“The moral, I suppose, would be that the first requirements for a heroic career are the knightly virtues of loyalty, temperament, and courage…And so, when the dragon is thoroughly dead, with all its “thou shalts” overcome, the lion is transformed into a child moving out of its nature, like a wheel impelled from its hub. No more rules to obey. No more rules derived from the historical needs and tasks of the local society, but the pure impulse to live the life of a flower…” Joseph Campbell, The Hero Journey.
I’ve shown loyalty, temperament a few times, and courage when necessary. When I left everything familiar, I moved to the country and bought a farm; I got divorced and found Maria, a magic helper. I hope to get all three of those heroic qualities at once before it’s too late.
This is a celebration of Spring when flowers lead. It’s close. I like the flower part. Thank God for winter; could I ever love Spring so much otherwise?