20 February

Flower Art. Got A Bunch Of White Callas Today. Feed Happiness And Love, Not Suffering. Both Need To Eat.

by Jon Katz

My friend Sue got me another bunch of white and yellow callas today. Of course, I couldn’t resist. I worked with them and some roses and other things today. I’ve found my landmark, but it won’t be my only thing. I don’t want to do it over and get bored. Thanks for all your very kind messages about my flowers. The Calla Lilis have gotten to me.

When I was low and depressed after my divorce, a good friend, a pastor cautioned me to feed my love and happiness, not my suffering. This struck a nerve, and I started to do what he suggested. I stopped talking about divorce and complaining about it. I started feeding my happiness by thinking about it and giving thanks for what I had rather than pitying me for what I had lost. It was good advice. I still love it.

I feed my happiness every day, and I’ve left my suffering.  Even depression and sorrow need food to survive. So does hate. If I feed my anger and regret, my love will turn to hate. It did for a while. I learned that if my sadness and regress didn’t ease or go away, it’s because I feed it daily, three hearty meals. I tarved it, and only the happiness was except for the occasional moment. The flower photos feed my love and heart.



No flower stands alone.

I hear violins

Some flowers have egos.


A floral chorus.


Flowers stick together.


Bird Watch


I admire the woodpeckers; they never quit, give up, and never run.


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