It’s always a pleasure for me when Sarah asks for this help – Women’s Day – at the food pantry. Today, she is seeking help for pads and liners, and the urgent item is Tampax.
These items were once sporadic and difficult to supply in the pantry. Thanks to your help, Carol has plans for a strong women’s shelf. She hopes to make it complete and regular all the time (which in pantry terms is two weeks). I would appreciate any help you can give us.
These things are very much needed, and the female customers at the pantry sincerely appreciate your support. It also frees them to buy more food.
Sarah and her volunteers know what their customers want and need. We can help.
Amazon Daily Paintliner, Long Length, Pads for Women, Unscented, 40 Count, $2.87.
Always Maxi Overnight Pads with Wings, Size 4, Overnight, Unscented. $7.97.
Urgent Item For Today, Thanks For Your Help:
You can see and browse the Amazon Cambridge Pantry Food Wish by clicking on any of the links here or on the green button at the bottom of every blog post. You can choose whichever items you wish to support or “adopt,” as some people have done.