Jon: I’ve been skipping the news as well. It saddens me because I want to be informed, but my spirit cannot take the ugliness. I look forward to your posts every day. They are an oasis for my soul. — Blog Reader Donna.
Note: Speaking of Souls, Maria and I went to the doctor and signed a Do Not Resuscitate order. It’s time. It was a bit sad, but it also felt good. We had one a few years ago, but this is more detailed and up-to-date. It means if my heart stops, they can’t bring me back. Then we came home and blogged, and Maria went to her belly dancing class. I expect to be around, gassing for years. I’ve got a new mystery to read by the fire, and I am excited.
And then the big news – I have four beautiful new Callas. They came right out of the sky. Every day, I skip the news, a victory for my soul and spirit.
Today, I stopped by Sue Lamberti’s Cambridge Florist Shop. She was excited to see me.
“Hey,” she said, “look what I have. ” She pointed to a new delivery of beautiful Calla Flowers. I was so excited when I ran out of the store with them that I forgot to pay for them.
I’ll return tomorrow, get three more, and pay for them all. I got four today. What a happy surprise.
They are not the cheapest flowers, but they are the most evocative. They are full of mystery and shape.
I put them on a table in the afternoon sun and had a miraculous hour of joy, meaning, and creativity. I couldn’t stop smiling and taking photos. I was hungry in one way and could not stop eating.
There is something profoundly spiritual about these flowers, something Georgia O’Keeffe found as well, perhaps the only thing she and I have in common. She wasn’t the most likable person in the world, and I’m not either; I can’t imagine we would be friends. I am very grateful to her for introducing me to these flowers; they lift me, stir my heart, and bring to mind Donna’s “Oasis of the Soul” up above. It’s a beautiful idea, and it was no accident; I suspect they arrived today. Thanks to Sue for knowing how excited I would get. “I wasn’t worried about your paying,” she said, you are always here. True, true.
So here they are. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. More photos will be posted tomorrow—it’s Calla week. Callas somehow and in some way have become the heart of my spiritual work; I can’t explain it. I noticed that O’Keeffe couldn’t either. I don’t see how we would ever have been friends, but I would surely like to have met her.
When we lived in Dallas, we had Canna Lillies growing in our back yard. They were tall, sturdy plants that produced pretty red flowers. But they were always under attack from leaf roller caterpillars.
Your Calla photo’s never cease to amaze me! I always detested them (the plain white ones) and I ignored them growing wild in our yard……..but the colored ones….. seem to me, at least……to have more shape and form, especially through your eyes, and I see something in them now that I had not seen before… I love them! I think that could be considered personal growth on my part…..and I’m needing to embrace that right now more than ever. thank you Jon, for showing me the incentive to grow
Susan M
I love them too, Jon, the shape and the colour. I find them very sensuous.
One of my college professors was an intern for Georgia. One day Alexander Calder sent her one of his famous mobils. She looked it over and decided it was jewelry, so she wore it as a necklace. Every time my professor saw her wearing it he thought to himself, “oh, Georgia.” Ha,ha. I’m sure he kept that on the inside, though. That was Georgia—she did what she wanted.
Jon, I look forward to your flower photos each day. Callas are beautiful flowers, with their curvy lines and mysterious inner worlds. LOVE them!