13 January

Beautiful Good Mornings At Our Farm, Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

It’s Sunday, January 12, and our lives and schedules change in the cold. I am finding wonderful new ways to say good morning on cold mornings like this one. Come along.


This is how Zinnia and Zip made friends and how they greet one another every morning.

This is Zip’s favorite thing in the morning. I enjoy doing it. It calms both of us down.

The morning birds are no longer afraid of me. They come in clusters and bring me a beautiful l good morning.


Zip hopes up on the gate when it’s below zero; his feet get cold, and it’s dry up there. We do our morning hello in every kind of weather.


A starling; I think (correct me, please, if I’m wrong) is waiting for me in the morning now. I sit down by the winter and we stare at one another.


  1. Jon – I’m never sure if I get the right meaning when reading your blog. Did you just mispell this birds name, did you spell it as you heard it or did you really think this bird is a starlike. Too the best of my knowledge it is a starling; somewhat annoying bird that chases other birds away around my feeders. They are mostly seen in flocks. I am always amused when I see them because they have such a unique walk.
    Keep posting your bird photos and call them whatever you like.😉

    1. Jill I know how you feel it’s either Dyslexia or confusion or age or another blip from my new A1 software scanner. I never quite know myself. I’d get used to it if I were you. You seem like you can handle it. Even I knew it was a starling. But it’s not a big deal to me. It canhappen anytime for any reason. Thanks for your kind words.

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