5 March

Dog And Cat Food Pouring In: Today’s Request For Pantry: Healthy Cereals, Urgent Item Is Clam Chowder.

by Jon Katz

Thanks for what Sarah calls “the excellent support for stocking the pantry with dog and cat food made possible by the Army of Good. This item is a big hit. So is the support you provided the last two days in stocking the hygience shelves (which were empty) with handsoaps and shampoo.

(Above, we filled the shelves with shampoo and hand wash.)

The Army of Good comes through again, including many animal lovers. For the first time, the pantry can stock some of the most requested items for at least two weeks, a significant step forward. Thanks.

Today, there have been more requests for help and healthy food that the pantry can stock for more than one service. Hand soaps and shampoo are both greatly appreciated. The good hygiene campaign, as is the dog and cat food project, is working.

Life Breakfast Cereal, Original, 13 Oz Boxes (3 Pack), $11.79.

Kellogg’s Cracklin’ Oat Bran Breakfast Cereal, Fiber Cereal, Family Sereal, Original (3 Boxes), $14.94.


Sarah’s urgent item for today:

Campbell’s Chunky Soup, New England Clam Chowder, 16.3 Oz. can (Case of 8), $17.20.

Another idea to consider:

Shopday 100 Pack Brown Kraft Paper Lunch Bags, 4 lb capacity, 5 X 2. X 95X9.45 inches, Fold Top, Disposable Brown, $8.99.


My research:  Although clam chowder is not a low-calorie soup, clams are a great source of lean protein rich in minerals, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Clams are high in iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. The chowder is sold out.

The newest trend in the Army of Good Pantry Support is people browsing the Amazon Pantry Support Wish List and making their own choices—often in a large box or two. This is great for the pantry families and feels good in times of stress and confusion. We thank you.

I hope you feel good about yourselves; you are angels to me and others.



The things we bought are below:

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