4 February

Finest Hours. Please Come And See What The Army Of Good Has Done In Just A Few Days. A River Of Love

by Jon Katz

Above, Sarah is unpacking the boxes of cereal you sent for the Backpack Program.  Barbara is tackling the wave of cereal boxes for the Back Pack kids. We have enough for next week as well. This was a landmark week for the Army of Good; you filled many empty shelves and enriched their food choices’ diet, range, and nature. The Backpack Program had no cereal; they are still unpacking what you sent. The soup kitchens, affected by the bitter cold, were empty. They are full now. The pantry had vast crowds last week, putting a massive dent in their shelves. We helped fill them up.

It was a joy to go in and see them today. Come and see for yourself what your generosity and kindness did. I’m not religious, but I left thinking of Jesus Christ’s message to help those with nowhere to go. You are doing that every day and keeping the spirit of good alive and well. You have made an enormous difference in the lives of hundreds of people. Sarah says you have come through. And more.


Barbara is unpacking the cereal boxes that are still arriving.


The soup shelf is whole again; it was empty two days ago. Thank you.


Meet Max, a 10th-grade student at Cambridge Central School who is a complex, dedicated, and valued volunteer. Feel free to send him a message.

Messages for the volunteers: You can send one from the Amazon Checkout Page. Thank you.

The shelves are filling up. The New York Pantry Bank truck also arrived today. It felt wonderful to be at the pantry with all this good happening; maybe they can have an easy week for once. Thanks, Army of Good. You did an enormous amount of good this week, brightening many lives.


The first bandaids are on the shelf. Thank you.

I need more soup for the empty shelf. It’s complete now and ready for service tomorrow. Thank you once more.

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