4 February

Flower Art, Heading For It’s Third Year. My Flowers Look Luminous To Me. Come And See

by Jon Katz

I am luminous with age,”  wrote Meredel Le Seur.

Le Seur lived to be 96, and I can guess why.  Age never choked off his soul.  People who see themselves as luminous at any age hear with open ears and speak with a determined voice. These are the people with souls. I intend to be one of those people. My soul wants to come out.

A “soul” is considered, in most religious and philosophical contexts, to be the immaterial part of a person, often seen as the essence of their being, personality, and identity, which is believed to give life to the body and to some may even continue to exist after death;   it represents the spiritual aspect of a human being that encompasses their emotions, thoughts, and moral character. 

One of the things I like very much about getting older is that the soul emerges from hiding into the bright light of real life. I never paid much attention to my soul until I marched closer to old age. Souls speak loudly about the people who give life to living and those who don’t. People who live only for money or power are soulless. Spirituality is the search for the soul. It speaks very loudly and clearly to me now. It’s time. I am also luminous and grateful for it. My flowers and my wife are radiant; they have souls I can see and feel. It’s time. Souls never die, but they can go to sleep or hide. Just listen to the news. No, don’t.

I am luminous with age. The journey begins.












  1. Jon, your pictures are getting more beautiful by the year. I’ve never really looked at flowers the same way after seeing these beautiful, full of soul pictures. I picture them, in some photos,as pathways to the heart or petals leaning down and peering in our hearts and seeing deep inside our soul.

  2. Jon, oh you have a soul. As an empath, I don’t know how you contain all within it . My husband has read so many of your dogs’ stories, and read me quotes he thought I could emotionally handle. So many wonderful canine hearts and minds. Yaki, Asta, Meggie, Jasmine, Bucky, Aero and now Lily send you light. No need to print this. But thank you for your thoughts.

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