7 March

Friday Video, Chapter Three: This Is Us. How Spirituality Has Changed Our Lives

by Jon Katz


  1. Really thoughtful, positive message. I feel judged by a couple of friends who are frustrated that I’m not out “doing” more about the state of things. I won’t be pressured. Anxiety is life sucking. I practice Transcendental Meditation. I don’t pressure them to join in. You do you and I’ll do me. Love you two!

  2. Very insightful and EXACTLY who I’m striving to become. One practice I know of talks about being NEEDLESS, and WANTLESS and that there’s always a BIG cost to those ways of being. Simon and Garfunkel called it ” being an island” and Wayne Dyer looked for spirituality through JAPA meditation ( one way he looked). There’s lots of paths but one journey.

    Thank you both for the wonderful reminder of ACCEPTANCE—our animals are such great guides in THAT area, and many other areas too!!!
    Thank you both! Great opening up!!!

  3. Wonderful, meaningful, thoughtful conversation today!
    It’s a gift to your readers, sharing your real-time evolution with us all.
    Thanks for your generosity.

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