27 February

Video: “This Is Us:” Volume Number Two. How Aging Is Affecting Both Of Our Lives, And What We Will Do About It. Accepting Life

by Jon Katz

We usually do our video, “This Is Us,” on Fridays; we did it today because we are taking a three-day holiday (Cambridge Pantry excepted) starting tomorrow.  We’re going to a museum in Albany tomorrow, Friday, and resting, reading, and planning to talk about how we are dealing with the changes in our lives brought about by aging, mostly mine but Maria’s. As I get older and can do less physical work around the farm, a heavier load falls on Maria.

She loves it, but it is also tiring. We will discuss how to deal with it on our “holiday.” I won’t be blogging except for the Cambridge Pantry requests and needs; we will be reading, dining out, and, blessed of all, sleeping late. Thanks for your warm response to the videos and support for my dry, Lip-Smacked mouth. I’ll be posting as usual today.


  1. I am SO glad you are doing
    these weekly chats. I feel like I’m sitting at your table enjoying your company. I didn’t hear you lip-smacking, I was engrossed in what you were saying. Enjoying!

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