Sarah is seeking two extremely inexpensive but in great demand (the pantry has none for its service) items, today asking for help in getting two very inexpensive things from the Pantry Amazon Wish List:
Amazon Fresh Condensed Tomato Soup, 10.75 Oz. $0.79.
Fresh Lemonade from Concentrate, 64 Fl. Oz, $3,19
(Agove, thanks for the cereal you sent last week for the backpackers.)
Thanks for helping get some warm meals in this week. The pantry backpack kids thank you—150 of them receive weekend support from the pantry and now from you. The temperature went below zero this morning, and the family pantry members are struggling with fuel, pipes, cars, and driving. Any help would be appreciated. For less than $4, you can help a family.
Please message the cold, tired, and hard-working volunteers at the Cambridge Food Pantry and thank them for their support. They appreciate you, and you understand them; that’s how it should work. They are grateful for your messages.
Reminder: you can access the Cambridge Amazon Food Pantry Wish List at any time by linking from here or the green pantry button at the bottom of every blog post
Sometimes items (like the granola bars this week) have a delivery date of a week from date of order. I go for “instant gratification” items that are on your list that can arrive the next day. Unpacking and shelving must be keeping you warm!
Thanks, Lisa. You should go for whatever items you wish. Thanks for it. I would appreciate you being appreciated. A bunch of granola bars came this afternoon; they arrived in time. Thanks for caring. Alas, nothing keeps me warm this week, and I don’t do any unpacking or shelving unless there is an emergency. My leg brace would not permit it. But I love working with those people; working with the pantry is a joy to me.