Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

3 March

Flower Art, Back After A Three Day Hiatus For. Illumination Was Waiting For Me In A Beautiful Old And Forgotten Leica Lens

by Jon Katz

There’s a reason somebody or something created flowers. It’s called the Illumination. The illumination, says Joseph Campbell, is the recognition of the radiance of one eternity through all things, whether in the vision of these things must be judged as good or evil. To come to this, you must release yourself entirely from desiring this world’s goods and fearing their loss.

Interviewer Moyer: “Is this just for saints and monks?”

Campbell: “No, I think it’s also for artists. The real artist has learned to recognize what Joyce has called the ‘radiance’ of all things, as an epiphany or showing forth their truth.”

I think that may be where flowers come from.

In the Spiritual World, an illumination is any experience of further understanding, including insight, awakening, realization, and enlightenment. These experiences are illuminations because in all of them, the spiritual light is illuminating something, whether it is illuminating itself or one of its manifestations.

In the Bible, Illumination is a spiritual and intellectual awakening. It is the “click” in your mind when suddenly a spiritual truth makes sense. In moments of illumination, the Holy Spirit is working in you to give you greater understanding and awareness of divine revelation from Scripture.

( P.S. I found an ancient Leica macro lens, which is small and coming apart. I can’t afford new Leica macro lenses. I bought this four years ago for just a few dollars.  I never used it. I was about to trade it off today to B&H Photo, but I decided to try it out on two new flowers I got today at the Cambridge Florist.  These are the flower art photos in this posting. The specialist at B&H says the lens is rare and long out of production.

He was willing to trade more than $1000 for it. I said no. Today, I fell quite in love with this old and forgotten lens and learned a good lesson about dismissing something because it is old. I love these dreamy photos and keep these battered old scarred legs. He deserved a chance.







3 March

Reflections Below Zero. The Place To Find Is Within Your Self.

by Jon Katz

Joseph Campbell: “All  life is suffering…” James  Joyce answered: “Is Life Worth Leaving?”

Cambell: “Freud tells us to blame our parents for all the shortcomings of our life, and Marx tells us to blame the upper class of our society. But the only one to blame is oneself. That’s the hopeful thing about the Indian idea of karma. Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Campbell:” The place to find is within yourself.

(When they hate, I will love. When they lie, I will tell the truth. That’s how I intend to handle it.

It feels much better than hating in return, at least for me.


3 March

Next Items: Pancake And Biscuit Mix: Urgent Item – Tissues.

by Jon Katz

Sarah’s item requests for today are Pancake, Waffle, and Buttermilk Biscuit Mix. These are easy to make and are much loved by children and harried moms.

Thanks for all of the donations coming through. I’ll learn about the weekend donations tomorrow. Thanks.

And thanks for sending those wonderful messages to the pantry volunteers. We appreciate them.


Betty Crocker Buttermilk Pancake And Waffle Mix, 6.7 oz, (Pack of 9). $11,49.

Betty Crocker Bisquick Complete Buttermilk Biscuit Mix, add water, 7.5 Oz, (Pack of 9), $16.11.


Urgent Item (Running Out): Tissues:

Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues, 8 Family Boxes, 124 Facial Tissues Per Box, $13.28.




Increasingly, members of the Army of Good have been browsing the Cambridge Amazon Food Wish List and sending some of its good-sized boxes to the pantry.

They say seeing and sending what the pantry needs is stimulating and rewarding. Needless to say, the pantry is delighted by this twist, and it makes perfect sense.

I never feel better than when sending donations to the pantry.  It’s the perfect antidote to the news. Thanks for making your own choices. To see the wish list, click on any of the links here or go to the green button marked “food pantry” at the bottom of every blog page on my blog.

And thanks, wonderful and generous people.


3 March

Back Home From My Vacation Just Outside Of The Farmhouse Door. Cold And Lovely

by Jon Katz

It was -7 degrees this morning when we got up. It was fristbite cold, the kind that sucks the blood out of me. It is also beautiful. I visited the White Hen, who was content in her assisted care facility. I walked outside in a bathrobe as long as my fingers could handle it.

I looked for the right andscape.



