8 January

Photo Journal, Bedlam Farm, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. A Beautiful New Meditation. (Men With Bird Books Are Irritating. Go Read Them, I ‘m Not Interested.)

by Jon Katz

My morning bird meditations have become essential to my creative and spiritual life. Birds are amazing creatures—beautiful, athletic, intense, and enthusiastic. Watching them teaches me patience—they don’t hang around for long—but I am beginning to grasp some of their names with help.

At least I knew the Blue Jays, woodpeckers, and some finches. It’s a start, and thanks for your help, even the snotty men who keep writing and jeering at me for not buying bird books.

I tell them they are the ones with bird books; they are not high on my reading list. Message for you men with bird books: You can use them to identify the birds if you want to do something more valuable than being pompous and self-righteous. I’m not in middle school anymore, thank God. I don’t need to hear what the teachers think I should do.  Your messages remind me of them: Cluck, cluck, cluck. The lovely people help; they don’t hold their noses about it.

I was out in the cold and sitting on my ass in the living room while collecting these photos. There is something eerily comforting about them.








  1. As my father used to say about the type of people who foist advice on others who don’t ask for it or need it, “there’s an ass for every seat.”

    Have fun simply watching the birds. We do, too. Not everything needs to be be an encyclopedic endeavor.

  2. I love your bird and flower photos. I also love photographing birds. My best method is simply sitting in my living room on the couch, opening the window, and use my long lens to take photos of the birds at the stream. I sometimes, as joke, put a logo, “Couch Potato Photography,” on my photos.
    Your photography is getting better all the time!

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