26 February

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm: White Hen Thrives,Temperatures Rise, Ice Starts To Melt

by Jon Katz

It was warm enough (32 degrees) for me to rush out and get some morning photos for the first time in several weeks. It felt great; Spring is definitely in the air. Above, the White Hen looks better by the day. Her feathers are puffing out; she is alert, hungry, and moving around more. We put a new hay bale in the stall.

Kim gets a unique grain every morning. She’s getting older, so Maria asks her to come into a stall, which she does. She tells the other sheep to stay out, which they do.



Zip and I have a meeting place in the morning.

Sheep feeding

Fate is ready, as always.



Morning sky.

Starting a fire, logs in the wood stove.

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