This morning, Maria and I are off to Albany to see an exhibit of the works of the famed photographer Bernice Abbott and do other things. We’ll also be gone for most of the day; my foot brace needs to be checked and refurbished. Hopefully, I can get home in time for a few flower pictures. Later
I spent some time meditating this morning for a bit. If you know the bird’s name, please tell us on my blog post. Thanks, J
NOTE: (Well, I asked for it and got it; thanks. I was instantly (within seconds) told that this bird was a Tufted Titmouse. Nice to meet you.What a great name. Perhaps there is something in learning the names (but no thanks, I don’t want to or need another app to identify birds on the blog). That is wonderful, but it is not my idea of fun. Even in the digital age, I enjoy taking pictures and looking at the birds, not reaching for my phone to get another app, flower, bird, or plant identified within seconds. It would clutter my brain with more things I won’t remember and further an addiction to an Iphone. I’m letting go of that. Instead, I’d take pictures, look at the sky, or sit with Zip or Zinnia. I’m now deleting as many apps as possible to keep my head from spinning. Just because I can doesn’t mean I should. I appreciate learning the names, though; it seems worthwhile to me and will hopefully stick over time. Thanks. I hope to post bird photos daily and I like knowing the name even if I have trouble remembering them. Please help me with that and thanks.)
Tufted titmouse.
Tufted titmouse!
The bird is a Tufted Titmouse.
You need a NY Bird Book
I’m sorry, Dave. You don’t know me, and that book is nowhere near my needs list. I don’t need the names of the birds; I like to take their photos. You’re welcome to name them any time. You have the New York Bird Book, I gather. Jump in any time? The blog is free. If I needed that book, I’d have it.