It’s almost up to 35 degrees, so I’ve resumed my afternoon together with Zip. I get cold, but not nearly as cold as it has been. We’ve resumed our usual after-meeting for scratching and communing. I missed this time.
Mostly, I scratch Zip’s head, and he curls up on my chest. We talk.
Last night, I took another uniquely “Fate” sleeping photo. She runs all day and sleeps like the dead, so I often check to ensure she isn’t dead.
The last one was what I call one of her “Pretzel” sleeps; she wraps herself around her bed in strange and unique ways.
Lordy, it looks like Fate fell into her bed/asleep mid-stride!
I can’t make head nor tail of this dog’s body. I think I see Fate’s right leg and part of her head. How it fits together I have no idea. Pretzel indeed.
Ouch. I know fate is comfy but just looking at her hurts, the mom in me wants to fix her position lol. ah well let sleeping dogs sleeping comfy alone. 🙂
Zip’s fur looks thick, soft, and luxurious. like stroking her fur would have the softest of velvet feeling against one’s fingers. I esp. love the feeling of an animals sun warm fur. mischievous and loving, Zip puts the zip, laughter, and joyful love into all our lives just through your blogs
I have become even more careful about who I let into
my ‘ home ‘ whether in person or through any sort of media.
My body, mind, and spiritual health are a blessing not to be taken for granted. it hasn’t been easy breaking free of the addiction of checking the media everyday but slowly step by step I have found not only much better ways to spend my time but I like myself again. Too much of the unhealthy stuff coming into my home was turning me inside out, in a constant mood toward myself and others I didn’t like. I wasn’t the real me I know myself to be. You and Maria through your blogs are always welcome into my home. You both give positive, meaningful, sunstance to me. Thank you both for your wonderful pictures, videos, esp.