. Back On Line, Flower Art, Succulents, Flowers, Tech Nightmares

by Jon Katz

I had a tech nightmare Tuesday afternoon. I came close to panicking, fearing the loss of so much of my work or my inability to work for days. I rushed to Albany to the Apple Store, which sent me home without fixing my problem. It wasn’t an Apple problem; it was a software problem, and all is well. I’m back online and calming down.

I was frightened out of proportion to what was happening. It’s been an intense, complete, and pretty incredible few days. Among other things, I thought I had lost my wedding present from Maria, a silver money clip with a Mary Oliver poem inscribed.

I have carried it with me every day of my married life.

I don’t have words to describe how upset I was at losing this beautiful thing, a solid connection to Maria.

Maria went through the garbage this morning and found it. I was in a pharmacy bag.

This made it a pleasant day for all my tech grief. I’ve been on the Internet for over half a century, but it has only sporadically been easy.

My Dyslexia has had more trouble with technology than spelling by far.

But it ended well. I learned much and am happy to be sound, working, and grounded again.

I don’t know why it got to me as badly as it did; I’ll have to consider it. Tomorrow, I have my Zoom gathering with blog readers, which I love.

I will finally pick up my new sunglasses and head back to Saratoga for the dermatology session that was postponed due to the Eclipse. I look forward to seeing you in the morning. I’ve had it. I like these photos; I’m branching out. I have some new white roses that I love, and I am messing around with Succulent pictures, which I also love.

That’s enough: no names and spelling, just flowers. And no panic.

I love the purple


Windowsill gallery


Spider succulent

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