Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

13 April

Off To The Movies, Two Movies Actually And Some Mexican Food. Back For Color Art Photos

by Jon Katz

Maria and I are pleased with ourselves. We’re heading to Massachusetts to see two back-to-back movies and get some Mexican food. Maria thinks she will be struck down for this, but we have had a couple of intense weeks and are aching for some fun. We’ve never seen two movies on the same day before; I wonder if Maria can handle it. She always thinks she should be doing chores or working.

(photo, two brothers eating hay off of one another)

I talked her into it; it was not easy for her, and she is never quick to do anything for herself. I will see Alice, an animated version of Alice in Wonderland, and Problimasta, a funny and very innovative film about a Salvadoran toy designer trying to get work in New York City to keep his visa from expiring.

In between, we’re getting some Mexican food at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Williamstown, Mass. As promised, I’ll be back in time for the color and light photos. We need to get away for a few hours and have fun. We’re both a bit frayed at the edges and worn down. Here are some pictures I like of the day so far. I got up early.

Kim is our only animal terrified of Zinnia; she runs and hides when she sees her.

Lulu’s eye.

Bud weathered a nasty rainstorm last night in his barn. He was trying to entice me to scratch and hang out with him, and I might do it before we go out.

12 April

Literary Stylists, Mystery Lovers, Amor Towles Has A Home Run in “Table For Two…”

by Jon Katz

I loved  A Gentleman in Moscow and the Lincoln Highway, two best sellers by literary stylist and mystery writer Amor Towles. I’m happy to report that his new book, Table For Two, is as good or better than either of them.

Towles is a literary writer whose works are also commercially successful, which is no small feat in modern publishing.

The New York Times says Table for Two is really a tale of two cities, New York and Los Angeles, our two cultural capitals on opposite ends of the country. The book is a bold departure from Towles, a socko collection of six short stories and a longer novella, something of a sequel (Rules Of Civility, his first novel), that unfolds during the filming of Gone With The Wind.

The short stories are surprising and enchanting. The novella “Eve in Hollywood” is a knockout. It’s one of the best books of the year, for me, at least so far. Check it out.

Featured photo: it’s pouring outside.

12 April

Where Zip Goes When It Rains: A Peek At Maria’s New “Meditation Tree” Wall Hanging

by Jon Katz

Maria got a photo of Bud in his barn tower where he goes to get out of the rain. He loves snow but doesn’t care for rain. I see that Maria put a pillow on the hay bales so he could be high up and keep his butt and belly dry and cozy. He is pleased up there.


Today, I got a peek at Maria’s almost finished “Meditation Tree” Wall Hanging.

It’s one of her most creative and striking creations; it is not done yet and not yet on sale. If anyone is interested in it, they can e-mail her at [email protected]. I love this one.

She says she has more work to do. The circle on the bottom represents an energy field. She gave a blue sky to this one.

It’s not a quilt or a potholder but a hanging piece. I almost hope no one buys it (shame on me) so it can hang on the wall here. That is not likely.

And I know she wants to sell it to someone other than me. She loves it most when her work enters the world to brighten someone else’s life or home.

12 April

Sarah’s Choice For The Food Pantry: Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter, Pack Of 12: $30

by Jon Katz

It is almost impossible to keep chunky peanut butter on the shelves at the Cambridge Food Pantry; it flies out almost as quickly as it arrives. I hope we can help.

Today’s idea of need is Skippter Super Chunk Peanut Butter, 16.3 Ounce Pack of 12, $30.

You can see all of the items on the Amazon Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List here. Everything on the list is needed and wanted. And Thanks

St. Terese – “The Little Flower” – used flowers as a calling card for her and her works – small acts – of love and compassion. Her “Little” ways of doing good inspired the Army of Good; I’m happy to continue this ancient tradition.

Support for the pantry is an ancient tradition; I’m proud to be a part of it. It is an act of love and compassion to help the needy and vulnerable get enough food for themselves and their families.

12 April

Flower Art, Friday April 12, 2024

by Jon Katz

In the daytime, I take flower photos. In the late afternoon and early evening, I make Floral art, an experiment with abstract colors and detail and the sense of flowers as part of communities, not as things that stand alone. It’s exciting, and every time I use the camera, I find a new way to take the picture.

I love this work; it has enriched my life. Thanks for supporting it.

This is the end of the day for me; I listen to music, read and meditate, and sometimes catch an excellent British mystery or read a book and sit and talk with Maria. Tonight, my dinner will be Asian dumplings; I’m loving them.

I’ll be around all weekend; we have much ot do around the farm, including the Farmer’s Market on  Sunday. The pantry work continues, and thanks.





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