At some point, there will be too many birds at the feeder for me to remember or name. Maria helped me out this morning. I know what a Chickadee looks like; they are my morning friends and no longer flee at the sight of me. Maria named the Nuthatch.
Birds are teaching me things, first about birds and then about learning to be patient. I love this; they also drive my Leica crazy—more learning, which is always good.
Jon- I think I’m seeing a different picture than ou describe. The picture I see is of an adorable titouse. I hope I get t see the one of the nuthatch as well. They are so ausing as they try to hang upside down on the feeder since this is their natural position for eating. (L)L)
Well, this is why i never name birds themselves, I have no idea what any of them are called, I just like what they look like? 🙂
I was going to say the same – Tufted Titmouse are my favorites.
So far I’ve had four different opinions on what these birds are. Since I don’t know the names of birds, I don’t have an opinion, so I’ll just leave it where it is and people can state their own views of they wish. I think I’ll go back to not trying to name the birds, it’s just a headache and distracts from their beauty and grace, which is the point for me.
It is a Tufted Titmouse
You are correct Jill, it is a Tufted Tit Mouse