7 February

Flower Art, In It’s Third Proud Year And Just Getting Started: Today, The Calla Lili Meets The Tulips And Falls In Love. No, This Won’t Be A Book. I Do It And Love It. I Do It For Me.

by Jon Katz

My life is about participating in the complicated art of finding myself—my soul, confidence, gifts, and flaws—and my life’s purpose. I don’t want to react and agonize; I want to start my next chapter.  I don’t mean to wait a few years until all the dust in the world settles, if ever. Politics will never define me and will always disappoint me. Nor will I ever accept any of the labels society wants to put on me.

I don’t need to be manipulated into hatred or fear for the sake of others; I can ruin myself without assistance. I see it this way: the world is waiting for me to give back to the best of my ability what I have been given.

The only way I know to do that is to follow my heart until my heart and goals are one, until I love what I do and do it well. I don’t look to strangers, ideologues, gurus, or people with anger on their souls to guide me or tell me what to write or do; the answers come from me and my often tested soul. What I do and what I love are the same, so are my heart and my abilities. The flower photos are something I do and love.  I’m beginning to do them well. I have a long way to go. They have become the same thing. I do it, and love it—every day.








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