Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

27 May

Memorial Day: Maria’s Monday Morning Video: Come Along To The Peaceful Morning

by Jon Katz


Maria took this video this morning, as she does every Monday. It’s beautiful, as always. On this windy, lovely morning, when I went out to check on the animals in the Pole Barn, I found Lulu standing by the Pole Barn, Constance in the corner. It was a beautiful image to me, calm and peaceful.

26 May

Miracle At The Cambridge Food Pantry: You Did It! All The Shelves Are Stocked. Bless All Of You

by Jon Katz

I admit I was a bit on edge this weekend.

No one has more faith than I do in the Army of Good, which gets more potent by the month. But this was short notice on a significant call for help and on a holiday weekend.

You can see where the urgent Wish List call for help stands right now. You did that; your goodness and compassion shine.

This was a big deal.

A few days ago, everything on the very popular wish list was off the shelves.  Friday, we sent out a call for help.

I finally couldn’t wait and texted Sarah Harrington, the Pantry Director, to see where we stood. I had a good feeling about it.

This evening, she texted me back this message:

I just looked. The Army did it! Everything we asked for is stocked! I’ll have to make a whole new list now  (for Monday, take a day off, people). I’ll be honest; I did not expect that. Please thank everyone for their kindness.”

I’ve been working with the Army of Good since 2016, and I did expect it, but one can never be sure, especially on a holiday weekend.  We’ve never failed a call for help, not once.

All 12 items taken off the shelves by a huge number of visitors to the pantry were gone, and Sarah was scrambling to figure out what to do. She had a bunch of empty shelves of much-wanted foods.

Sarah always stays cool; she doesn’t panic, but she was very concerned; she hates to let hungry people down.

Most of the items were back and stocked soon, and the rest today. She can follow the donations as they are sent.

She was up to her ears today in planning tomorrow’s pantry parade in town.

When she finally had a chance to look at the list of sales on Amazon, she was shocked and took down the wish list—she had what she needed for next week.

I asked if she could take the list down for a day or (Monday) so the Army of Good could do some well-deserved basking in their glory.

And I am perhaps relaxing.

I am very proud of all of you and grateful to be so honored to have good, caring people read my blog and support our efforts to do some good.

We’ve done a lot of good these past years, and this one feels sweet, like getting refugee kids into college tuition-free and helping the Mansion residents. I’ll sleep well tonight.

There is something different about getting food to people who can not afford to feed themselves and their families. I’m committed to this work, and I’m very much boosted by what you did this weekend and in the weeks before.

All I can think of is thank you, and I love you. Love lives. You can see the result of your work right here. I’ve looked at it a few times; it feels very good.

Carol is generous in her praise, but watching her work in the pantry and for this excellent cause has inspired me. She started all of this, and that needs to be acknowledged.

This is the America I have always known and loved, and this is a special message on Memorial Day. All those men and women died fighting for a cause – we are all equal and we will rush and sacrifice to help one another.

That is what keeps us strong and free.

26 May

Flower Art. Discovering The Blue Flag Irises. Come Along, It’s Free And Special

by Jon Katz

Something exciting is happening to me and my photography. I’m just recognizing it and figuring it out.

Maria has awakened me to the extraordinary beauty of wildflowers, flowers out in nature, gorgeous in their own right. I’m zeroing in on them in the Spring, when most of them appear, at least for a while, before my raised garden beds are in action.

She alerted me to the Blue Flag Irises out in the field; I have rarely even noticed them.

They have an almost hypnotic effect on me; they are so pure, individualistic, and natural.

Maria walks in the woods almost daily, soaking up and observing natural beauty. This is turning things upside down for me in a good and creative way and expanding my understanding of the real meaning of the flowers and of the farm.

Maria sees things other people do not see, things I don’t see. I can take it from there.

I find the wildflowers unique, simple, natural, and full of feeding and the artistic sensibilities of Mother Nature, from which I learn something every day. This beauty and Maria’s sensibilities now flow through my work and are a part of it, a true inspiration.


In a way, these stories are the story of the farm, why we came here, and why we love it here. This is also the first time Maria and I have worked together to support my flower photography by widening my horizons.

The farm is a spiritual entity, it is always growing and changing and growing and changing us.

It was inevitable. Although we separate our art, our support for one another is unwavering.

Maria is closer to nature than anyone I have ever met. She sees things I don’t see and understands how my artworks, being an artist herself. She is happy when she brings me something beautiful. I am grateful and excited.

This makes it even more beautiful and satisfying for me.

This is an excellent step forward in my photography art, and I am working on figuring out the messages of the flowers and why they impact me and so many others.

It is time to go even deeper in my head and work hard on my photos. The photos are about much more than flowers; they also depict the stages of life. Many of you following this have sensed this before me, as usual.


Like stepping into a dream or a meditation.

Twists and turns, just like life.

26 May

Zip Chronicles. Stalking His Chipmunk Nemesis, Falling Asleep In My Lap, A Selfie With Me, Blowing Fate Off

by Jon Katz

It is a beautiful Spring day, warm for late May, but our future. Zip slows down as the temperature rises; he sleeps a lot during the day and hunts at night.

The flower gardens have been a godsend for him, as have all kinds of places to lie in the shade and look for hunting opportunities. Another Selfie—I’m enjoying it. Thanks for all the nice notes.


Fate is stalking Zip, trying to rattle him. Zip, as always, ignoring her, unimpressed.  Zip fears nothing but the sound of trucks, and that’s a good thing—photo by Maria.

Zip is in my lap, starting to fall asleep, as he often does.




It has nothing to do with Zip, but one of my favorite photo series, Fate, is at Rest. She looks different every time.

26 May

Monday, My New Job: Photographer For the Cambridge Pantry’s First Ever Parade Float

by Jon Katz

I was offered a place on the Cambridge Food Pantry’s first-ever Memorial Parade Float, but I didn’t think I’d do well as a fruit or vegetable.

I volunteered instead to get up early and go to the pantry and take some photos of the volunteers and workers there early in the morning as they get dressed and climb up on the wagon sponsored by the Cambridge VFW.

The float, a testament to Sarah Harrington’s energy, creativity, and modernization of the pantry, should be a parade highlight. It looks terrific.

I’ll be there in the morning after sunrise; the parade starts at 9 a.m.


P.S. Don’t forget our effort to replenish the Pantry Wish List that got wiped out in the rush of visitors last week:

Details here. We are halfway towards restoring what they need now. Please help if you can. The remaining wish list is here. All of the items have been taken and are badly needed.  There are only seven items left. Thanks, Jon.

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