Maria brings the hay out, Zip, Fate Zinnia are her posse.

Zip performas on the fence post.

Fate begs for orders to chase sheep.

3 March

Expanding My Mission. I’m Becomming A Truth Addict. I Don’t Have To Remember Anything

by Jon Katz

The more they hate, the more good I do. The more they lie, the more truthful and authentic I become. That’s my way of fighting back.” —  Me. I chose this way to protest and fight back


I’ve decided to become a Truth Addict. It’s the least I can do in the mushrooming lies and distortions. It’s my way of feeling strong and helping people rather than hating them.

Like most people who try to be honest about themselves— the Dalai Lama, for one, Mother Teresa, and Thomas Jefferson, for example—I am not always truthful. I admit it. I sometimes exaggerate, hide unflattering things, embellish for style, and fail to tell the truth.

The spiritual path leads to self-awareness, which is often painful but necessary. I don’t need to lie or distort the truth. When someone like me finally looks at himself and faces his reality, nothing anyone can say about me can be worse than what I was of myself on my journey to authenticity. Someone who can’t admit to lying or distorting the truth is broken in spirit and soul.

If you are a human, the chance is you have light more than once, and rarely, if ever, admitted.

I was always taught that lying is a grave sin and a human failing, so I rarely consciously lie about big things. However, as my spiritual work has advanced and I have examined my behavior closely, I have realized that I sometimes lie to look good or to cover up some of my life’s many mistakes, even cruelties and moral failures.

In recent years, the truth has become increasingly important to me. I’ve faced up to my authenticity and learned, like Mark Train, that if I tell the truth, I don’t have to remember anything. Buddha says three things cannot be long hidden: the moon, the truth, and the truth.

Telling the truth is good for me. It builds trust, eases, and even eliminates my anxiety. It is the anchor of love and companionship. I bring respect and am well-meaning. It draws friends. It sells things. Learning to tell the truth has done so many things for me. It is so much healthier than rage and dishonesty.

My experience with the truth has been complex. For me, truth lives through three stages. First, it is often ridiculed. Then, and always, it intensely and violently opposes. Eventually, and in time, it becomes self-evident and widely accepted. Even if you are a minority of one, said Gandhi, the truth is the truth. We can learn from it, debate and twist it, but we can feel it in our hearts and souls. Lying makes the heart grow faster, raises blood pressure, and brings fear and self-loathing.

I’m with Socrates. The only true wisdom is knowing nothing, not thinking you know everything. For me, knowledge and learning lie in recognizing my limitations and seeking understanding and truth through listening and feeling.

In our time, lying has become a new kind of trusted and selfish morality. We are living in a shameless and morally less society, where lying is acceptable, profitable, and no longer widely condemned.

Socrates asked three questions when defining truth: Is it true, kind, or necessary? No leader in our country asks these questions anymore. As always, the people suffer. The rich get richer and screw the poor. It’s the oldest story.

So I’ve been inspired – another mediation gift – to make one of my new meaning choices to tell the truth, whether I look good or not, whether it’s big or small, whether it seems to matter. As I look at the news occasionally, I see the importance and value of truth. A government and society not bound by the truth is corrupt and disintegrating.

I won’t get on the hate-your-neighbor speed train. I want to be worth more than that. The more they hate, the more good I do. The more they lie, the more truthful and authentic I become. That’s my way of fighting back. If you wish, come and tell the truth with me.


Winston Churchill’s warning, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on, ” comes to mind in our social media sickness. He must have sensed the coming of social media.

I want to be addicted to the truth, a truth addict. I can’t do this for others; I’m not a truth policeman looking to condemn anyone else.  I don’t wish to call out anyone’s likes unless they are about me.

I want to be truthful in what I write and say to Maria, on my blog, and in my now famous responses to people, in every photograph I take, and in every word I write about it.

This means I must be thoughtful, honest, and open about my words and actions. I don’t have any expectations, but we live in a firestorm of lives, delusions, and conspiracies.

Every moment of truth is like a mosquito bite. It spreads, gets me out of myself, and gives something to others.  My new truths are doing good, publishing a sanctuary blog, and taking flower photos. It’s a good start.


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