Spiritual practitioners don’t use much science or sophisticated research instruments. Once I got rid of some of my fear and anger, I found a bright and straightforward path to a powerful instrument to understand myself and experience reality as it is, not as other people’s prejudices, misconceptions, and political manipulations. I can’t say I’ve purified my mind, but I can say I am much more able to look deeply into the nature of reality.
Zip in Spring
gorgeous photos, Jon. Thank you for once again for bringing some light to my day!
Susan M
Your images of flowers today were, for me, especially soothing & uplifting Jon – thank you – I enjoy every image you share. And the image of zip made me smile lol Zip being zip as you say is himself and happily unique. It almost looks as tho he’s gazing in meditation but more likely a 🐿️ squeaked & drew his gaze 😊
Thanks again