This was the first above-zero weather in a long time, and we greatly appreciated it. I’m out early again, taking photos. It’s always a beautiful morning here, just in different ways. Come alone. Zip, as always, got himself into the middle of everything. He’s headed for Hollywood, or more likely TikTok. Yes, we could make much money from Zip being an influencer. I’d rather stay with my blog and the farm. Zip’s got a big enough ego as it is. Choke on that, Animal Rights People. Maria is working on her hay ties, Zip wants in.
Zip wants to be in any picture. The perfect cat for Bedlam Farm.
The morning handout.
Zip likes to be in the middle of everything.
Partners, walking to work. Zip likes to escort everyone.
The ice is gone, and muck and sludge arrive.
Lulu and Fanny waste no time eating.
Snow and ice are melting; the farm is returning to life.
Old White Hen looks wise and fragile.
Zip always looks like a very happy cat.
He is, and he makes me a pleased cat person..
Ah, yes, Mud Season is arriving. Don’t forget to Spring ahead Saturday night!