Today’s Horse Nettle we found in the pasture is as beautiful as poisonous. It feels like something out of a Disney movie, but it yields gorgeous photos and is unique and lovely, and I love it. Like so many flowers, it has a great story to tell. I’m excited to be learning the. The Nestle reminds me of the treacherous and wicked witches of the old Disney movies.
While Horsenettle is a toxic plant, reports of animal poisoning are extremely rare. Most animals stay away due to the flower’s sharp prickles, which can cause injury in the mouth and food pipe. A toxic component, a glycoalkaloid known as solanine, occurs in varying concentrations in different plant parts. Horse Nettle is one of them.
Horse Nettle has had some medicinal uses in past years. Both the Native Americans and the early European settlers used this plant. Leaf tea was used as a gargle for sore throats, and a wilted leaf poultice was used for Poison Ivy rashes.
The glycoalkaloids act on the digestive system to cause excessive salivation, colic, diarrhea, or constipation. These signs may be followed by depression, weakness, depressed respiration, dilated pupils, collapse, and even death (even in humans) if horse nettle is eaten in large amounts.
I notice that our animals stay well clear of the Norse Nettle. We remove them when we can, but wildflowers are just what their name suggests – wild.
I see the Horse Nettle as a reality flower, beautiful yet dangerous.
The beauty and wonder of wildflowers never cease to amaze me. I am truly grateful for the discovery of Horse Nettle, a plant with a unique and memorable story. I owe this discovery to Maria, and I am thankful for it.
The more I see nature, the more I am in awe. Wildflowers tell a story, and the Horse Nettle has a memorable one. I repeatedly stuck my fingers on the thorns while placing the flower. It was worth it.