24 December

Merry Christmas To All Of You From Bedlam Farm. We Love Our Lives And You Are A Huge Part Of It

by Jon Katz

Maria took this photo this morning while Zip and I were taking pictures, and it says a lot.  I’ll be brief and to the point. Merry Christmas, and thanks.


    1. Merry Christmas
      Jon, Maria, the entire Bedlam Farm Family
      Thank you for sharing your journey.
      Through your writing I have become richer in so many ways.
      God Bless you all.

  1. Peaceful holiday to you and Maria, Jon…….as well as peace to your animal kingdom too! Thank you for enriching my life every day in so many ways……… I am thankful for that more than my words can express.
    sending love to you all
    Susan M

  2. Merry Christmas To you and Maria and all your wonderful four legged family! Thank you for all the years of joyful reflections, thought provoking ideas and generosity that you’ve shared with so many of us- Sending love to you all!

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