Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

27 February

Flower Art Tonight. Off For Three Days. SEE YOU MONDAY. Flower Art Will Return Then. Pantry Support Will Continue Every Day.

by Jon Katz

I look forward to seeing you on Monday. The blog will be down until then. Maria and I need a rest, so we’ll be home meditating, talking, and loving one another. As usual, I’ll post the Pantry Needs every day. Hunger doesn’t wait for vacations. Stay warm, calm, and hopeful.










27 February

Cambridge Pantry: Sarah Asks For Help With Pasta Roni And Shampoo: Urgent Request: Highly Nutritious Pinto Beans (BARGAIN PRICE)

by Jon Katz

The photo above shows Volunteer Wanda with a box of Chili Mac from the Army of Good. (Please send messages to the volunteers and say, if you wish, where you are from. And thanks.) One donor called the volunteers “Earth Angels.” I love that. It’s true. Today, Sarah is asking for Pasta Roni, Shampoo, and very healthy Pinto Beans.



Requested Items For Thursday:

Pasta Roni Garlic Alfredo Fettuccine, 4.7 Ounce (Pack of 12), $14.64.

Alberto VO5 Pomegrante Bliss Moisturizing Shampoo, Five Oils And Vitamins – 15.0z (Pack of 5), $12.80.



(Janet is preparing their unlimited fresh produce for Wednesday’s afternoon service. Produce comes from farmers, local supermarkets, and state food banks.)


BARGAIN PRICE, Highly Nutritious: Urgent Order for Today:

Canned Pinto Beans, 15.5 Oz (Pack of 4), $3.56.

The researchers give today’s urgent request four stars. Pinto beans are highly nutritious. Packed with protein, fiber, and many other essential nutrients, they may help promote bowel regularity, control blood sugar, and reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.



You are the earth angels. If you wish to browse the Campbridge Pantry’s Amazon Wish List, you can do so by clinking on any of the links here or clicking the greet button at the buttom of any blog post—many people in the Army of Good like to browse and make their own choices. Anything on the wish list is urgently needed and either running out or getting close. And thank you. Please consider sending the volunteers to the pantry like the one above. They work hard every day and night to make the pantry work. They love the recognition, even if they never ask for it.

27 February

The Chronicles Of Zip: The White Hen Isn’t Done Yet. See Her Put Nosy Zip In His Place

by Jon Katz


Zip is a ham. I’m considering quitting blogging and going to Hollywood as his agent. There is no photograph that he doesn’t wish to be in, and there is no happening he doesn’t want to know about. Since the White Hen moved into her Assisted Care Chicken facility, Zip has been kipping her copy and trying to charm her as he has charmed every animal on the farm, even donkeys and Fate. Maria was in the hen’s stall this morning and caught on video the hen putting assertive Zip in his place.

There is no day when Zip fails to make us smile and laugh—the hold White Hen can take care of himself. The great charmer meets his match. The hen is happy to be his friend, but now when he gets cheeky.

27 February

Video: “This Is Us:” Volume Number Two. How Aging Is Affecting Both Of Our Lives, And What We Will Do About It. Accepting Life

by Jon Katz

We usually do our video, “This Is Us,” on Fridays; we did it today because we are taking a three-day holiday (Cambridge Pantry excepted) starting tomorrow.  We’re going to a museum in Albany tomorrow, Friday, and resting, reading, and planning to talk about how we are dealing with the changes in our lives brought about by aging, mostly mine but Maria’s. As I get older and can do less physical work around the farm, a heavier load falls on Maria.

She loves it, but it is also tiring. We will discuss how to deal with it on our “holiday.” I won’t be blogging except for the Cambridge Pantry requests and needs; we will be reading, dining out, and, blessed of all, sleeping late. Thanks for your warm response to the videos and support for my dry, Lip-Smacked mouth. I’ll be posting as usual today.

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